View Full Version : whats pissed you off today?

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12-05-12, 11:13 PM
was quite merrily driving to Horsham today on my way to meet some mates for lunch, upon rounding a corner i had to come to almost a complete stop to avoid plowing through a group of lycra clad freaks on overpriced peddly bikes taking up the entire sodding road, and despite being very aware of my presence (due to the use of my horn) they refused to move and let me pass i continued to follow them for no less then 4 miles at 15 miles and hour! roads are for cars, we pay road tax and insurance cyclists do not! rant over,

so what pissed you guys off today?

12-05-12, 11:22 PM
you could have quite easily pushed them out the way

****ing piece of **** audi A4 is pissing me off. its a 1.8 20v turbo engine that went bang so got another assuming they would all be roughly the same!!!! they are not, not a single thing is the same so now having to source everything off a 1.9tdi......yes the 1.9 diesel engine is the same but not another 1.8. seriously what the ****

12-05-12, 11:27 PM
was quite merrily driving to Horsham today on my way to meet some mates for lunch, upon rounding a corner i had to come to almost a complete stop to avoid plowing through a group of lycra clad freaks on overpriced peddly bikes taking up the entire sodding road, and despite being very aware of my presence (due to the use of my horn) they refused to move and let me pass i continued to follow them for no less then 4 miles at 15 miles and hour! roads are for cars, we pay road tax and insurance cyclists do not! rant over,

so what pissed you guys off today?

They really do take the pi*s. I get stuck behind 1 every morning on my way to work!

Lets just say he doesnt get alot of room when i pass him!

However whats pis*ed me off today is a company called "on the beach" the people my holidays booked with!

Im flying to corfu on thursday and they just told me my hotels closed so they offered me a crappy holiday in a mostly german resort or we can upgrade for the cost of 250 squid!

Nowt like 4 days notice!:mad:

12-05-12, 11:31 PM
My fecking barstard retard of a fuking ex of a mrs I have to see so I can see my daughter. What a ****ing waste of space she is!! She needs a massive kick in the Kunt!!!!massive kick in the KUNT!!!!:mad:

12-05-12, 11:37 PM
and morris dancers I HATE MORRIS DANCERS!

12-05-12, 11:50 PM
and morris dancers I HATE MORRIS DANCERS!

lol lol lol lol

12-05-12, 11:59 PM
Riding my pedal bike around minding my own and some ****ing **** face knob head starts beeping at me Wtf!!!!!!

13-05-12, 12:03 AM
come on how can ya not hate them?

13-05-12, 12:04 AM
Riding my pedal bike around minding my own and some ****ing **** face knob head starts beeping at me Wtf!!!!!!


13-05-12, 12:05 AM
People who use text typing and no punctuation....

13-05-12, 12:07 AM
Riding my pedal bike around minding my own and some ****ing **** face knob head starts beeping at me Wtf!!!!!!

This, it winds me up no end when people assume that all bikers are nobs, yes some do themselves no favours by how and where they ride, but i get people beeping at me and demanding i move out of their way, why should i, i have just as much right to ride my bike on the road as they have to be on the road in their cars!

Ive had the old 'i pay my road tax' bollox shouted at me before, my response was 'who cares, ive got two cars so ive paid twice the road tax you have so I have more right to be here on my bike than you' lol

13-05-12, 12:08 AM
People called Stuart lol

13-05-12, 12:10 AM
Thats fair enough but the guy i pass in the morning rides in the middle of the road on a single track lane because its very bumpy at the sides!

So really its the councils fault for not maintaining the roads! lol

13-05-12, 12:12 AM
Thats fair enough but the guy i pass in the morning rides in the middle of the road on a single track lane because its very bumpy at the sides!

So really its the councils fault for not maintaining the roads! lol

Like i say, some really do themselves no favours at all and seem to be asking to be mown down tbf lol

And yes, it is the councils fault for not spending what was the 'road fund' licence, on the fecking road:wtf:

13-05-12, 12:14 AM
the individual cyclist is fine a few of my mates chose that way of life. But its the groups that refuse to ride single file that get me.

13-05-12, 12:17 AM
A pedal bike has the right to take up as much room as a car on the road if they choose to ride to one side you should be grateful

13-05-12, 12:23 AM
turbolocks, you have just hit the nail on the head....

a cyclist is allowed to take the space of a car...

several cyclists are thus not allowed to bumble along three abreast.... they are meant to be either in single file or in an overtaking manoeuvre.

today nobody pissed me off... the pikeys came round in their transit pickup first off with the recording of the trumpet playing followed by someone yawping 'um-by-ah'(its meant to be 'do you have any scrap iron?') and my middlest daughter had got the aerosol fog horn out & blasted it thru the letterbox & shouted 'NO WE HAVEN'T' that kept me laughing for about 3 hrs.....

then i managed to get my stepdads new disabled scooter to fit in his boot, then spent the afternoon on my nova, followed by going to an old friends 40th birthday pissup... its been a good day.

13-05-12, 12:31 AM
mowgli you have a very good point, i like your thinking.

13-05-12, 12:38 AM
your don't by any chance live in North wales do you Mowgli? we have someone doing the same lol

erm, my brake lines are too short for my car....that is all

13-05-12, 12:40 AM
jon, the pikeys that come to hinckley run from a base near cannock, and they run all over the country... they all use the same audio tape.

13-05-12, 01:23 AM
Woman drivers.

I have plenty of examples of them being exceptionally stupid.

Like today, I nearly get taken out by a woman driving a pisrat estate coming out onto a roundabout right in front of me. I wouldn't mind but you have to give way to the right... Good job my brakes work otherwise she would have got a facefull of my grill... She got swore at quite profusely...

13-05-12, 01:29 AM
a while back i was carrying a large box thru a doorway into an office & these really fat bruisers (female) were coming the other way, and got all upset, as i turned my back to the door, used my elbow to open the latch, and turned round, pushing the door open.... one says to the other 'what ever happened to ladies first?' so i replied, 'you got the vote'

13-05-12, 01:29 AM
What annoyed me today....

Fitted a replacement starter to the FTO.

Started up car to hear some rattly crap around the bell housing.
Flywheel has all its teeth so nothing wrong there but felt vibrations through the clutch pedal.
Turned it off and pumped the pedal.
Turned it back on to more rattling... then all of a sudden rattling gone and a smooth sounding engine.
Put it in first and drove forwards, put it in reverse and drove backwards.

Sweet I thought, sure there's probably bits of clutch or summot else kicking around in the bottom of the bell housing but at least the engine isn't wrecked.

Crap, was that smoke coming from the dash... ****, yes it is.

Sooooooooooo my noob mistake is really starting to piss me off.

13-05-12, 01:30 AM
I don't cycle myself but if I did, I'd be riding on the middle of the lane I was using. Iirc it doesn't actually say much in the highway code about road positioning on a bicycle ( although I stand corrected if I'm wrong ). Start to treat cyclist with the same respect you'd treat motorbike-ists, assuming of course you don't try to intimidate them when overtaking by pushing them into the kerb. I imagine most cyclists own at least one car, which is irrelevant anyway as car tax has fcuk all to do with the roads. Do you scream at people with tax exempt vehicles or motorists who pay less tax each year than you?

Also from my recollections of a bike being pretty much hanging out my hole to the age of around 15/16, riding a bike at the very edge of the road with no suspension, and through the mountains of rubbish/bottles/car debris/wheel trims etc etc is not very safe nor pleasant. The closer a bike is to the kerb the less likely you will be able to steer.

So rather than be a dangerous driver and end up getting yourself into any bother, calm down, treat cyclists like all other road users and give them plenty of space. Ok, you may be 30 seconds later on your journey, but you'll not give your self a heart attack and both you and car will arrive safe and in one piece.

Edit- sorry for the essay, and of course some cyclists are absolute cnuts that don't pay enough attention to vehicles around them. :thumb:

13-05-12, 01:36 AM
When cyclists pay insurance I'll give them the above respect.

A mate of mine had a knob head 16 year old boy ride out in front of him the other day.
No one was killed but his car is badly damaged and guess who has to pay to fix it.... he does.

13-05-12, 01:46 AM
I know cyclists have no insurance..... one of several reasons why I tend to give them plenty of room if I'm getting the bill for a mistake caused by me or them.

There would be a whole lot less accidents and insurance claims if everyone on the road would calm down.... What ever happened to care and consideration to all other road users.

13-05-12, 01:57 AM
There would be a whole lot less accidents and insurance claims if everyone on the road would calm down.... What ever happened to care and consideration to all other road users.

Agree with that completely.

13-05-12, 09:36 AM
Cyclists do pay road tax though - that all comes from general taxation, car drivers pay ved. But do agree with the insurance aspect.

Oh and nothing's pissed me off today

13-05-12, 10:13 AM
nothing has pissed me off today yet but im sure summit will end up grinding my gears lol

13-05-12, 10:56 AM
Im no lycra cladded biker lol, but when me and my mates go for a ride, we have to take up at least half the road, otherwise people treat like where not there and skim you at like 40 mph, sometimes by only a few cm, which is dangerous as fook, at least if your in the middle of the lane, they have to carry out a overtaking procedure. Not like we have a choice, the local plod hand out £30 fines if your using the pathway, so its a lose lose situation, cant be on the road or on the path lol. Not saying that all cyclists are good, as there are a fair share of c0cks especially the ones wearing lycra condom suits lol, but just saying, abit of patience doesn't kill anyone, impatience does.

13-05-12, 11:08 AM
i have to buy another fcuking lottery ticket for this week!

13-05-12, 02:41 PM
my car that wont start so have to walk home poxy nova :(

13-05-12, 02:55 PM
schumacher's attempt at blaming senna pissed me off.......

13-05-12, 03:01 PM
These little barstewards crapping everywhere in the workshop.


13-05-12, 03:14 PM
Everything, ever.

13-05-12, 03:53 PM
The **** at GM who decided it was a good idea to use allen head bolts to hold the hubs on rear beams. ****ing halfwit.

13-05-12, 04:38 PM
My new work computer can't be unlocked like the old one so no more free internet!!!!!!!

13-05-12, 05:15 PM
Manchester City winning the title...

13-05-12, 05:36 PM
Stupid morons joining a motorway at 40 and then stoping at the end of the slip road, then shouting at me for the abuse i give them and people who sit in the middle lane with nothing in the inside lane ****ing morons

thanks all feel better now

13-05-12, 05:56 PM
a string of insults about our nova (including a choice swear word) in a public area
........... and the worst part about it was that it was not from a Ford club member ....................but a member who had brought a nova ( in png clothing)

...... the word unbelievable springs to mind

13-05-12, 06:02 PM
a string of insults about our nova (including a choice swear word) in a public area
........... and the worst part about it was that it was not from a Ford club member ....................but a member who had brought a nova ( in png clothing)

...... the word unbelievable springs to mind

Come again?

13-05-12, 06:03 PM
a string of insults about our nova (including a choice swear word) in a public area
........... and the worst part about it was that it was not from a Ford club member ....................but a member who had brought a nova ( in png clothing)

...... the word unbelievable springs to mind

and this would be whom????

13-05-12, 06:17 PM
are you suggesting i name and shame ??
I would add that we went independently and have had never met but I know who the member is as I had already seen the car parked up

and this would be whom????

13-05-12, 06:19 PM
Name and shame lol lol


13-05-12, 06:21 PM
Why wouldn't you name them then they can explain them selfs

13-05-12, 06:57 PM
it's odd because we normally stand round at nova meets & insult our own cars & then call ourselves names for buying such a pile of crap

13-05-12, 07:04 PM
What pissed me off today was seeing the results from Saturday's rally and having my ass handed to me by a group of Skoda's . Bad day in the drivers seat must do better.

13-05-12, 07:32 PM
My misses wearing diamontee studs in her jeans whilst leaning against the car!!


