Here we go then,
some of you will know Ive moved to a new house, so i can get my nova back from 'tom eccles' the messer thats had it in dry storage for the last 2 years, but enough of that cant be arsed with negativity anymore doesn't get anyone anywhere,
so Ive getting my self ready for the arrival of my nova, firsts things first got to get this corsa fixed and gone to make space for it
got as far as i can with that right now until my new torx bits arrive, could have sworn i had some must have left them down south.
this is my temporary work bench
(size isn't everything lads)
As i cant do anymore to the corsa, thought i might aswell use the time to assemble my engine crane (finally)
two problems
1. its missing a wheel, got straight on the phone to them and there sending one out.
2. it started pissing down