Well as some of you might know, and others of you do know, I needed to buy a new shell to put my engine and other goodies i had racked up over the years into/onto as the old Silk Violet one had got too rotten to bring back to life at a coast effective level.
Rotten Silk Violet Shell
So i thought about it for a long time, and i was very close to selling the lot...but though well i will never do it again if do as it will coast loads to gather all the parts again etc.
So off i went on the hunt for a new shell...
I looked into buying Matt2107's old GTE shell,but it meant spend loads getting it prepped, so i though of going for a small 1lt shell,but again theres the coast of extra plating/welding to put into it (i cant weld, so i would of had to pay some one)
So i kept on looking, i had silly offers form some members on here (i wont name them) who tried to sell me a 1.2 shell for ?1100 saying it was the most mint nova i could find!![]()
I was not after that, just needed something solid that would last.
At this point i had almost given up again, so i put the word out to mates that the engine was for sale, so a few came to look at it, but i could not get it running right (another reason i wanted shot) so i left it alone for a week or so, then i spoke to Dar online, he offered to come up and see if he could get it up and running right,The next weekend Dar came to mine and within a few hrs of him getting to mine he had it running nicely..
So now im thinking Hummm do i really want to sell it if it's working alright??
So the hunt was back on for the shell! And funny thing was that same weekend while i was up at a mates in Leeds i gave Chris (Chris 16v) a text asking him if he was about that night for a drink, he called me back and after a quick chat i had arranged with him and Dar to collect his shell!
One of many of Chris's WIP threads
More WIP of Chris's
So Dar got to mine the next week with his trailer and Chris_gsi came for the trip too..a few hrs later we arrived at Chris's and got about getting the car onto the trailer.
Dar and the BIG lad under the hood!
This was fun, there was no rear shocks so the springs kept dropping out!
Dar looking shifty
Then i bought a few bits and bobs
And a few more
Then i faffed with some items!
Then the car whent back to Dar's Where he has put all the hard work and graft into transferring everything over while i have been busy working to fund the project..
First of was get everything off the old shell..