How long have you owned the car?
I have owned it for 8 years.
How/Why did you buy the car in the first place?
It was my mums car before me she sold it to me when I passed my test at 17.
Whats your favourite aspect or modifcation of the car?
To be honest I like the whole car, but I do love sitting inside and feelling like im back in the 80's feels very retro. Also im very proud of rebuilding the engine form top to bottom. I did this to learn as much as I could. Its nice to drive the car and not seeing many others around, so that could be a favourite aspect.
Is the car a daily drive, or do you keep it for special occasions?
Between the ages of 17-19 was my daily drive, but now is tucked away for sunny days
Looking back, would you have done anything differently?
I think maybe not boy racering it up when I was younger, as now I think it looks different and fantastic....but thats just my opinion.