View Full Version : Car newly sprayed, Polish/Paint protection

28-04-08, 10:14 AM
Right, I've to lift my SX Nova this evening after its respray. Its been buffed and sitting pretty, and I wanna keep it that way, (Resprayed Red).

The car has had 2 pack and so hasnt been laquered. Is having it laquered going to be of any benifit to me or should i just wax/polish it a few times and if so, whats recomended for use?

28-04-08, 10:47 AM
you want to polish it as little as possible imho.

so a good wax will be key.
Do you want a long term wax or are you happy to apply more every 1-2months?

The lazy option (my fave) os Collinite 476s wax... can last upto 6-7 months (I got a bit carried away with it and put shed loads on... should last 9 months now lol)

For shorter term but better gloss look at Poorboys Nattys Red wax. V good but isnt as durable.

yeah I know its sad knowing a bit about wax, but I wanted the least hassle approach to keeping the car clean and boy does the 476s work at that lol. washing the car only requires a bit of foam and a rinse now :D

28-04-08, 11:19 AM
Yeah, I'm happy to wash weekly and wax it monthly, just anything to keep it Gleeming. Is Nattys Red Wax an actual brand or am I going to look like a **** asking for it?

With regards to Laquering it, would it be anyway benificial?

28-04-08, 12:40 PM
You wont find it in many shops lol. Mail order only (usually)

Have a look at some of the trader "shops" on detailingworld.
some offer discounts too. Or simply google it to see if there is somone in IE selling the stuff.

getting it laquered would help, but major baf if the car is rebuilt right now.

28-04-08, 12:43 PM
You should definately laquer 2X paint IMO. Offers a load more protection in the long run.

28-04-08, 02:52 PM
No, it hasnt been rebuilt yet. Still sitting as it was during the painting process. I'm to do that when i get it back, but it looks like a coat or two of laquer might make all the difference. :D

28-04-08, 04:15 PM
I agree with Lee, get it laquered. Not only will it give the colour paint a bit more protection, but should give you a much deeper finish when it's all polished/waxed.

28-04-08, 06:20 PM
Would it not fade under the laquer? This happens with Civic Type R's !

Sorry if thats stupid and not true. lol