13-05-12, 07:40 PM
I expect nothing less at the Nats next week

This was something very different

it's odd because we normally stand round at nova meets & insult our own cars & then call ourselves names for buying such a pile of crap

13-05-12, 07:43 PM
My misses wearing diamontee studs in her jeans whilst leaning against the car!!

i can't believe you are as calm as you are....... if my missus had done this, the 24hr solicitor would be involved...

13-05-12, 07:44 PM
Come on spill the beans who was it/does your car have a massive ugly towbar attached to it ??

13-05-12, 07:45 PM
hey watch it, i've just fitted a towbar to mine & am bringing a NOS saloon towbar to the nats for bluepeg......

13-05-12, 07:47 PM
i can't believe you are as calm as you are....... if my missus had done this, the 24hr solicitor would be involved...

I'm too laid back!!

It's only a piece of tin at the end of the day though lol

Got it like this in the end though so I'm back to chilled out ha ha


13-05-12, 07:47 PM
hey watch it, i've just fitted a towbar to mine & am bringing a NOS saloon towbar to the nats for bluepeg......

knew you would bite lol

13-05-12, 07:50 PM
tj, i wish i had known about the location of your nova on friday, i drove past the end of the road to that place with my scania hiab wagon..... i could have fetched it for you

13-05-12, 07:51 PM
a string of insults about our nova (including a choice swear word) in a public area
........... and the worst part about it was that it was not from a Ford club member ....................but a member who had brought a nova ( in png clothing)

...... the word unbelievable springs to mind

This was at your car show??? who was it?

13-05-12, 07:55 PM
tj, i wish i had known about the location of your nova on friday, i drove past the end of the road to that place with my scania hiab wagon..... i could have fetched it for you

It's not even there allegedly!!!!! I'm going to have fun up there next week, hopefully ruin his week :)

13-05-12, 07:57 PM
It's not even there allegedly!!!!! I'm going to have fun up there next week, hopefully ruin his week :)

Are you going to sneak in and pish in his kettle while he's not there?

13-05-12, 07:59 PM
Are you going to sneak in and pish in his kettle while he's not there?


13-05-12, 08:01 PM
i don't suppose you've considered getting an expert to disconnect his electric??? lol

13-05-12, 08:05 PM
i don't suppose you've considered getting an expert to disconnect his electric??? lol

It would be a shame if some one obtained his home address phoned transco and had his gas disconnected at the street

13-05-12, 08:22 PM
Water and gas don't mix lol the street will need dug up for that

13-05-12, 08:42 PM
Fuel tanks, fuel pumps. smell of fuel price of fuel.

13-05-12, 08:46 PM
Water and gas don't mix lol the street will need dug up for that

Yep and over a grand to be reconnected :) but I'm not going to do any of that just going.to go have a chat and try and sort it all out

13-05-12, 09:39 PM
Stupid morons joining a motorway at 40 and then stoping at the end of the slip road, then shouting at me for the abuse i give them and people who sit in the middle lane with nothing in the inside lane ****ing morons

thanks all feel better now under taking them usually gets the message accross

My misses wearing diamontee studs in her jeans whilst leaning against the car!!

i would have gone funking mental

13-05-12, 09:51 PM
people that quote something then simply add 'this'

/me awaits this

13-05-12, 10:01 PM

lol sorry i had to

13-05-12, 10:09 PM

lol sorry i had to

You didn't quote it you fail

13-05-12, 10:09 PM

lol sorry i had toyou failed, he said people who quote and then put just this

13-05-12, 10:10 PM
You didn't quote it you fail


13-05-12, 10:10 PM

lol sorry i had to

is a fail

13-05-12, 10:11 PM


13-05-12, 10:24 PM



13-05-12, 10:27 PM

lol sorry i had to

is a fail




Everyones starting stealing my internetz phrase now then have they lol lol

13-05-12, 10:27 PM


13-05-12, 10:32 PM


13-05-12, 10:39 PM

13-05-12, 10:40 PM


13-05-12, 10:53 PM
Everyones starting stealing my internetz phrase now then have they lol lol


13-05-12, 10:56 PM
These and those, no one knows.

13-05-12, 11:31 PM
Nothing pisses me off

13-05-12, 11:43 PM
just remembered how many cars i have in bits at work and how little work everyone else does.

SR Kyle
18-05-12, 09:45 AM
im lying in bed surfing the net with my wireless keyboard and the misuss is cleaning up and she just seemsto be floating infront of the tv on pourpose to wind me up thats whats pissing me off

18-05-12, 10:53 AM
a string of insults about our nova (including a choice swear word) in a public area
........... and the worst part about it was that it was not from a Ford club member ....................but a member who had brought a nova ( in png clothing)

...... the word unbelievable springs to mind

This was at your car show??? who was it?

Yeah, I'd also like to know who this was please. Via PM.

18-05-12, 12:01 PM
Rusty ruddy sills! Looks like I need to get them fixed up before going to any shows.


18-05-12, 06:24 PM
MOT time. Not that it needs alot, I just generally hate it with a passion

18-05-12, 07:30 PM
having to leave my nice warm bed this moring to go boring work :mad:

18-05-12, 11:37 PM
having to stay late at work to put a car back together, despite not having anything to do with the job because people work to ****ing slow!

18-05-12, 11:53 PM
One thing that sort of has an effect on me when I'm driving along in a 40 or 60 and it changes to 30 and the person in front doesn't slow down and speeds through a built up area. I feel it's my job to try and slow them down

19-05-12, 12:22 AM
Overworked, underpaid, profesionals who are clearly not, being ripped off and frustrated!

Why am I saying this....I am reasonably healthy just enjoyed a great meal, nice company and a few dozen drinks. The other stuff is just all rubbish.

19-05-12, 12:18 PM
my nova not statrting so i cant go to nats week end :(

19-05-12, 02:19 PM
Fitting a new gearbox with all new seals last weekend and the bugger is constantly dripping transmission oil everywhere!

19-05-12, 02:23 PM
Repainted my kitchen yesterday and the paint reacted strange so I have to sand the whole ****ing thing down and do it again!!

