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14-05-08, 10:33 PM
Newts which caused a three-month delay and extra costs of £1m to a bypass in Leicestershire have failed to appear.
It had been thought a colony of the protected great crested newt was threatened by construction of the road around Earl Shilton.
Under European law, the county council had to install protection fences and traps, halting the project.
But after a month of searching not a single newt has been found, prompting officials to question the move.
It is against the law to injure, capture or disturb the amphibians in any way without a licence.
Balance 'wrong'
The creatures live on land but return to ponds to breed in the spring.
The county council's engineering manager Derek Needham said regular checks were made.
"Within the site, in case any newts are trapped, we have put down traps every 20m which have to be inspected twice a day once it gets above 5C.
"Over the past 30 days we have caught a number of normal newts but no great crested newts."
Council leader David Parsons said: "I don't think it is a waste of time but I think it is a question of balance.
"I think we have to talk to government about the balance between money and saving wildlife, because I don't think we have got it right." Natural England, the body charged with monitoring the newts, said the creatures had the same level of protection across the EU.

So a really necessary bypass has been stopped for 3 months for nothing!!!!!!!

14-05-08, 10:35 PM
we had the same with a link road round our way

14-05-08, 10:43 PM
We actually shifted a pond before a major construction project started, we dug the new one, and dug a channel from the old one. we got all of the plant & pond life moved & never found a newt.

six months later, the newt experts turned up & started waving their hands about saying that we must not do a thing to the pond in case we affect the natural habitat. so we fenced it, built special traps etc & never found a newt. then the £2m project started. one of the newt experts kept visiting & on one occasion he knocked a plywood sheet & it fell flat. when we lifted it back up, lying underneath was a completely flat great crested newt!!!!!!oooops

14-05-08, 10:45 PM

14-05-08, 10:46 PM
There all dead Dave

14-05-08, 10:57 PM
I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that.

14-05-08, 11:15 PM
I'm going to get severly ripped for this.


They are an endangered species within the UK and their habitats and numbers are observed/surveyed when you try and develop a peice of land.

They're a pain in the ****, As soon as one had been observed then everything halts, and all it takes is one of them to be caught "passing through". Regardless of wether their actual primary habitat lies within the site.

We had a job, design a huge house in a very small plot. Everything permitted... And suddenly great crested newts turn up from nowhere. Couldn't say for certain, but it was likely that the neighbours were putting them there.

Do you really think some ****ty newts are going to stick around when all the associated commotion of construction starts !?

15-05-08, 09:49 AM

15-05-08, 10:44 AM
Our "new" building had to be put on hold for 9 months at great cost while some funking hippies demanded that we buy the land next to the site and turn it into a nature reserve to home some newts that might ahve been found getting their groooove on at the site. They did a survey fo "newts" her a little while back and guess what..... there are NONE in this awesome Newt friendly location that we paid a lot of money to make for the feckers.

I wanted to use it as my test track for the Transit powered Defender but apparently our insurance wouldnt have covered it. gits lol

15-05-08, 11:28 AM
the thing is......

newts use the pond for mating for a fortnight every year, so its a bit like Ibiza really, then they crawl back under their rock for the next 50 weeks.

15-05-08, 11:30 AM
Oh, and another thing.... Great Crested Newts are endangered in the rest of europe, but they are actually really common over here. Not that I should be saying this, but if the pond they want to breed in suddenly has some fish in it, then the newt eggs all get eaten, thus solving the problem