View Full Version : Theives stole off my Nova yesterday :)

22-03-08, 11:53 AM
lol lol ;)

22-03-08, 12:04 PM
what colour , model , reg , any distintive features on the car to point out , any hard to find parts on the car ? maybe people could have a look out for it if you tell them what its like mate , whats the smiley face for mate ? this is a bit :S

22-03-08, 12:09 PM
yea wtf why u smiling for???

22-03-08, 12:48 PM
you guys cant see the pic then!

22-03-08, 12:51 PM

22-03-08, 01:11 PM
Boyle_46: No need to worry mate, nothings been stolen in a bad way, picture
an engineless 1.2 ;)

Gsi_Jimbo: As above.


22-03-08, 01:13 PM
Click for Pic (http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v11/Coupeuk/DSC00029.jpg)

22-03-08, 01:27 PM
errrr seems a bit far fetched that someone would steal a 1.2 out of a nova mate lol , but well we are from britain afterall . nath

22-03-08, 01:29 PM
something a bit fishy going on here:confused:

22-03-08, 01:40 PM
clean engine bay fella ;)

22-03-08, 02:18 PM
errrr seems a bit far fetched that someone would steal a 1.2 out of a nova mate lol , but well we are from britain afterall . nath

Lmfao.. no1s stole it.. hes taken it out..

my god theres no helping some ppl

22-03-08, 03:42 PM
barstewards must have done a quick getaway!!

22-03-08, 04:01 PM

I wish someone would steal my 1.2 engine lol.

22-03-08, 04:24 PM
Well, now I got a bit of time, i'll share the whole story.

I dropped the car off at a mates (aka JB Motorsport ;)) on Fri morning, entrusting him to look after it and do a few little bits. He texted me about 2hours later telling me that 'someone' had been at the Nova whilst parked on his drive (next to his engine hoist and toolbox) and 'stolen' the engine, box, shafts, discs and calipers and exhaust. Well, we all know that a car cannot be driven without those key parts so i've asked him if he wouldnt mind leaving the car with the bonnet up to see if maybe the 'thieves' return with some replacement bits. We're just going to sit and wait for a week or hope for the best.

Upon further investigation, the drivers side chassis seems to have had some modification for an unknown reason and also my bank account had a sum of money taken from it.......

The mystery continues.............haha

23-03-08, 09:10 AM
i'd say your big ends gone fella.

and your head gasket,
and your stem seals,
and your water pump...

23-03-08, 10:57 AM
Power to weight ratio has probably increased.

23-03-08, 09:27 PM
I'd watch the handling - will be a tad light at the front - may also need to get your lights adjusted!

I hear fred flintstone can give lessons on foot power!


23-03-08, 09:35 PM
I'm really confused by all this.

ash anderson
23-03-08, 11:04 PM
Well, now I got a bit of time, i'll share the whole story.

I dropped the car off at a mates (aka JB Motorsport ;)) on Fri morning, entrusting him to look after it and do a few little bits. He texted me about 2hours later telling me that 'someone' had been at the Nova whilst parked on his drive (next to his engine hoist and toolbox) and 'stolen' the engine, box, shafts, discs and calipers and exhaust. Well, we all know that a car cannot be driven without those key parts so i've asked him if he wouldnt mind leaving the car with the bonnet up to see if maybe the 'thieves' return with some replacement bits. We're just going to sit and wait for a week or hope for the best.

Upon further investigation, the drivers side chassis seems to have had some modification for an unknown reason and also my bank account had a sum of money taken from it.......

The mystery continues.............haha

whats goin init xe or LET :p

24-03-08, 04:35 AM
whats goin init xe or LET :p

Im hoping the 'theives' replace the 1.2SPi with a XE, F20, and 288's.

Its only a budget toy, by fitting a XE its a cheaper conversion, easier to find a replacement engine when I blow it up and as its only going to be standard I wont need it seamwelded!

25-03-08, 07:02 PM
Them 'thieves' have been back and have thrown a XE in the hole where my 1.2 once lived. Hopefully they'll be back sometime soon to finish off putting it right.