19-05-12, 02:48 PM
Test patch ftw lol

19-05-12, 02:50 PM
It was only ment to be a quick job :'( and it still never got me sex even tho I clean up after myself aswell

19-05-12, 03:29 PM
I told you I've just felt too tired recently, sheesh.

What has also annoyed me is smelling like transmission fluid for the past two weeks, the stench is only just clearing my garage

19-05-12, 03:59 PM
Everything today!!!!!!
1 couldn't get my Astra re-tested in time
2 the post office shutting at 12 so I couldn't tax the Astra if id have fixed it an got it tested
3 the scrapyard for cracking the sump on the engine I bought from them and picked up today
4 the tile shop for selling me 2 mm tile spacers instead of 3mm like I fecking asked for
5 All the kunts on the road for driving so fecking slow when I'm in a rush
6 the rear shocker on the Astra for deciding to snap on the way for the re-test!!!
7 the ex just for being a KUNT as usual
8 the scrapyard again for then not giving me the transponder and chip like I asked and then charging me an extra £20 for them!!!
9 everything
10 everyone
11 the government for putting the tax up!! Now £75 on the nova!!!!
12 just because
13 I can't pick up the car dolly tmoz now as I can't bring it back with the nova!!!

...........aaaaaand breathe drink many fosters and eat chocolate.

19-05-12, 04:19 PM
I told you I've just felt too tired recently, sheesh.

What has also annoyed me is smelling like transmission fluid for the past two weeks, the stench is only just clearing my garage

You have a GARAGE to work on your TRACKDAY CAR them two things would keep me happy lol

19-05-12, 04:24 PM
drink many fosters and eat chocolate.

19-05-12, 05:54 PM
Everything today!!!!!!
1 couldn't get my Astra re-tested in time
2 the post office shutting at 12 so I couldn't tax the Astra if id have fixed it an got it tested
3 the scrapyard for cracking the sump on the engine I bought from them and picked up today
4 the tile shop for selling me 2 mm tile spacers instead of 3mm like I fecking asked for
5 All the kunts on the road for driving so fecking slow when I'm in a rush
6 the rear shocker on the Astra for deciding to snap on the way for the re-test!!!
7 the ex just for being a KUNT as usual
8 the scrapyard again for then not giving me the transponder and chip like I asked and then charging me an extra £20 for them!!!
9 everything
10 everyone
11 the government for putting the tax up!! Now £75 on the nova!!!!
12 just because
13 I can't pick up the car dolly tmoz now as I can't bring it back with the nova!!!

...........aaaaaand breathe drink many fosters and eat chocolate.

Number 7 haha

19-05-12, 05:54 PM
Fitting a new gearbox with all new seals last weekend and the bugger is constantly dripping transmission oil everywhere!

I know how you feel. Just replaced the clutch & release bearing on the Sport as it was noisey. Could not remove the mainshaft as it's a SCCR box so one of the lads at work said remove the cluster instead of the whole box. Did it that way and rebuilt it all, the clutch is fine but now the gearbox is making a horrible noise :( Soooo piissed off. Just left it on the ramp at work and came home, another job to sort :mad:

19-05-12, 06:20 PM
I give up give one simple job to do and she ****s it up the kitchen can stay how it is just two painted walls

Should never have left down south

19-05-12, 07:48 PM
Number 7 haha

hahaha number 7, they are all Kunts

weather pissed me off wanted to sort my garage out

20-05-12, 12:21 AM
Bit my lip this morning, then dropped a mug on the bridge of my foot at lunch time which still f***ing hurts now, and I've just bit my sodding lip in the same place again!!

This....is what pissed me off today.

Rick Draper
20-05-12, 01:39 AM
A top six club at best winning the champions league. That has ****ed me off for weeks and weeks and weeks. Scum of the earth ****s like Terry lifting the trophy.

20-05-12, 06:51 AM
people who aren't chelsea fans getting upset about them winning it, when in fact, they'd sell their soul for their own team to be in the same position..

Also woodland birds chirping at this hour

20-05-12, 09:05 AM
People going on about football........it's ****!

20-05-12, 09:05 AM
And censorship

20-05-12, 10:58 AM
A top six club at best winning the champions league. That has ****ed me off for weeks and weeks and weeks. Scum of the earth ****s like Terry lifting the trophy.
Clearly a man utd fan.
Unlucky haha

20-05-12, 11:02 AM
^ F lol personally I thought it was a good final and worth watching

20-05-12, 11:22 AM
It was fukking brilliant,forget rivalry between clubs,an english team won the european cup beating a GERMAN team! whats wrong with folk!
The moment drogba stepped up i knew they would win,he is simply world class at the right time,every time!
Whole pub i was in erupted when he scored

Alex J
20-05-12, 11:32 AM
football is gay.

20-05-12, 11:34 AM
5 year long relationship looking like its coming to a end and if it does I'm stuck in the middle of the ****ing country were I know no one, life is great.

Alex J
20-05-12, 11:36 AM
move to essex, its REEM here lol

20-05-12, 01:44 PM
Good man nice to someone with a bit of sense

20-05-12, 04:17 PM
5 year long relationship looking like its coming to a end and if it does I'm stuck in the middle of the ****ing country were I know no one, life is great.

Dont worry about it kid,lived here 5 years,still have no friends here.

20-05-12, 04:20 PM
football is gay.
Essex cant play football,they can only do burnouts,wear white jeans,look orange and stick on diamonds to their bellies using double sided tape lol lol lol

20-05-12, 04:26 PM
That program is full of mega ASW's, full of plastic, botox, talking utter crap, covered in a weeks wages worth of slap ffs

20-05-12, 04:36 PM
football is gay.

I was going to rep you for that comment....

move to essex, its REEM here lol

But then saw that one, and now need to neg you so I'm glad I didn't lol

20-05-12, 04:47 PM
Dont worry about it kid,lived here 5 years,still have no friends here.

Just talked to her she is saying that she didn't like how I reacted to the whole kids situation a few months back I'm not going to apologise for saying I'm not ready to have kids, I'm just going to drink till I pass out and hope I don't smell of beer in peoples houses tomorrow.

20-05-12, 04:57 PM
I'm just going to drink till I pass out and hope I don't smell of beer in peoples houses tomorrow.
I know that all too well and how to get around it etc.
Doesnt really solve owt though.

21-05-12, 01:15 PM
Leaving my wallet at home... so no lunch for me today :-(

Slipping clutch 4 days before one of the best Jap shows this year... Rising Sun.
It's a 3 hour drive to get to.... will it make it? will it even make it to work all week?

22-05-12, 06:58 PM
still waiting for poxy wipers :(

22-05-12, 07:52 PM
Yesterday but, shortly after receiving a phone call and leaving work explaining I needed to go because my Mum had been in a car accident and we had no idea where she was or in what condition, I actually got asked if I'd be gone all day!

22-05-12, 07:57 PM
Yesterday but, shortly after receiving a phone call and leaving work explaining I needed to go because my Mum had been in a car accident and we had no idea where she was or in what condition, I actually got asked if I'd be gone all day!
Employers, modern day slave drivers. Hope all was well in the end.

22-05-12, 08:04 PM
today, nothing as it's my birthday :)

but yesterday, I was rather p*ssed off when some little scrote put a football through my landing window :mad: lol

22-05-12, 08:44 PM
Yesterday but, shortly after receiving a phone call and leaving work explaining I needed to go because my Mum had been in a car accident and we had no idea where she was or in what condition, I actually got asked if I'd be gone all day!
I wouldnt be going back to a job,i would be going back to my cell after a comment like that.

22-05-12, 08:49 PM
Bloody work! First day back after 2 weeks off sick. Tried calling numerous times this morning to check I was in at my usual time, no one answered. Got to work and got moaned at because they'd changed my hours and I was late. Was then given all the jobs involving going up and down 2 flights of stairs and ladders despite the fact it sets off my vertigo.

Eta- happy birthday Lewis :thumb: and hope your mum is okay MK :)

22-05-12, 09:45 PM
Mum is fine thankfully, just annoyed her car is almost certainly a write off, aunt who I wasn't aware was in the car at first is worse off as she suffers with a bad back anyway but essentially 'alright'.

My notice was handed in first thing this morning.

22-05-12, 09:56 PM
Mum is fine thankfully, just annoyed her car is almost certainly a write off, aunt who I wasn't aware was in the car at first is worse off as she suffers with a bad back anyway but essentially 'alright'.

My notice was handed in first thing this morning.
Glad theyre ok.
I wouldnt have bothered with notice,fukk that.
Employers are just ars3holes these days,no respect for workforce anymore,i will never work for anybody ever again.

22-05-12, 10:04 PM
Ryanair site crashing just as I booked my flights next week...... On the plus side I've discovered the top gear folks will be at Pagani next week too :)

22-05-12, 11:07 PM
Glad theyre ok.
I wouldnt have bothered with notice,fukk that.
Employers are just ars3holes these days,no respect for workforce anymore,i will never work for anybody ever again.

That's what most people have said to be fair, but I'd rather do it right and not step out of line in return. Especially as it's actually my placement year and overseen by lecturers etc, although they've been very understanding throughout the year.

23-05-12, 01:57 AM
Couriers who leave parcels with neighbors and then dont put a card through the door so you have no idea they have it! ****ers!

23-05-12, 06:30 AM
Am I the only one that thinks asking how long you'll be gone for a sensible question? Obviously if they demand you back after a couple of hours they are being cnuts and I would tell them to get funked. Guess it depends how it was said.

And Tan, if your job involves going up and down ladders and you don't like going up and down ladders surely you are the wrong job? lol

Unfortunately there are more workers than jobs out there so the employer has the power these days.

23-05-12, 06:56 AM
Taking the ERF for MOT, passed everything except the tachograph needed it's 6 yr check:mad: (which we don't use as it is for private use/non commercial)
Back in today for its certificate and £60 lighter on top of the £157 test Fee:mad:

23-05-12, 07:25 AM
Am I the only one that thinks asking how long you'll be gone for a sensible question? Obviously if they demand you back after a couple of hours they are being cnuts and I would tell them to get funked. Guess it depends how it was said.

And Tan, if your job involves going up and down ladders and you don't like going up and down ladders surely you are the wrong job? lol

Unfortunately there are more workers than jobs out there so the employer has the power these days.

It's not that I don't like ladders lol it's only since being pregnant that it's happened.

23-05-12, 08:43 AM
It's not that I don't like ladders lol it's only since being pregnant that it's happened.

I trust they have epic liability insurance if you fell off a ladder while pregnant.......

Calamity Josh
23-05-12, 08:53 AM
GCSE EXAMS...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::m ad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

23-05-12, 12:37 PM
GCSE EXAMS...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::m ad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
You dont know you're fukking born lad!!

23-05-12, 12:54 PM
lol Andy

School is a right toss off and GCSEs are like a holiday...3 months off and only go in for a handful of exams

23-05-12, 12:54 PM
Exams lol I never even tried for my standard grades, turned up finished as fast I could then onto my bmx and home for some playstation Gta :cool:

23-05-12, 12:56 PM
Nothings pissed me off today...yet lol

23-05-12, 01:03 PM
Nothings pissed me off today...yet lol
Get me some beer and I'll sort that out for you lol

23-05-12, 01:14 PM
Get me some beer and I'll sort that out for you lol

lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol

Mrs Hobbit
23-05-12, 01:22 PM
Having missed the postie today as he rang the doorbell the second I sat down on the loo :(

Calamity Josh
23-05-12, 02:49 PM
lol Andy

School is a right toss off and GCSEs are like a holiday...3 months off and only go in for a handful of exams

26 exams.... :(

23-05-12, 03:24 PM
Is that normal?

