View Full Version : All users using the 'classifieds' section

02-04-08, 11:06 PM
Just a few points I want to raise regarding the classifieds section.

If your selling something, please put as much info as you can into the post. We've managed to drum into you that your location and contact details, as well as the price, are important, but think about other things like payment or postage details.

Don't post up to sell something, get a request about it, agree to sell, and then sell it from under their nose because the second offer has more agreeable payment terms, if you haven't specified how you want payment from the beginning! It can be irritating if its a rare part and youve been hunting for it for weeks. make sure your original post is CLEAR from the start, to save any hassle later, for yourself or the poor member trying to buy.

Same goes for postage. If you dont want to post, thats fine, but make sure this is clear. Don't refuse to post to someone who is interested, but then change your mind a week later because its not sold, and sell it to someone else under their nose! If you are able to post now you could have posted it earlier! You can imagine how irritating this can be for people!

Im not telling you how to take payment, or that you have to post your goods out. Just try to be consistent, thats all I ask. It will make everything smoother, and save my PM box a lot of pain as well!

These arn't going to be added to the rules as I dont feel they need to be, I trust you can all use a bit of common sense :thumb: