View Full Version : beep beep

20-03-08, 06:29 PM

what do you guys think? im going to do it as there are sooooo many around here :thumb:

20-03-08, 06:31 PM
Harsh on locals if they also oppose them! I'm on the air-horn most of my journeys anyway. lol

20-03-08, 06:34 PM
...or how about every one drives at a suitable/appropriate/legal speed so there was no requirement for them in the first place?

that sounds rediculous. "lets solve one problem by creating another one" great idea (rolling my eyes) all the police will do will slap a breach of peace or ASBO on constant horn beeperers.
why not argue that they are bad for the environment? (hard braking, followed by sharp accelleration causes excessive fuel consumption)

20-03-08, 06:38 PM
I hit them at 80mph in the diesel anyway, problem solved

20-03-08, 06:38 PM
I'm probs going to be fitting air horns to my nova like Iain has done to his in the next couple weeks.

20-03-08, 07:25 PM
thats great novalad lol what style you going for?? multi tone? i do think its harsh on the locals but im still going to do it in certain areas lol

20-03-08, 07:42 PM
Air horns are for gays.....

Try this for size> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TiWNw0A1Ijg&feature=related

20-03-08, 07:46 PM
http://www.hornblasters.com/ :thumb:

20-03-08, 09:22 PM
why not argue that they are bad for the environment? (hard braking, followed by sharp accelleration causes excessive fuel consumption)
People have been arguing that line for years now, but the government has taken its usual course of action and given it a severe ignoring.

20-03-08, 09:32 PM
Yeah a think a multi 1 is in order.

21-03-08, 09:19 AM
why not argue that they are bad for the environment? (hard braking, followed by sharp accelleration causes excessive fuel consumption)

could argue that 13 year old chav having a million retarded kids is bad for enviroment, but they arent likely to solve it.

21-03-08, 07:10 PM
......unless they use the offspring mutants as 'environmentally friendly speed-bumps'