View Full Version : Novadose body kit - towing eye

07-04-08, 09:08 PM
Part of my custom front bumper build requires me to fashing up some sort of towing eye cover (rather than remove my entire front bumper).

Noticed the novadose kit is similarly set up to mine re the fog light area and was wondering if anyoine with a Novadose kit could post a pic of their towing eye cover (if it has one?!?)

Alternatively if it doesnt what do you do? Is the fog light surround in line with the eye? or do you just pray you dont break down?

Any pics would be v useful...


General Baxter
07-04-08, 09:11 PM
if i remember, it dont remove, you just have to take the bumper off again,

but what you have to ask your self is, would you tell the tow truck to attach the rope to the tow eye in the first place, i know i wouldn't lol

07-04-08, 10:27 PM
mmm - good point - when mine went to get the welding done I was towed to a local body shop (500 yrds down the road) and my car parted company with the eye! Left me stranded across a main road lol