Calamity Josh
23-05-12, 03:40 PM
Is that normal?

above average

23-05-12, 03:50 PM
26 exams.... :(
:eek: What the hell are schools doing to you kids these days lol

I had about 10 GCE exams back in the day lol oh and a caine if out of line lol

23-05-12, 03:54 PM
Spell your name right and get a grade,unbelievable

23-05-12, 04:12 PM
I remember being in music class and for some reason the plug sockets were behind the seats so on keyboard day I stood up and on the way out tripped over a load of keyboard adapters ripping 4 of the keyboard wires right out the adapters lol I quickly swapped them and hide the broken ones in the store room

23-05-12, 05:31 PM
Keyboard day wasn't around for me back when I was in school, we had recorder afternoons lol

23-05-12, 06:26 PM
Spell your name right and get a grade,unbelievable

From what ive seen, even that would be a struggle for some :eek:

23-05-12, 07:51 PM
From what ive seen, even that would be a struggle for some :eek:
But you do get a grade though just for that,i was told by teachers only if you dont write your name do you get unclassified lol

Back on topic,my french VOSA magnets rear beam is fukked!!! Hurray!!!,Hurray!!!what a wonderful day!!!!!!

23-05-12, 07:57 PM
Rounded off head for the lower strut. Dremmal (what ever there called) was out of battery so I had to knacker another socket to get it off lol
All fun and games.

23-05-12, 08:23 PM
Am I the only one that thinks asking how long you'll be gone for a sensible question? Obviously if they demand you back after a couple of hours they are being cnuts and I would tell them to get funked. Guess it depends how it was said.

Literally as I'm rushing out the door in a panic, half on the phone, because we have no idea where or how my Mum is, "I need to go NOW, my mums been in a car accident" "oh, um.... ok, will you be gone all day?"

I wasn't exactly up for discussing timescales on when I can get back to earn my £1.50 an hour when I wasn't sure if my Mum was ok or dead.

23-05-12, 08:53 PM
1. as someone who has employed people, and had my fair share of strange reasons for them to leave work at short notice.....i can see why they asked.. an employer employs you to do work. thus, if you aren't going to be there, then the work needs covering...sorry if it sound like lacking compassion, but employment is like that.
2. you received a phone call at work telling you that she'd been in an accident, and the person on the other end of the phone didn't tell you how bad the accident was... did she get admitted to a&e?? what could you actually do to help?? etc... it sounds like a certain amount of over reaction, as she was ok, but your aunt with a bad back got off worse.. did you have the full day off??
my mrs had her car speared by a truck & dragged down the road.. she was shaken up but pretty much ok, my boss wouldn't let me leave early as there wasn't anything i could do about it, she'd called recovery, and was on her way home. i was upset, but soldiered on till i could leave, then set off at speed. maybe us older people are a little less emotional than the younger generation.

23-05-12, 08:59 PM
as for exams... i got a grade b in my electronics o level (for you younger folk, its worth about 6 gcse's) having had 3 pints of beer on an empty stomach.. i was 18 & a scrawny youth.... tbh i should have done more exams in this state..

23-05-12, 09:06 PM
as for exams... i got a grade b in my electronics o level (for you younger folk, its worth about 6 gcse's) having had 3 pints of beer on an empty stomach.. i was 18 & a scrawny youth.... tbh i should have done more exams in this state..

Electronics in your youth was just valves :p

23-05-12, 09:13 PM
it was bloody hard getting that kite up in a thunderstorm with a key on it....

24-05-12, 05:05 PM
Work calling me after hours and when they don't get a answer reporting me to my manager!!

And then the arseholes call me on my personal phone, were the **** did they even get the number from?

24-05-12, 05:33 PM
I gave them your personal number sorry man.

24-05-12, 05:36 PM
^^ lol lol

24-05-12, 05:45 PM

24-05-12, 05:59 PM
And I've missed my period again I'm such a slag!!!!!

25-05-12, 03:20 PM
putting the nova on my mates pikup and the front silener on my magnex system hit the bars along the middle and kinked the pipe where it goes round the gearstik bit that stiks out

Mrs Hobbit
25-05-12, 03:21 PM
Today I am mainly miffed by people's inability to return my calls, especially when they've talked about me poss working Monday! :mad:

Apart from that I'm enjoying the sun - tis nice :thumb:

25-05-12, 03:26 PM
A5, phone ecus, grrrrrr q7 rear a/c pipes, double grrrrrr

25-05-12, 04:02 PM
I need a poo, had thought about curling one out in the back of my van but think i can hold on till i get home.

25-05-12, 04:21 PM
corsa b v6 that we have been doing at work this week

25-05-12, 05:48 PM
GCSE EXAMS...:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::m ad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
Man up theyre toss compared college etc! i didnt revise for any of my exam and still got decent marks lol

25-05-12, 05:57 PM
You always hear a certain generation going on about how o levels were a million times harder then the gcse exams, but they never mention how much easier driving tests were "back in there day" lol

25-05-12, 06:14 PM
tj... we received a better education. it is 'their day', not 'there day'

o levels were harder. senior education officials have admitted that each year, they were under pressure to make it look like exam results were better, so they made them easier... universities, and i don't mean those glorified technical colleges that put up new signs, i mean proper ones like oxford & cambridge have been complaining for years about the woeful standards in state education...

my eldest daughter has terrible writing because she always produces coursework on computer, and doesn't write out rough drafts like in the olden days, when spelling was considered to be important... her teachers demand it so they can check that it hasn't simply been cut & pasted.....so make them write it out longhand & produce the rough notes, just like my generation did.

25-05-12, 10:59 PM
tj... we received a better education. it is 'their day', not 'there day'

o levels were harder. senior education officials have admitted that each year, they were under pressure to make it look like exam results were better, so they made them easier... universities, and i don't mean those glorified technical colleges that put up new signs, i mean proper ones like oxford & cambridge have been complaining for years about the woeful standards in state education...

my eldest daughter has terrible writing because she always produces coursework on computer, and doesn't write out rough drafts like in the olden days, when spelling was considered to be important... her teachers demand it so they can check that it hasn't simply been cut & pasted.....so make them write it out longhand & produce the rough notes, just like my generation did.

you used to use slate didnt you?

26-05-12, 08:31 AM
The thriving tw@ts who broke into my work van last night and stealing my tools and then myself for smashing the back window in my Astra by accident!!

