Welcome to the PNG Forum and Club.
We hope you enjoy your stay here and take an active part in the Club and Forum. To ensure a friendly atmosphere for everyone we ask you to adhere to a few rules set out below.
Note: Point values refer to the Infraction system. For information on how this works, see here
Members of this forum must not:
1. Post libellous, insulting, antagonistic, racist, aggressive or otherwise abusive remarks about any individual or company either within forum posts or the PM system. Any views expressed on this forum are the opinions of individuals and not of the club/forum as a whole.
1 point
2. Post swear words in such a way as to circumvent the forum's built-in swear word removal system (this includes profile information/ configuration including bio/location/occupation etc data, signatures, avatars etc)!
1 point
3. Promote or post any content (images, text, links, etc) which are pornographic or violent or otherwise inappropriate for the viewing by younger and older people alike. (Exceptions apply in the 18+ forum)
1 point
4. Promote websites which contain inappropriate material (such as piracy, harassing or viral links, or any illegal activities) or actively promote other clubs or forums in such a way as to try and undermine the PNG Forum or the club. If you would like to use the forum to link to your business or other club, please contact a mod or admin.
1 point
5. Post any promotional information about any illegal activities. We will not permit people to use the forums to distribute files which are pirated or aid in the production of pirated material (including, but not limited to, VCDs/DVDs, computer software, music, unauthorized copies of EPC, etc)
2 points
6. Have a signature which contravenes any of the rules. Signatures should be a sensible size; no more than 4 lines in a reasonable size font. If we deem them to be too big, you will be asked to reduce it's size. No pictures are to be displayed in signatures.
1 point
7. Post any spam or misuse/abuse the forum features (e.g. via the rep system, report post system, PMs, calendar, etc). This includes bumping old or irrelevant threads - however, posting with relevant information is acceptable.
1 point
8. Create the same thread in more than one board. (Doing so is called cross-posting). You should pick the single most appropriate board for your message. Duplicate posts will be deleted.
1 point
9. Put advertisements to retail establishments and/or dealerships in any part of the forum. Trade adverts are welcome in the Novatrader section if advertisers are willing to support the club, this MUST be discussed with one of the club staff. We welcome discounts and group buys organized by traders and/or private individuals, but please contact staff prior to posting in order to confirm your intentions.
1 point
10. Use images from 3rd parties' websites without their permission, or distributing images hosted on the pngclub.com domain without permission. Linking to an image on someone else's website without their permission is considered to be bandwidth theft and whilst it may not be a copyright issue, it IS a bandwidth issue. When posting links to images, please use dedicated websites such as photobucket.com to host your images.
1 point
11. Have an inappropriate login name. We do not permit a login name which breaks any of the rules herein.
5 points
12. Register more than once. Doing so will get one or both registrations and all the posts deleted.
50 points
13. Txt Type. If u txt type u will b asked nicely 2 type properly. If u refuse 2 comply, u will prob b banned innit! NOTE this is NOT the same as shorthand or poor spelling. We recommend running your post through a spellchecker prior to posing if unsure - it doesn't take long and could save you a lot of hassle from members!
2 points
14. Post "whats it worth", "testing the water", "Value of..." etc threads - these have been abused in the past in an attempt to publicise items for sale across the wider forum. If you need to know the value of an item, research the Novatrader forums or on other retail sites for similar bits.
2 points
16. Post a suicide note (any post stating that you intend to leave the site because you are unhappy with our policies/administration; ie, "You guys are mean, I'm taking my ball and going home") will result in an immediate permanent ban. We assume that since you are leaving, you will no longer need access to your account anyway. If you should happen to change your mind, you'll need to contact the admins directly to explain and/or apologise before you can be reinstated.
50 points
17. Conduct of members in the public eye. Abusive behaviour, Drink driving, Drug driving, partaking in any form of illegal drug use whilst on our club stand or during a club meeting, or any other practices deemed unacceptable by club staff will not be tolerated. Any of the above could result in you being ejected from our club stand at national shows and banned from the club indefinately. The club can be held responsible for any incidents involving the above so we take these matters very seriously.
18 points
18. Novatrader rules also apply across the whole forum (for these rules, see here). In particular, ebay/pistonheads links are prohibited - this includes posting just item numbers - and any offending threads/posts will be actively removed. Off-topic or "comedy" auctions (i.e. those that are not car related and with worthy cause) and items of special interest may be permitted in the Club Members section. If you have a link or item that you feel needs posting in the wider forum for whatever reason, please contact a mod/admin for approval before posting it.
1 point
Punishments for breaking these rules are at the discretion of the Admin / Moderators. We use an infraction system on the forum, which will issue warnings to users breaking the rules - these are to serve as a reminder of these rules - but repeated infractions will result in bans. Any repeat offenders breaking these rules will probably be perm banned.
By signing up to and using the forum, you agree to abide by these rules. Admin and mods will not enter into drawn out discussions over the rules and their implementation.
In a nutshell guys and girls, please all play nicely in the playground together and you'll find its loads of fun and you will not be ruled by a rod of iron!!