View Full Version : this country is nuts !!

13-06-08, 03:03 PM
watching the local news and it seems the way to keep kids out of trouble is by giving them pizza ??!!

in all seriousness some muppet thinks that giving out pizzas to chavs in derby will stop them being dickheads !!

im off to find my hoody so i can claim mine

13-06-08, 03:05 PM
BHAHAHAHA just seen this also on the news, I laughed hard then. Im only for it if it means driving past a gang of them at high speed an throwing them at them.

craig green
13-06-08, 03:21 PM
Cant say I'm surprised......

I thought more speed cameras were the answer to everything? So its speed cameras & Pizzas now.

13-06-08, 03:24 PM
I think the idea is to get them so fat that they can't be asred to **** about

13-06-08, 03:38 PM
its speed bumps down here which the goverment thinks will sort everthing out. fukced roads everywhere but they seem fit to put speed bumps around every god damn corner :(

13-06-08, 03:40 PM
its speed bumps down here which the goverment thinks will sort everthing out. fukced roads everywhere but they seem fit to put speed bumps around every god damn corner :(

Pavement pizzas will stop street crime!!

13-06-08, 04:28 PM
lol lol lol lol lol

I want a free pizza! What do I have to wear to get one? Is it restricted to burberry wearers only?

13-06-08, 04:30 PM
give them cannabis, they will buy their own pizzas.

Is there a northern initiative involving 'meat & tater' pies????

13-06-08, 04:42 PM
Mmmmmmmm... Pie :p

13-06-08, 06:42 PM
havnt seen the story but junk food is the worst thing to give badly behaevd kids/teenagers! itl just make them worse.

13-06-08, 07:03 PM
Loving the idea that if you misbehave you are then eligible for rewards...sends out just the right image :roll:

Right then where's my ASBO application form lol

13-06-08, 08:24 PM
What a farce.That is not going to solve anything at all.This country needs to wake up to reality.Kids are little barstuards everywhere and no amount of shaking hands with hoodies or giving them pizzas is gonna sort them out.A good trouncing by vigilante groups will though

13-06-08, 10:16 PM
^^^^^^ Totally agree!

13-06-08, 11:29 PM
they need some duck tape, a van and a trip to the local moorlands.

Which some chav near me will soooooon be experiencing if he carrys on already knocked the little ****er out once, only seems to be hard when hes with his mates Bless...

Thing is, it will be the nova which will get it not me because they are sooooooo hard!

Oh well, just hope nobody else touches it for his sake as if anything at all happens to it hes getting the blame and he will be taken up to the moorlands Zip tied to a tree and stripped bollock naked smashed in the face a few times and getting his ****ing ankles broken along with his fingers and a note stapeled to his chest explaining why he's there.

I doubt he will be a naughty little **** again...

14-06-08, 12:47 AM
Dude ^^^ before you do all that (like your style btw :D )
Try this, blind fold him and cover his ears. Take him to the hills and uncover his ears, he`ll know that he`s high up somewhere by the sound of the wind blowing freely, then tell him his life is about to end and recover . You might want to tie his arms up too, he`ll be proper strugling lol . Then walk him to a nice small ledge, no higher than 1 foot. Get his feet right over the edge so he cant feel the ground with his toes, then lightly push him off the ledge :thumb: for a split second he`ll think he`s falling to his death
Get back in your car/van and leave him there in an absolute emotional wreck :D

Unless he has a sh*t heart and dies from shock lol then you might want to bust out the shovel and bury some chav ass lol

14-06-08, 09:31 AM
cover his head in petrol and shake matches at him

14-06-08, 10:48 AM
they need some duck tape, a van and a trip to the local moorlands.

Thats my idea of a lovely date.

14-06-08, 10:56 AM
lol lol lol

14-06-08, 11:24 AM
A word of caution & sanity for once from me.........
I local bloke caught a persistent little tow rag trying to nick his car. This kid had been an absolute terror to society for a while. The bloke grabbed the kid & did a citizens arrest on him, stuck him in the back of the car & set off to the police station. Along the way, the kid pointed out that by the time the man had filled in the forms, he would be in & back out & nicking his car.........
The bloke flipped, drove him to a canal wharf (it was november), stripped him, beat him & chucked him in the canal. the kid got out giving him a gobfull, got beaten again & chucked in the canal again naked. the man took the clothes but left the kid........

Outcome: Bloke served 18 months, kid got councelling
the local community organised petitions & protests, wrote to everyone, they were ignored because the poor kid got traumatised................

14-06-08, 11:32 AM
^^ thats what ski masks/balaclarvas are for

a friend of mine had a window smashed and some parts stolen from him, they had the guys name and address etc, the police came round for statements and what not and actually told my mate that should "Mr X" turn up battered and bruised somewhere then they wouldnt suspect him ;)

14-06-08, 11:36 AM
A word of caution & sanity for once from me.........
I local bloke caught a persistent little tow rag trying to nick his car. This kid had been an absolute terror to society for a while. The bloke grabbed the kid & did a citizens arrest on him, stuck him in the back of the car & set off to the police station. Along the way, the kid pointed out that by the time the man had filled in the forms, he would be in & back out & nicking his car.........
The bloke flipped, drove him to a canal wharf (it was november), stripped him, beat him & chucked him in the canal. the kid got out giving him a gobfull, got beaten again & chucked in the canal again naked. the man took the clothes but left the kid........

