View Full Version : wot wud u lot do?

26-08-02, 07:48 PM
ive gone on and on in the tech forum about an e reg nova, but not having the money to get it...so, if u were me, wud u go for it and buy a ?400 car this month and be skint for a month or so, or wait 4 weeks wen uve got abit more money then get sommat???

26-08-02, 08:44 PM
hiya again.
right upto you,
live like i do,do woteva ever now and worry bout it l8.....then again ive been banged up once and got a driving ban...........then again i am engage to a mighty fine blonde.

right think about it,do u need the money for sumthing else,girlfriend,drink etc.if ya can put them off(not the girl tho).if ya can go for it,but its up to u
personall id do it,do wot u want worry bout it l8,u only live once

26-08-02, 11:20 PM
good points hayzsr - die fast live young etc...!

then again you culd hold out 4 weeks and get a "newer" model - plenty about - similar prices... but if this ones minted, go for it!

thats providing with the left overs u got enuff cash for tax, insurance, etc...?


26-08-02, 11:36 PM
this E Reg Nova, it look like new, but only from a picture (nice a shiny) lol...?375, get it for ?350 maybe?? if i get it, im gonna have hardly any money for a month and i need to pursuade my dad to do the insurance in montly instalments rather than just the one big payment...which i dont think will be easy!

(if u wanna look at it, check autotrader, under ?500 for TS58AF)

26-08-02, 11:45 PM
i'd say yer leaving yerself tight! u still godda put petrol in her and you'll be cruising about a fair bit in a new motor!

Wait for a month - how longs it been advertised for? a few weeks may not make any difference - ask the guy if he can hang on till next month - pay a deposit or something if you really want it that badly...


27-08-02, 12:34 AM
its been advertised for about 2 weeks, i guess in a month sommat newer will hav come along, just the waiting im not looking forward too lol

27-08-02, 11:29 AM
thats is a nice one i think,from a distance it looks nice,
buy it,wave 300 cash in front of him and bet ya take it for 300

27-08-02, 11:44 AM
If its that good buy it, you can probably sell it for more later anyway.