26-05-12, 12:24 PM
you used to use slate didnt you?

cave walls, actually

26-05-12, 05:17 PM
You always hear a certain generation going on about how o levels were a million times harder then the gcse exams, but they never mention how much easier driving tests were "back in there day" lol
Driving tests arent hard now, its just common sense!

29-05-12, 11:05 PM
Work colleagues not listening followed by savagely skewering my han with a screwdriver, sooooo much blood.

29-05-12, 11:14 PM
Work colleagues not listening followed by savagely skewering my han with a screwdriver, sooooo much blood.

https://encrypted-tbn0.google.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRCWho5oTd0do3Q609TA7dBcb30SUkWr X2CT3UOO_Kz0ftgSHex

29-05-12, 11:21 PM
Throttle housing bolts on a megane and also the undertray on a vw beetle. To be precise.

30-05-12, 12:10 AM
Some **** on the m3 owners club forum that sold me a pile of ***** coilovers and is now laying down the law as to when and how i will return them for a refund. He then wonders why I have raised a dispute with PayPal and not just sent them back and trusted he will refund the money!!!! Ummmm maybe the fact you sold me the cr*p in the first place would lead me to believe your not too trustworthy!!!!

Trip up north with the lads may be happening at the weekend :thumb:

30-05-12, 07:36 AM
P!ssing me off this week:
1. Gym being closed except for a 1 hour window at lunchtime where world +dog will be in there.
2. Bristol
3. Stupid fecking encrypted hard drives
4. Cheap biscuits

but they never mention how much easier driving tests were "back in there day" lol
Thats because they didn't have them, they just asked for a licence and were given one lol

30-05-12, 07:38 AM
Realising the rear beam i originally had was off a 309.Hence the torsion bars i had retained to use on another beam being 30mm too long.
Working in this nice weather,i need a holiday very much so

30-05-12, 08:00 AM

30-05-12, 08:13 AM
^ same lol

Got some bloke called Guiseppe calibrating all our automated equipment today, 2 years in a row its fallen on my shift ffs lol

He turned up, shut down half of it and now has gone for a coffee, leaving me to explain to boss why 4 machines has stopped ! Last year hey must of done 2 hours work in 10 !!!!!!!!!!!!

30-05-12, 08:25 AM
In 3 days of being here I've managed to do about 1 hour of real decent work, the rest of the time I've been running away from earthquakes or listening to frankly stupid requests for car behaviour... so I'm surfing the net instead.

30-05-12, 08:29 AM
Running away from earthquakes? How do you go about that then lol

30-05-12, 08:31 AM
Running away from earthquakes? How do you go about that then lol

Jump, or get in a 750bhp hyper car :D

30-05-12, 08:34 AM

30-05-12, 10:58 AM
Greggs sausage rolls for tasting like **** when there warm! And atv world in Leeds for there ****e customer service as I stood waiting for 10 minutes

General Baxter
30-05-12, 11:10 AM
bloody bell ends trying to under cut me on little islands, just becasue im stuck at 56mph, and are 35ft long, dont mean you have to go under my rear wheels lol

30-05-12, 01:26 PM
Work being the most inconsiderate piss taking *******s going recently.

30-05-12, 01:28 PM
Work being the most inconsiderate piss taking *******s going recently.
Fart in your hand and shove it in your bosses face lol

30-05-12, 01:32 PM
What has really pissed me off is that im waiting on a new screen for my laptop for 5 weeks now and it's still not here!
It's only coming from Hong Kong ffs!!!

30-05-12, 01:33 PM
Pete I hope it wasn't a collection only item lol

Alex J
30-05-12, 01:44 PM
dvla has ****ed me off yet again, they have to be the biggest group of grade A cu**s in the whole of the known universe.

30-05-12, 01:52 PM
Got the wrong mustard in my ham samich :roll:

30-05-12, 02:31 PM
lol Southie, had to double check then.

What an utter piss take tho...

30-05-12, 02:39 PM
waiting for parts to arrive and the fuking courior never turns up grrr f lol

30-05-12, 02:46 PM
waiting for parts to arrive
[URL="http://www.pngclub.com/forum/%3Ca%20href="] (http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-Du1SdnzRPAQ/TZTGILgtwJI/AAAAAAAAAvQ/tZJnQXX1tdw/s1600/surprise.gif)

30-05-12, 02:49 PM

30-05-12, 03:24 PM
Flol @ southie

30-05-12, 04:12 PM
waiting for parts to arrive and the fuking courior never turns up grrr f lol

More bits of John? lol

30-05-12, 04:17 PM
lol tanya

30-05-12, 04:24 PM
Having to pay €140 for a doctor to tell me my daughter has an upset stomach, to which I replied I worked that out when she covered me in her dinner in the hotel dining room

30-05-12, 04:53 PM
Having to pay €140 for a doctor to tell me my daughter has an upset stomach, to which I replied I worked that out when she covered me in her dinner in the hotel dining room

Rip off, give her Coke, the sugar settles it.

30-05-12, 04:59 PM
Steps on TV, WTF.... Didn't they die out with Adidas popper trousers?

30-05-12, 05:11 PM
Steps on TV, WTF.... Didn't they die out with Adidas popper trousers?

Steps FTW!!!!! (seeekret gheyness)

30-05-12, 05:23 PM
i was under the impression it wasn't such a secret stuart?

30-05-12, 08:19 PM
fecking astra z20leh and a m32 in a mk4 astra van that we put a lightened flywheel in and there is a problem with the parts supplyed now because of this we are still at work taking the fecking thing back out ARRRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH HHHHHHHHHHHHH

Old man Jimbo
30-05-12, 08:58 PM
Steps on TV, WTF.... Didn't they die out with Adidas popper trousers?


Steps FTW!!!!! (seeekret gheyness)


30-05-12, 10:41 PM

31-05-12, 05:07 PM
bumpped in to the garden wall lol

31-05-12, 05:19 PM
nobody, yet!

31-05-12, 05:21 PM
My wheel bearings not turning up a vauxhall because my mate forgot to order them ffs

Hopefully tomorrow now

31-05-12, 06:33 PM
Finding out that I don't qualify for ssp despite being told by work I did. Grr :(

09-06-12, 07:33 PM
dislocated my thumb

09-06-12, 07:43 PM
dislocated my thumb

do tell.... did you run out of ky?

