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02-04-08, 07:59 PM
a rich man and a poor man are buying gifts for there wives birthdays,the rich man says,"Igot my wife a brand new bmw and a diamond ring,so if she doesnt like the ring she can take it back in her bmw and still be happy! the poor man says "i got my wife a pair of slippers and a dildo,that way if she doesnt like the slippers,she can go fcuk herselflol

a young boy asks his mum how do spell clitoris?"mum replies,go and ask yer dad,it was on the tip of his tongue this morninglol

bloke say to wife,"ur **** is the size of a three burner barbacue,later in bed that night he says,"fancy a shag,wife says,"no piont lighting a barbacue for a half a fcuking sausagelol

02-04-08, 08:10 PM
lmao!! very funni, specially the second