View Full Version : 1st Sprint event @ Teesside Autodrome today ...

05-05-08, 08:15 PM
Competed in my first Sprint event today, was organised by a local motor club and was held @ Teesside Autodrome near Middlesbrough, each timed run is 1.9 laps of a 2.1km track, got 2 practise runs then 2 propper timed runs.
Because a Nova never came with an LET from the factory my car didnt fit in any class other than 'Sports Libre' which is pretty much an unlimited (anything goes) class, so i ended up running in a class of 6, me a Westfield Megabusa, Locost, MK Indy, RAW Striker and a Radical !!


Came 6th (last !) in my class but was only 0.39 secs off the guy in 5th so not bad really, magaed to spin it thur a chicane at the end of the back straight in practise but just went over the grass so no damage, put my 888's on the front for the final 2 runs, first timed run went well knocking 4 secs off my practise time, the first lap of the final run was easily my quickest but then got a bit carried away on the last half ... broke a bit to late for the chicane and spun it 180* into the tyre wall !!
Few scrapes and dents on the bootlid and bumpers a bit twisted but not to bad, was expecting it to be a lot worse !!
All in alll was a good day, only managed a couple of pics of mine, there was a guy taking photos there who caught my 1st spin on camera, will hopefully get them and post them up later.



05-05-08, 08:17 PM
Good skills!

What tyres were you running on the back with the 888's up front??

05-05-08, 08:23 PM
Good skills!

What tyres were you running on the back with the 888's up front??

just had T1R's on the back, just have the 888's for running up the 1/4 mile really but thought i'd take them along, car was understeering abit (alot!!) so thought i'd give them a try, definatly helped ... think i'd still of spun even with a full set of slicks tho !!

05-05-08, 08:27 PM
lol. Not the best idea running odd tyres to combat understeer, you'll end up with more issues than you think. Best off sticking 4 888's on and having a fiddle with the geometry.

05-05-08, 08:37 PM
lol. Not the best idea running odd tyres to combat understeer, you'll end up with more issues than you think. Best off sticking 4 888's on and having a fiddle with the geometry.

Aye i know but was worth a shot, car did genuinely feel better tho, think it was my attempts at late braking that was the problem !
First time doing anything like this really, could of been worse !

05-05-08, 08:37 PM
Good going Rich - I have my first one next Sunday @ Curborough!

Strange how you ended up in Sports Libre tho, I'm in 'Mod Prod 3B', which is Modified Production Cars 1401cc > 2000cc...

When is your next outing?

Was it good fun?

05-05-08, 08:42 PM
Looked like fun! I wanna enter some off this!

05-05-08, 08:49 PM
Good going Rich - I have my first one next Sunday @ Curborough!

Strange how you ended up in Sports Libre tho, I'm in 'Mod Prod 3B', which is Modified Production Cars 1401cc > 2000cc...

When is your next outing?

Was it good fun?

Think different motor clubs must run different classes, these lot only 12 / 13 classes, got an entry form for Barbon Hillclimb (ran by a different club) in June and thats got twice as many classes listed.
Hopefully gonna do another one at the start of june (week before PV !) at Kames (scotland) ... only gonna be doing 2 or 3 to be honest, its pretty pricey !!
Was absolutly top fun, i was sh*tting my pants right up untill the light turned green then once away it was a belter, look forward to getting out again.

05-05-08, 08:55 PM
Yeah, I can imagine the nerves to begin with, until you're out there anyway.

Pricey? how much was tee-side then? As the Curborough one next week is only £70 for 3x practice, and 3x timed runs

But then, as you say - different venues probably have different pricing.

Any video footage at all ?

05-05-08, 08:58 PM
Think different motor clubs must run different classes, these lot only 12 / 13 classes, got an entry form for Barbon Hillclimb (ran by a different club) in June and thats got twice as many classes listed.
Hopefully gonna do another one at the start of june (week before PV !) at Kames (scotland) ... only gonna be doing 2 or 3 to be honest, its pretty pricey !!
Was absolutly top fun, i was sh*tting my pants right up untill the light turned green then once away it was a belter, look forward to getting out again.

Cool, Barbon is right near my home-home. I'l say hello if i make it there :thumb:

Glad to see your using the car properly !

05-05-08, 09:11 PM
hi mate, got a link to the club? i wanna do things like this and i'm up in the east mids! any link or road rallie sites would be helpful...ta

05-05-08, 09:16 PM
Teesside was £70, think Kames is the same, Barbon Hillclimb is £80.
Unsure how many practise runs / timed runs you get with those tho ?
I think its a bit pricey to be honest, for the amount of time your on the track but its definatly worth a try, only ever been on the track @ Trax before this, think i prefer running on track by myself ... less to things to worry about !

Aye pop along Nick, not 100% sure i'm gonna do it at the minuet tho, but will probly go along to watch anyway, think its the 14th June.

05-05-08, 09:19 PM
Ahhh I get what you mean now, in regards to VFM compared to a trackday it's probably mega expensive seeing as you do the course in 50secs or whatever lol

Just kinda thought I might aswell give it a go after getting the FIA race suit, licence, club membership etc lol

Any pics of your timing strut?

