View Full Version : hoods tried to steal my car!!!

03-04-08, 04:56 AM
came out of the bath at 2 an noticed my car had gone, just got the motor friday past,
doors were locked no windows down,
but got the car about 50 yards accross from our house, we live at the bottom of a hill in a estate an only way out is up the hill, they bent the drivers door out an got in that way, thank god i got the car back an bent the door back in, but is there anyway to stop this?
would an alarm go of if they bend the door back from the top? can i do somethin with the doors to stop this from happening?
has this happened anyone before, if yes how or hat did you do?


03-04-08, 05:02 AM
unfortunetly theres no way of preventing the doors from being bent back. however if you fit an alarm with either proximity sensors or ultra sonic sensor then you alarm will go off. how come they left it just up the road??

*edit* i assume they got in by bending back the door and pulling up the door pin?? if so just unscrew them

03-04-08, 06:29 AM
thievin little bar stewards! they got into my car like that last year, but not satisfies withbending one, they bent both nearside soors and smashed two windows. they failed to hotwire it though as the ignition switch disintegrated when they tried to pull it off, so karma does work...

anyways, gutted for ya mate, especially if you've not had it long. like burgo says, fit and alarm with ultrasound or proximity sensors, hope it all turns out alright

03-04-08, 08:11 AM
Any decent alarm these days comes with a shock sensor, which ought to detect some ape swinging on the door.

If you're removing the door pins, you'd do well to chop/remove the rod as well, otherwise they'll just pull that up.

Welsh Dan
03-04-08, 08:28 AM
I heard about someone splitting his doors open carefully then welding some plate inside and then welding the doors back together to prevent this, but it could be just an old wives tale.

03-04-08, 08:50 AM
Trim the door pins down so that when the car is locked they sit flush with the top of the door.

03-04-08, 09:40 AM
Try all of they above ideas mate, and if your still after something more you could try fitting some sort of flush fit lock into the pillar that would lock the top part of the door so it cant be bent back (if this can be done that its)


03-04-08, 10:11 AM
scott an dan that does sound good, who do i try an body panel man?
im gonna get them pins pulled out today an get the rods out of the way, only hav her from friday, got the door bent back but i did that in 10 seconds, they musta got into the car pushed it but dunno why, the ignition wasnt even touched, was all grand, got a wee switch under the dash, you have to flick it to send power to the engine for it to run, if un-swicthed car starts but cuts out straight away, so the switch wasnt touched, must get that moved away under the dash or next time i might not be so lucky

seen alarms on ebay, ?80 comes with fobs, r/c/l, alarm/ immobiliser, not sure about sensor but thnk thats wats needed

03-04-08, 10:22 AM
"if it's a possible job" then a good body shop should be able to anything you ask of them..

As for Alarms, you need one with the sensor's, but most will come with them anyway..but it's the fitting that will coast you mate, unless you know some one who can do it?


03-04-08, 10:33 AM
im not to bad aslong as there's a diagram, i'll give it a go, but if i try it an not workin it'll be goin to someone who will install it right, i cant believe they tried to steal it, on the 5th nite of me buyin the car, first thing i went for was a hammer an went round the estate were i live an there she was on the footpath, no chance were they gettin the car up a 100ft hill, if they did byebye nova

03-04-08, 12:13 PM
An alarm on a Nova should be pretty easy to install - even microwave/ultrasonics will only require power and earth, the rest will be on the alarm loom so should be plug and play - its when you get into connecting things into the loom such as remote starts and turbo timers that things get hard lol

03-04-08, 12:23 PM
Humm if thats the case i wonder if anyone would buy my old Clifford concept 300 if i put it on ebay??


03-04-08, 12:41 PM
They always sell/\

Ive got the doorpins completely cut off in mine, so theres no way of opening the door without removing the doorcards etc etc

03-04-08, 12:43 PM
wat price would that be on?

03-04-08, 07:50 PM
thinking about it i recon you could stiffen the door up by inserting a solid bar up into the b-piller part of the door. and position it in such a way that its against the door frame as low into the door as possible. if you get what i mean?

03-04-08, 08:08 PM
Then they could end up doing more damage around the door trying to lever it away though

03-04-08, 08:18 PM
Some right B***ards nowa days robbing :@

03-04-08, 08:31 PM
Then they could end up doing more damage around the door trying to lever it away thoughtrue but they wouldnt get in

04-04-08, 11:11 PM
I thought about this problem when i was doing my Nova Was gonna strengthen the door, but A it would have been hard to do because of the window runner inside & B they could do more damage trying to lever it open. ive gone for commercial van dead loocks!

05-04-08, 12:13 PM
some pikeys tryed to steal my escort by pulling back the drivers door when i was at a party, as karma had it the thieivin bar steward got his wrist stook in the top of the door, my alarm went mad and he got arrested :-) but i still had a slightly bent door

05-04-08, 12:41 PM
some pikeys tryed to steal my escort by pulling back the drivers door when i was at a party, as karma had it the thieivin bar steward got his wrist stook in the top of the door, my alarm went mad and he got arrested :-) but i still had a slightly bent doorif only you had come out to him stuck there, you could of beat him senceless lol

05-04-08, 02:21 PM
so wats the best thing i can do? was toying with the idea of a snapp of steering wheel?

05-04-08, 02:45 PM
For the time being I would wire in a hidden cut off switch.

A snap of steering wheel would be your best best imo. Then they can see they aint going too far even if they do get into it.

Even if you did strengthen the doors, as everyone said they will just end up doing more damage then good - however you would still be left with the car. I recon this would be expensive and you can still get it using the seal jimmy trick...

05-04-08, 04:59 PM
ive had both my doors bent back more than once:mad:(only to easy unfortunatly) but actaly caught the scumbag tw4ts in the act a couple of weeks ago,and was very close to catching them.id probaly be inside now if i had:mad: