View Full Version : Performance Back Boxes

Mr Dan
19-08-02, 08:03 PM
I want to get a performance back box for my 1.2i and am looking at cheaper second hand ones people are selling. Could I fit one from say a GTE or any other model than a 1.2i straight on, or are they sold for specific models/engine sizes only?

19-08-02, 09:55 PM
as long as you have a standard system front to back on whatever nova it is, a backbox is a backbox

you can buy any

only problem you face is when you start to buy full systems, and manifolds, as these are different.

the centre section between models is always the same at the rear (standard) but at the front it is to suit the type of manifold.

should you buy a non standard complete system such as mongoose, you will only be able to have mongoose backboxes, well, you could get away with others, but it wouldnt be suited to the system, and probably would be bodged on as it wouldnt fit quite right.

different manufactures take different (but siumilar) approaches to things.

Mr Dan
19-08-02, 10:06 PM
Yep, bog standard 1.2i Luxe+ system. That's good news as i can now shop about for something good and cheap without having to be specific. Cheers for the explanation.

19-08-02, 10:30 PM
Std GTE box should fit, but it is not what I'd call performance. You might get clearance problems on the bumper. Maybe a GSI or SRI one is better.
I wouldn't know cos I don't play with facelift novas.


20-08-02, 09:30 AM
Becareful as many mk-1 nova backboxes come out of the rear bumper at an angle. usually pointing down and to the left if you look from the rear.
Mk-2 nova backboxes (tailpipe) sits level with the bottom of the bumper.

Mr Dan
20-08-02, 01:12 PM
I'm really after an after market backbox like a Janspeed, Magnex or Peco etc, for better looks and sound. I take it all I need to do is make sure it fits a mk2 then.


20-08-02, 01:44 PM
Yeah, just make sure the zorst you buy is designed for a mk-2 nova (1991-93). I had a PPM (Pecopowermaster) on my 1.2i and the sound was sweet, a nice burble at tick over but when you give it some revs you got a nice roar. It had a stainless steel squared-oval tail-pipe, and came with a 3 year warranty from Larkspeed, was ?90 though, but mine was on for 3 years with no problems b4 the car was written off.
Ive also heard good reports about Ashley and Sportex, also Mongoose and Scorpion but they r more expensive.

20-08-02, 06:21 PM
this is how i see things ok,my opion.
dont jus add back boxes do it properly.
so save up n sort it.
ok ive got,well drive, a 1.3 SR.it had a peco big bore 2 onit b4 and personal it sounded like a back box and not impressed as it didnt do much to preforamce.
i then got a FULL GTE ashley system incl man+downpipe.and it purrrrrrrrrrrs.it dont sound like a SR or any other novas,
it sounds sweet.
my opion is save and do the zorst proper.
but hey no1 listen to me