09-06-12, 07:47 PM
not this time ;)

10-06-12, 06:24 PM
looms shut early so i couldnt get the seat mounts off the nova there and my thumb is still hurting!

10-06-12, 06:27 PM
Going to test drive a car to see if it is what we want, and then buying the sodding thing lol

12-06-12, 01:28 PM
Experiencing excruciating back pains/spasms/seizures and having to work through it.
Then after paying some melt (lol merris) to help out yesterday and today,he blew his cash from yesterday on drink and drugs and then is "too hammered to be of any use today":tard::tard::tard::tard::tard::tard::tard:
So im stuck at home not earning and in pain:mad:

Alex J
12-06-12, 01:44 PM
Experiencing excruciating back pains/spasms/seizures and having to work through it.
Then after paying some melt (lol merris) to help out yesterday and today,he blew his cash from yesterday on drink and drugs and then is "too hammered to be of any use today":tard::tard::tard::tard::tard::tard::tard:
So im stuck at home not earning and in pain:mad:sak the MELT. im pissed of today with the ****ty dvla, taking six ****ing weeks to reply to a letter ffs IDIOTS!!!!

12-06-12, 01:48 PM
I dont employ him,was just helping me out cos my backs fukked so he was doing all ladder work.
Now im stuck at home,about to go to the walk in centre in town,i need some heroin or summat haha lol

Alex J
12-06-12, 02:05 PM
I dont employ him,was just helping me out cos my backs fukked so he was doing all ladder work.
Now im stuck at home,about to go to the walk in centre in town,i need some heroin or summat haha lolplenty of that around here, pop down lol

12-06-12, 03:49 PM
Crack ftw

12-06-12, 03:53 PM
Crack ftw
Nah,cos you still need the skag to come down

12-06-12, 03:56 PM
Someone likes bums lol

12-06-12, 03:57 PM
Smack buckets FTMFW then lol

12-06-12, 04:02 PM
Shotties ftw lol lol lol

http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSiydtwIO9lEwB2aGBN_0qm3YYiXeA7L PfpZwDt7untdxdWt0MZ

12-06-12, 04:31 PM
if your bck plays up often there are some good guids to strechs you can do to lossen it up mate, they worked for me

12-06-12, 05:13 PM
Any links?
It does it now and again,but this time its been severe like 2 years ago

12-06-12, 05:40 PM
Any links?
It does it now and again,but this time its been severe like 2 years ago

people might try and take the piss but if yours gets as bad as mine use to its worth doing,

this guys videos show everything i was told to do clicky (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4ioJZHSBig) plently more on there aswell the other ones to look into are the ones you can do whill out and about at work ect.. with out climbing all over the floor lol, have a hot bath then do them it seems to help, when my back was at its worse it use to lock up and i was told to do them in the morning and at night and the standing type ones during the day if it felt like it was starting to hurt

hopefully it helps mate i only do the standing ones now and then and i dont have anywere near as much trouble

12-06-12, 07:22 PM
Experiencing excruciating back pains/spasms/seizures and having to work through it.
Then after paying some melt (lol merris) to help out yesterday and today,he blew his cash from yesterday on drink and drugs and then is "too hammered to be of any use today":tard::tard::tard::tard::tard::tard::tard:
So im stuck at home not earning and in pain:mad:

have you tried a chiropractor? i suffer with back and knee pain due to gym and football and they sort me out

13-06-12, 07:20 AM
people might try and take the piss but if yours gets as bad as mine use to its worth doing,

this guys videos show everything i was told to do clicky (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T4ioJZHSBig) plently more on there aswell the other ones to look into are the ones you can do whill out and about at work ect.. with out climbing all over the floor lol, have a hot bath then do them it seems to help, when my back was at its worse it use to lock up and i was told to do them in the morning and at night and the standing type ones during the day if it felt like it was starting to hurt

hopefully it helps mate i only do the standing ones now and then and i dont have anywere near as much trouble
Thanks for that i'll give it a go.
Tbh,i would like to find out what causes it mostly though,so i can avoid whatever it is

novalew,i havent tried a chiropractor,no.

13-06-12, 08:29 AM
novalew,i havent tried a chiropractor,no.

if you find you need a bit more than stretches its well worth a try, alot offer a first try for free

13-06-12, 01:25 PM
meanwhile back at the thread....

Brummie building site workers.. That is all

13-06-12, 01:27 PM

13-06-12, 01:29 PM
Two hour dinners sat on Png, when I could go home two hours earlier

Old man Jimbo
13-06-12, 02:23 PM
Road fund reminder for £460 FFS!

15-06-12, 03:15 PM
managed to twist my foot in a funky way

just as my thumb started to fell better good times, will be fun explaning this to work after jus having a week off with my thumb aswell :(

15-06-12, 06:35 PM
it looks like you are making some sort of traditional derbyshire soup

15-06-12, 06:36 PM
lmfao it was the only thing big enough to get my big clown foot in

15-06-12, 07:28 PM
poxy football :mad: rather wach eastenders:)

15-06-12, 07:44 PM
Yodel were peeping the people carrier horn lol did they expect me to go running out for my parcel. I just watched tv until he knocked on my door. It doesn't look very proffesional will all the run down vehicles delivering stuff

15-06-12, 07:57 PM
My 3 year old not going to sleep, it's winding me right up.

15-06-12, 08:00 PM
What pisses me off is working with incompetent ****s that aren't even fit to wipe heir own arses, let alone be responsible for the care and early education of other people's babies :tard::mad:

15-06-12, 08:13 PM
What pisses me off is working with incompetent ****s that aren't even fit to wipe heir own arses, let alone be responsible for the care and early education of other people's babies :tard::mad:

I hear that! I work with people who put more effort into moaning about the job than they do doing the job!

Either stop complaining or p**s off and find another one! :mad:

15-06-12, 08:31 PM
doctors tomorow me thinks


15-06-12, 08:39 PM
Bigfoot is back lol