View Full Version : Facebook

18-04-08, 03:34 PM
I've just been forced into getting it. As if I didn't get enough spam from Myspace, Bebo niether of which I use anymore, but can't delete them. And then there's PNG... by far the worst... lol

So who has facebook, and the "Car Enthusiast" app which is the only decent thing on it so far!

18-04-08, 03:37 PM
Ive got facebook but havnt got the car enthusiast app tho

18-04-08, 03:40 PM
i'm on it, i'll point you in the direcrtion of this page ;)


18-04-08, 03:48 PM
I'm on it too

18-04-08, 03:49 PM
ha i have facebook, its well annoying,people keep sending you these links to see 'how hot are you?' 'someone fancies you click here to find out' grrrrr

18-04-08, 03:53 PM
I've got invites currently to add 673 applications haha. and 99.9% are ****!

18-04-08, 03:54 PM
[quote=hendrix]I've got invites currently to add 673 applications haha. and 99.9% are ****![/quotehaha jokes I have 58 :wtf:

18-04-08, 03:54 PM
Facebook was fantastic until they introduced applications. Since then it's exactly the same as any other social networking website, full of morons adding various crap to abstract away from the point of it.

18-04-08, 03:57 PM
Facebook was fantastic until they introduced applications. Since then it's exactly the same as any other social networking website, full of morons adding various crap to abstract away from the point of it.

agreed!!! :thumb:

craig green
18-04-08, 04:02 PM
I'm on FB if only to keep tabs on uni & school mates tbh. The whole applications ollux does my nutt in. Everytime I log in I've got to wade through acres of sh*t about how Scott Parker is having a race or someone thinks I'm a great mate or whatever.

Its got a bit big for its own good IMO but the concept is great though somewhat American.

Hi to anyones thats befriended me btw! Oh & Fabio & Grooverider locked on FB. FTW

18-04-08, 04:15 PM
theres now a button to ignore all application invites : D

craig green
18-04-08, 04:18 PM
Brilliant idea.......

18-04-08, 04:43 PM
Facebook is brilliant, especially being at uni ! Theres allways stuff happening, Parties, birthdays e.t.c and it's awesome for remembering it all / getting invited.When i leave, i don't think i'l use it as MUCH, but it's still by far the best "social neworking" kinda thing.

Oh, and you can Block applications and do tons of other tweaks -it's not an easy interface to use or find things though !

18-04-08, 04:44 PM
theres now a button to ignore all application invites : D

Ive got to find that, and i hate when people add you and then they ask if they know you :wtf: Whats that about lol

18-04-08, 05:51 PM
Yeah im on it.. all good fun i suppose

18-04-08, 07:06 PM
ha I was snooping to see what you all look like but you all suck!you have your profiles set so unless your a friend you cant have a sneaky peak :p

18-04-08, 07:47 PM
FB is the best social networking site IMO, even though its p!ss easy to steal people's dataz from it.

18-04-08, 10:13 PM
I'm on it and i'm now back in touch with loads of old school mates ive not spoke to in 15 years or so!

18-04-08, 10:56 PM
I'm on it too...although I only play the mindjolt games. Staries is currently doing me fecking box in!

19-04-08, 02:49 PM
ha I was snooping to see what you all look like but you all suck!you have your profiles set so unless your a friend you cant have a sneaky peak :p
Yeah and yours is set to private too.

19-04-08, 04:00 PM
Aren't ALL profiles on FB "private"? I thought you can only see the full profile if you add someone as a friend.

Its not like Myspazz where you have the choice of whether anonymous viewers can look at your profile or not.

19-04-08, 04:59 PM
Aren't ALL profiles on FB "private"? I thought you can only see the full profile if you add someone as a friend.

Its not like Myspazz where you have the choice of whether anonymous viewers can look at your profile or not.
Some are set as private some arent... type a random name in, them with there names in black are private them in blue arent.

