View Full Version : british weather

25-05-08, 02:20 PM
hi guys just bin out in the rain and me motor sucked up bit of water not bad just a cough an splutter , so has anyone got any ideas on waterproofin this area of the engine bay plz cheers hopefully see yous all at pv08 :thumb:

25-05-08, 05:11 PM
If you mean by sucking up water that water has been going in through the intake and into the engine yo will be introuble. Its not likely unless you've been going through a deep flood and actually had the air intake in the water. This usually kills an engine - its called hydraulicing and because water doesn't compress causes alsorts of problems.
If you are talking about spray and stuff getting into your electrics and causing misfires then renewing your leads/ dizzy cap if fitted will help and spraying water repellent on should help

25-05-08, 07:23 PM
thanks for that but now got more problems coil blown an took ht with it outside motorworld in cov an guess wat yep the dont keep em in stock baa jus bin towed home by a french bag of nails lol someone on here the other day was on about part numbers would be nice if i could get this, my motors a 91 gsi standard old sqaure type coil if anyone can help ide appreciate it as its done my head in lol

26-05-08, 06:46 PM
Please stop the retard typing, in the politest way possible lol