Outcome: Bloke served 18 months, kid got councelling
the local community organised petitions & protests, wrote to everyone, they were ignored because the poor kid got traumatised................

I hope when he got out he battered the little ****er again lol

14-06-08, 01:20 PM
tie the ****er up blind fold him, have a lil bit of petrol ina cap throw it on hos face so he can smell it.. then continue to throw water on his body so he thinks it all petrol, then break out the drill. and tell him your gonna drill hsi knee caps and start the drill up and put the dril bit on his knee so he can feel it.. by this time he could of pissed and shat him self a few times beat the shot oouta him un tie him chuck im ina field and drive of..

no i havent done this to the lil ****er who kept breakin into my old car for the fun of it(could see there was no engine in it) so knew he couldnt drive it...


General Baxter
14-06-08, 01:27 PM
A good trouncing by vigilante groups will though

:thumb: now wheres my bat lol

14-06-08, 02:04 PM
As much as all these posts of extreme violence are an amusing read, unfortunately they will get you in 10 times more trouble than the guy who's been terrorising you will get.

Unless proper justice is sorted out soon, stuff like this will happen more and more. Unless you know the little cretins are going to get a proper sorting by the justice system, why not dish out your own form of it instead?

The mistake most people make is they let the little scrotes get away alive i'm afraid. If I ever end up in a situation like that, cutting their toungue and fingers off so they cant communicate would probably be the only way to not get banged up for protecting my property.

14-06-08, 02:21 PM
i have always said that god had better be about to help if anyone ever breaks in to my house

14-06-08, 06:33 PM
The mistake most people make is they let the little scrotes get away alive i'm afraid. If I ever end up in a situation like that, cutting their toungue and fingers off so they cant communicate would probably be the only way to not get banged up for protecting my property.

dont be stupid, the younger generation cant read or write anyway lol.

Also kids remember if you are ever beating a chav make sure you kick them in the balls as many times as you see fit to ensure they never get the chance to soil the gene pool. And that way we can do society a favour.

14-06-08, 07:00 PM

These wee *******s seem to be the most fertile of all the Rodents and multiply like they never could at school. Its a common fact that a Chav will have at least 5 spawn per head. They must be stopped. Putting them up for adoption at an early age is no good, because its in their blood. Ball-capitation is the only answer, and for the female of the species, Isopon them shut.

14-06-08, 07:01 PM
its a downward spiral if they continue to breed like this. Send all the intelligent people to mars and start over I say.

14-06-08, 07:04 PM
And keep an elete force of Trigger happy sadistics on Earth to wipe out the Chavs.

I volenteer!! (sp)

14-06-08, 07:07 PM
Im already there, I just have the disadvantage of not owning .50 caliber sniper rifle.

14-06-08, 08:01 PM
Meh, Stones and drive shafts do the same thing, but leave you feeling a huge sense of achievement.

14-06-08, 10:29 PM
Send all the intelligent people to mars and start over I say.

do you mean the planet or the factory in Slough?

15-06-08, 11:20 AM
Mail him a poo in a sock.

15-06-08, 11:28 AM
I'd imaging getting the poo in there'd be a little tricky though....

15-06-08, 03:32 PM
I'd imaging getting the poo in there'd be a little tricky though....

you put the sock on the small end of a road cone & snap one off in the bigger end, gravity finishes the job

15-06-08, 06:05 PM
I'll takeyour word for it, no need for a practicle.

15-06-08, 10:07 PM
It's like that farmer who kept getting robbed by teenagers. He got robbed once. Farmer reported it to police. Police did nothing. After the third time, the police did nothing again. The forth time, the farmer was ready for him (farmers have short fuses) and he shot the teenager. And the farmer got done for murder?! Yet the police did no investigation or anything into the burglarys.

So our local friendly policeman informed us that if you shoot him in the back, it's classed as murder. Whereas if you yell at them as they're running and shoot them in the front, you can claim self defence. ;)

15-06-08, 10:43 PM
AH HA!!! Google Padraig McNally and John Frogg Ward.

Ward kept robbing McNally and leaving all the locals terrified. So Padraig shot and killed John Frog and was done for murder and given a sentance. There was a huge uproar and people started protecting, McNally was since released and his conviction quashed.

He shot Frog 6 times, twice in the back. He had 4 shots and had to go back to his house to get the last two bullets. We're all very proud of him!!

16-06-08, 01:43 AM
That farmer totally did the right thing
The way i see things is like this - you wrong someone in an unprevoked mannor, then expect the cosequence (sp?) to be 10x worse

I blame this soft as sh*te government (that new sceme - "oh, lets give them pizza, they wont mis behave then" shows it), little pricks know they can get away with things so they abuse the fact