View Full Version : Boris FTW!

02-05-08, 11:06 PM
Up yours Labour!


02-05-08, 11:14 PM

02-05-08, 11:16 PM
^^ lol



02-05-08, 11:26 PM
borris for pm lol

03-05-08, 06:46 AM
Labour will ruin this country! Kill 'em, KILL 'EM ALL!!

03-05-08, 07:12 AM
Big slap to the head Kenlol i saw a pic the other day of Stanley his dad, chip off the old blocklol

03-05-08, 08:23 AM
Labour HAVE ruined this country! Kill 'em, KILL 'EM ALL!!

corrected for you mike

03-05-08, 08:41 AM
corrected for you mike

people are only unhappy now because the american sub-prime markets crashed and took the UK with it, if that never had happened things would be the same as last year.
i dont remember hearing any one complaining 12 months ago when many people had huge credit card bills, 100% mortgages on houses they could never have DREAMED of owning and access to loads of cheap money. its only now the debts being called in people are upset and want change....when really its their own fault.

but ye,
Boris for mayor and get labour out!! lol

03-05-08, 08:48 AM
erm I've been miffed with Labour for *******ing ages..... infact this month was the first and only time they have done something good that benefitted me (the altered Income tax gave me £50 a month more cash).

The sub prime crash in the US has fark all to do with me hating labour lol

03-05-08, 08:50 AM
erm I've been miffed with Labour for *******ing ages..... infact this month was the first and only time they have done something good that benefitted me (the altered Income tax gave me £50 a month more cash).

The sub prime crash in the US has fark all to do with me hating labour lol

Agreed, 1st time i remember receiving anything from labour, they are stealing it back from the low paid though, scum:thumb:

03-05-08, 08:52 AM
this month was the first and only time they have done something good that benefitted me (the altered Income tax gave me £50 a month more cash).

erm, have you checked your NI contributions havent increased, if they havent already, they will be VERY soon, good OLD labour!!lol lol

maybe so Sturat, but i feel that is the consensus of the general population, not just you!

03-05-08, 08:59 AM
NI has gone up on mine ;) but the tax saving on the 20% (from 22% or what ever it was) offsets it all a treat.

but at the end of the day it matters not who is "publicly" running the country, as its all the same civil servants doing the stupid middle management quango BS.

03-05-08, 09:03 AM
Sturat, there is simply not enough people working hard enough to support a country that relies on hand-outs and large minimum wages. also like you say, there are too many pencil pushers.

03-05-08, 09:05 AM
Labour managed to come into power when the economy was on the mend, the hard work had been done. They have just ridden on the crest claiming the glory.

I never wanted them in, as in general people like me suffer for trying to run my life properly. Anyone noticed that in their current reign it may have been beneficial to be out of work and claiming benefit with free housing? Definately not owning your own house, paying taxes and driving cars?

03-05-08, 09:09 AM
that is the problem these days MC. you are not 'rewarded' to make an honest living, not that i feel you should be, theres just no incentive to work hard. the rich poor devide will always get bigger because the rich just want to work to get richer, and the poor, dont want to work any harder or want to work less.

03-05-08, 11:56 AM
Vote BNP lol

03-05-08, 09:26 PM
i get the feeling charlies reply is going to be a long one lol

03-05-08, 09:29 PM
Well we'll see about Boris -my feeling is he's a bit of a political lighweight and it'll only be a matter of time b4 he commits one gaff too many and gets laughed out of office. The press must be thinking already " yes! scandals aplenty"

As for New Labour - it seems to me that Gordon has inherited a crown of thorns and much of it is of his own making when he was chancellor- all those times he crowed "no more boom and bust"lol He's **** as PM. Blair for all his failings was a much better PM - Brown just doesn't have the charisma, style or political nouse.
When he got to be leader he should have had the bollox to go to the country. If he had confidence in himself and his party he should have gone for it and got a proper mandate from the people. Instead he was so desperate to be PM that he wimped out and now its obvious that all he's succeeded in doing is taking the helm of a sinking ship. I cant believe he didn't see this coming and what the fook he thought he was doing with the 10 pence rate of tax just before these elections god only knows. He's alienated the 1 section of society that might have still had some loyalty to the general labour movement.
He will now die the death of a thousand cuts and will be defeated at the next election that is if he isn't booted out by his own party first.

03-05-08, 09:31 PM
As per my original comment.......wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwinner :D

But on a serious note i 100% agree with every word :thumb:

03-05-08, 09:36 PM
There is no doubt Boris will make a fair few boo boo's. But man it.s gonna be funny to watch. Hopefully he'll deal out more abuse to the northerners lol :)

03-05-08, 09:38 PM
Lol @ Dan.:p

Eveyone was going on about how well the Tories had done but didn't mention the Lib Dems much. Why did they not do at all well? They shot themselves down with their last leadership debacle. They managed not to elect the 1 person who had proved to be their most effective leader in recent times - Vince Cable and instead got in a couple of unknowns one of which floated to the top and has been spectacularly anonymous since - ie Nick Clegg otherwise known as "Cameron Lite"lol lol In 1 fell swoop they've reversed all the steady progress they had been making and now theyre just a joke.

04-05-08, 07:50 AM
Boris for mayor just for entertainment alone. You know the paper won't have to make up stories about him, he'll give them plenty of goof's to write about that are true. I'd like to see him shoulder charge someone againlol

Poor Ken, lost it all to a walking gooflol