View Full Version : Got my rally licence today :D

06-04-08, 11:40 PM
As some may or may not know im currently building nova gte rally car which come to think of it i was hoping to have it out June 29th which will soon be here and car still in bits....good thing though is that everything that needed doing is done, all case of remebering where the bolts go and painting her up.

So it started during the week, rang up Phil Price to ask when could come do BAR's test, he said come up sunday, which when i rang it was gorgeous sun shine!

Drive up to mid wales last night so its not a 2 and half hour journey first thing in morning so i got a sleep in, wake up in the hotel 7ish look outside and i see this....

little sleet/ice nothing to worry about, so much for all this snow they were talking about,

set about my travels to the rally school, and the further west i went well look at the pics

the worse the snow actually was, so i was thinking great, taking test today, and its going to be on ice and snow, as if i wasn't nervous enough!

Got to the school eventually (missed turning to start with) and you drive up abit of the stage to get to the lodge, so i thought would have bit of fun in the pug, wind the gf up, im blasting it up this stage (i say blasting its a 206 no turbo diesel) then bang i thought oppppps there goes the sump, luckily no damage, scared the misses though :thumb:

Get to the entrance and the school had already started, people having fun in these

which ive done the school before, if anyone wants a good day out, well recomed it, mk2 escorts sideways all day on practice stage then get to take out a subaru on main stage now (was cossie when i did it)

And 2 hours of theory, and a blast round the stage in the subaru to show i know how to drive, i am now allowed to rally, few pics of scoob

and there we go, pretty boring read im sure, but i got my licence which is the main thing, not cheap though, 50quid to get applcation form, 180quid test, 43quid to get actual licence......nice! :confused:

07-04-08, 12:11 AM
well done :thumb:

07-04-08, 12:29 AM
sweet ... looks a good crack