05-05-08, 09:49 PM
couple of pics ...


from what it says on in the blue book, i thought they'd be checking it with a rule to make sure it was exactly right ... there was loads of other cars with all kinds of things being used as timing struts ! some clubs may be a stricter tho ?
I went over to an event to other month just to see what 'went on' and to get the scrutineers to have a look over my car in case there was anything that needed sorting, gave me a small list of things to do, even if i hadn't bothered doing them i don't think they'd of noticed, only took them about 30 secs to scrutineer it !
Are you having to sort an MSA log book for yours ?

05-05-08, 09:51 PM
(firstly - sorry for the hi jack, but at least it's on topic! lol)

Nope, not having to MSA logbook it, as it's road legal with valid Road Tax, MOT and Insurance :)

I'm having my strut made tomorrow, slightly different to yours, but I'm sure it does the same job, hehe.

Do you know if I have to run with a front number plate on? because I'm in the Mod Prod class? or did you not notice any others? as I'm using the number plate bolt hole to secure my beam breaker :thumb:

05-05-08, 09:59 PM
Hmm ... i was told i had to get mine log booked by the scrutineer (which i did), although no one asked to see it today !
Had to alter the shape of the strut as i wanted to use the number plate bolt to secure it, was gonna end up to low if i'd kept it the std shape.
Think most had number plates, altho there was a few that you couldn't read as they'd gaffer taped the strut to the middle of it. can you not mount it on top of your number plate ?

05-05-08, 10:04 PM
of course I can lol sorry, was just being a thicko

oh balls, well hopefully mine won't be too low - but we'll see hey! hehe!

thanks for your info anyway mate :) really appreciate that :thumb:

05-05-08, 10:12 PM
Nice one Rich, looks like you had fun! at least you damaged it having fun!

Rick Draper
06-05-08, 12:08 AM
Good to see it been used properly Rich.

06-05-08, 01:02 AM
Aye pop along Nick, not 100% sure i'm gonna do it at the minuet tho, but will probly go along to watch anyway, think its the 14th June.

Cool, i'l be there to watch too hopefully.

I planned on doing it this year, but i've not done anything with the car over the past year :roll: Maybe next time....

The Simps
06-05-08, 11:03 AM
looks like you had really good fun mate :beer:

06-05-08, 01:52 PM
Yeh nice to see it getting used like it should :thumb:

First road rallys, then sprints lol

Theres no stopping

06-05-08, 05:58 PM
Nice one Rich. :)

You getting the boot repainted or will it polish out?

06-05-08, 06:42 PM
Nah its gonna need repainted, the dent pulled out and a skim of filler i'd say, gonna be doing another event 1st June so gonna wait till after that before i get it sorted ... could be a few emergancy repairs before PV !

Guy posted these up on the motor club forum ...

Bit to late on the brakes i think !!

That was on my 2nd practise run, just ended up on the grass across the chicane, i done pretty much the same thing on my last timed run bit also managed to hit the tyre wall !!

Pic of the track, its the chicane on the back straight were i had my off.


06-05-08, 07:01 PM
Excellent pics Rich - nice to see you pushing it!

Got my beambreaker sorted today, so all is pretty much ready.

Any last minute tips you can advise on?

06-05-08, 07:03 PM
Whats a beambreaker???

Nice pics Rich, looks kinda cool with that number on the side :cool:

06-05-08, 07:10 PM
Any last minute tips you can advise on?

Erm ... give it death !! haha
From the pics i've seen you seem to be on the track a fair bit so cant see you having any probs at all tbh, just get a few steady practise runs in to familiarise yourself with the track then just go for it !
You'll probly be bricking it (i was) sitting at the lights before you go, once the green light is there tho its game on !!

06-05-08, 07:12 PM
Whats a beambreaker???

See my pics on the other page, also known as a Timing strut' its just a flat piece of plate that sticks out the front of your car to break the timing beam for when you start / stop.

06-05-08, 07:12 PM
Ahhh, aye "beambreaker" kinds of give it away what it does now lol

ste porter
06-05-08, 07:34 PM
links to simalar clubs realy want to have a go at this

06-05-08, 07:38 PM
links to simalar clubs realy want to have a go at this

Best off getting in contact with your local motor club Ste ;)

craig green
07-05-08, 01:29 PM
Nice to see you using the car properly Rich, though I cringed when I read the damage report.

Nice slide in the pics anyway.

07-05-08, 05:15 PM
There are a few vids on YouTube from the Sprint.

Just search teeside, and some should come up with 05-05-08 afterwards.

PM sent Rich... oops!? lol

07-05-08, 10:56 PM
Great pics - it looked for a bit from the first shots that you were teeing yourself up for a bit of rallycross stylee across the grass action! Good effort mate:thumb:

07-05-08, 11:04 PM
Olly, I might pop in and see you on sunday. Let me know what time your there, do you still have my phone number?