View Full Version : Granada just rammed my SR

18-09-02, 04:08 PM
I cant fukin believe this, i was just on the M4 coming from newport to cardiff and i look behind me and theres a grey/silver H reg granada, i move to middle lane and they pass with some old guy (about 60) in the passenger seat, looking drunk as a skunk and stickin his fingers up at me, i change lanes so im behind them, stik my finger back at them and so it begins. what can only be described as a deadly game of cat and mouse (me bein the mouse). The fuckers were throwin bottles, swerving and brakin in front of me, then they drove rite up my arse a few times but backed off, not to worry i think, if they were guna ram me then they woulda done it by now *BANG* im doin 90 and a granada drives up my arse, police on the fone bein as unhelpful as ever then the fuckers just past me and fucked off up the motorway.

To top it off, eitha i read the plate wrong or theyve got false plates, great. Off to "my local police station now" to produce my documents, y the fuck hav i gota produce, i havent seen the police and it was ME that got rammed by those knobs.

Anyway, think im in pretty severe shock so i'll finish now.


18-09-02, 04:19 PM
man that is not good.

hope it all works out for you mate. :(

Matt Finary
18-09-02, 04:36 PM
Gutted mate, did the ramming do much damage? Hope it works out.

Matt :(

18-09-02, 04:55 PM
its a bloddy grandar raming at bout 100,
no it wuldnt do damage at all.
how much ya gota stright the frame by,
is this a write off(i think so)
bet ya will pissed
well this is anther excuse for us to hate fords

Matt Finary
18-09-02, 05:25 PM
it doesn't mean it would because it was doing 100! because if you hit head on when you were doing 100 it would 100+100= 200mph crash, but they were going in the same direction doing nearly the same speed.


18-09-02, 06:44 PM
Hope u get it all sorted m8

Chris LR
18-09-02, 08:29 PM
I make deliverys to Cardiff from time to time, I'll keep my eyes open.

Hope you get everythin sorted m8.

Ben (lurk75)
18-09-02, 10:58 PM
had you done all the bodywork yet as i know you were sticking it in the bodyshop :?:

19-09-02, 12:54 AM
luckily, cos we were both doin 100odd it just cracked my bumper, novadose so im guna havta fibreglass it up. I cant beleive the police, they were actin like id done something wrong :x . at least now i know how fast my car can go (tryin to get away from the guy) 110, granadas are surprisingly kwik lol. Still makes no sense to me, doubt the police will do anything eitha :roll: .
Cheers Lads

19-09-02, 10:51 AM
Police are f u c k i n g c o c k s ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Always av been always will be!

19-09-02, 10:51 AM
Police are f u c k i n g c o c k s ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Always av been always will be!

Except when you need them and they help u they are :D

19-09-02, 05:21 PM
I hope u had a good few drinks last nite 2 calm the nervs down!
Wot did u think of Creation? i thought it was ok, different, not wot i xpected!
Btw, nice 2 c u!
at least ur ok, could av been a worse accident! quite lucky!

20-09-02, 10:07 AM
yeah creation was alrite, not wat i was expecting eitha, i thought they woulda knocked thru to dylans and had one massive room, not really a lot different to how zeus was is it? Not bad tho, woulda prefered it if it wasnt so fuckin packed in there. Plenty of fit birds there tho :wink:
