View Full Version : Astronomers Find ''Super Earths''

16-06-08, 10:48 PM

17-06-08, 12:03 AM
bagsey be the 1st there!

17-06-08, 08:23 AM


17-06-08, 03:39 PM
It is interesting stuff. Also this month they have found evidence of a secondary surpernovae which could lead to quark stars, this would give a new step between neutron stars and black holes.


Oh an I also use that site to give me up to date with astrophysics / cosmology news and is quite good if your a nerd.

17-06-08, 03:40 PM
I find it interesting aswell.

Allways wasn't sure about any other life out there but seeing that they have found earths just like ours it's changing my mind.

Imagine if we did find life on them earths :)

17-06-08, 03:42 PM
^^ you have no idea on the whole scale of things, when you look into in detail it would be stupid to say there isnt life anywhere else. Problem is that that due to the distances involved we will never be able to find out.

17-06-08, 03:44 PM
As technology moves forwards and gets better we will find some actual life and 1 day interact with them me thinks :)

17-06-08, 03:47 PM
unless you can crack the magic of black holes you will never find out as like I said the distances are so massive. Even at the speed of light it would take millions of years to some of our closest neighbours. And you cant go faster than the speed of light unless you manage to bend space right over.

17-06-08, 03:56 PM
This is all lies. God created everything, the universe revolves around Earth. Which is flat, btw.

17-06-08, 04:50 PM
God is a tool

tom reid
17-06-08, 08:52 PM
God is a Mars bar!

17-06-08, 08:58 PM
Its probably Vulcan lol

The trick isnt just finding a planet with life, its finding one in the same era of evoulution as ours. We could find one in the Jurrassic type period, or one millions of years after an atomic disaster. I dont believe that we are alone for one second, but given the universe is billions of years old, the chance of finding aliens existing at the same time as us is probably damned slim. If we did pick up a signal from a distant planet, they would probably be extinct by the time we got it. After all, most of the stars we can see in the sky are already dead! Bakes my noodle that does!

This is why I know Star Trek is a load of bull. That and the fact the Enterprise has to bank to turn! lol

17-06-08, 09:16 PM
LMFAO I do recall you getting worked up about that lol

TBH if I was an alien with the capacity to contact other planets, I don't think I'd be that interested in making "friends" with a race that is bigoted, hypocritical, weak, and spends its entire time attempting to destroy everything including itself. We'd soon be dispatched if anything out there did manage to find us anyway.

I do find it amusing we keep flinging out craft with plaques on them telling anyone and everyone exactly who we are, what we're like, and where to come find us to enslave


17-06-08, 09:24 PM
I do find it amusing we keep flinging out craft with plaques on them telling anyone and everyone exactly who we are, what we're like, and where to come find us to enslave


lol, not that it matters. Voyager was sent out in the 70's iirc and its only just out of the solar system lol

17-06-08, 11:22 PM
This is all lies. God created everything, the universe revolves around Earth. Which is flat, btw.

You're not still shagging that evangelist are you?????????????

18-06-08, 08:41 AM
unfortunately not lol

18-06-08, 09:10 AM
The earth is only 4000 years old. I'm a Catholic and so 100% right. And if you dont believe me you'll burn in the firey pits of Helllllll. :witch: :witch: :witch: :witch: :witch: :witch:

18-06-08, 03:42 PM
I do find it amusing we keep flinging out craft with plaques on them telling anyone and everyone exactly who we are, what we're like, and where to come find us to enslave


Mostly in English. lol