19-04-08, 05:38 PM
you can make your profile visible to anyone, but as a general rule of thumb, you can see anyones profile if they are in the same network as you. (unless they use the limited access options)

19-04-08, 07:20 PM
lol im on it too , as said though its good for keeping up woth old scholl friends etc

and my profile is open lol

20-04-08, 06:28 PM
Im on it aswell.:D

Not a clue if mine is open or not. :confused:

20-04-08, 06:51 PM
I dont use "social networking" sites. I found a few wonderful inventions called mobile phone's and automobiles.

My mobile phone lets me contact my non social networking friends via there mobile phone and then my automobile amazingly takes me to there residence where we talk.
Face to face, in person. Thus eliminating my "Dataz" being stolen and used to obtain Visa's for the likes of Abu Hamzad.

20-04-08, 08:55 PM
What if they live in foreign countries?


20-04-08, 09:18 PM
What if they live in foreign countries?


I have a wonderful device called a "internerd connection" from this i can book airline tickets and drive automobiles with steering wheels on the wrong side of the vehicle.

20-04-08, 10:30 PM
What if you're skint?


20-04-08, 11:03 PM
Smoke signals. Or shout very loudly.

21-04-08, 02:38 AM
im on it to.

craig did you enjoy all your invites lol

21-04-08, 05:20 AM
I dont use "social networking" sites. I found a few wonderful inventions called mobile phone's and automobiles.

My mobile phone lets me contact my non social networking friends via there mobile phone and then my automobile amazingly takes me to there residence where we talk.
Face to face, in person. Thus eliminating my "Dataz" being stolen and used to obtain Visa's for the likes of Abu Hamzad.

True, there are way too many people i know that literally live via Facebook - Slowly becoming real life social retards.

One great thing is it cuts my phone bill down though, I'm signed into Messenger constantly and hotmail, so it's allmost as good as a mobile at times, but without the cost ! :thumb:

21-04-08, 09:43 AM
im on it!

21-04-08, 09:59 AM
I agree with Nick, facebook is amazing for knowing the events and parties that are going on :D

The most addictive application is that Owned!, me and Burgo have encountered many bidding wars. lol

21-04-08, 10:14 AM
Ahhh, its hard to beat the old www.faceparty.com (http://www.faceparty.com)

The only place you can be as racest, offensive and insulting as you like til you get banned, and then just open a new Profile. LOL

Also, I love the live chat rooms and everyone in them seems to be nuts!!

21-04-08, 10:30 AM
with FB, just turn off all the crap you dont want to recieve :D easy then.

Yes phones and cars are good, but when you moved away from an area before mobiles were commonplace and siad people have also scattered across the county, it makes finding them easier :D Got back in contact with a load of old school mates who I've not seen/heard from since 1996 lol.

21-04-08, 01:59 PM
The most addictive application is that Owned!
I have stalkers on there :(

craig green
21-04-08, 02:10 PM
Ahhh, its hard to beat the old www.faceparty.com (http://www.faceparty.com)

The only place you can be as racest, offensive and insulting as you like til you get banned, and then just open a new Profile. LOL

Also, I love the live chat rooms and everyone in them seems to be nuts!!

Is it me or is that site full of powting, ugly teens taking pictures of themselves in the mirror?

I love telling all the slappers they are 'ruined' due to their tattoo's. lol

21-04-08, 02:22 PM
Is it me or is that site full of powting, ugly teens taking pictures of themselves in the mirror?

I love telling all the slappers they are 'ruined' due to their tattoo's. lol

YES!!! That and old men wanting to swap Pics of school girls which is worrying, but post up www.sexoffendersregister.co.uk (http://www.sexoffendersregister.co.uk) and watch them log out as quick as they can. LOL

21-04-08, 02:25 PM
I'm on it purely for getting in touch with old mates/school chums.

I got quite into it for about a week and very rarely go on now (I keep meaning to, but its always one of the things I never quite get round to doing lol)