View Full Version : Alarm

12-08-02, 12:40 PM
What do you guys rekon the best way is to protect your car from the thieving scum going around? I know if they want the car bad enough they'll get it, but any ideas? just an alarm? One of those steering lock things?


12-08-02, 01:32 PM
i wrote an essay of an answer to this then the bloody connection crashed as i posted it!

in brief, do the simple things like remove ur face plate,fit lockin wheel nuts,stealth shelf to hide ur 6x9s.De-lock ur doors if they cant break the lock the only other way in is the windows which makes a lotta noise! :evil:

If ur motors safety after dark is a conncern :( :twisted: fit a cat 1 alarm,they r insurance approved(discount on premuim :D ) most have a features list of oppional extras that would make ur motor impenatrable an sum give u money back if ur chariot goes walkies!

12-08-02, 01:37 PM
total illegal but run a current though the car,hehehe joke dont try it as ur get done for GBH is any 1 get hurts,
get a master cut off switch for the power and hide it some where cat 2 imboliser and jus get a chepish alarm,
because en of the day alarms are easy to get around,
break window pop bonnent,pull serien out,
so its poinltss spend hundreads on a alarm.
but its your choice,

my advice is get an imboliser,cat 2.

alarm just to make some noise

and put something like a kill switch of a feul tap in just to give them a surpriz,

but nova`s tend to be nicked by joy riders who want an easy car to nick,so just make it visable that you have this stuff,stickers steering wheel lock,gear stick lock.end of the day if your car gonna need time taken onit,so there just go and nick the escort next door to u etc

12-08-02, 01:37 PM
Definitely an decent immobiliser but fitted properly and well hidden, ie. not like some of these 'professional' outfits that slap the control box wherever more convenient and with the least work involved, like behind the clocks or stuffed up behind the fusebox.

I fitted my own immobiliser (and alarm) to my old GSi and many other cars for mates and had the wiring checked and certified by a local Thatcham approved fitter.

Took the dash fully out to do it where you can mount and hide the control box well as well as cutting into the loom where it is out of sight and not just near the fusebox and ignition barrel which isn't the hardest thing to bypass even by the most opportunist theiving gits!

Just my two pence worth, but I am a F*rd driver to save comments from certain people - you know who you are!!! ;)

12-08-02, 01:44 PM
also do wot my grandad does,
dont leave loadza feul init,
leave little and the car aint gonna go far,heheheheheh

Ric 16v
12-08-02, 06:14 PM
definatley a clifford alarm and immobiliser as there immpossible to get round and disarm, the alarm is very loud which can be heard from a distance to warn the thieving twats away, it arms itself if you forget to !!!!! get a gearstick lock and a snap off steiring wheel, hide any speakers etc out of site, definatley go for the alarm and immobiliser though !!!!!

12-08-02, 06:31 PM
sorry but nothing impossable,
its easy to get around clifford alarms,just pull the sireon out and disconnet battery,then reconnect and the alarm reset

Ric 16v
12-08-02, 08:01 PM
the only way you can get the siren out is to cut the wire but the you can't re-connect it to reset the alarm, anyway there self powered !!!!! dohhhhh!!!!!

12-08-02, 08:16 PM
If u disconnet the power on cliffords when you power it up again it returns to the state it was in before disconnection- armed, disarmed,valet etc

You are talking out of your ring.

12-08-02, 09:01 PM
ops soz,i asumed rong,
but you can get around any alarm by disconnecting the power source.
if they really want it they take it.
im sure some people on here did joy riding,thought they wont admit it.
see as i said before these sorta cars are joy riders cars.which is a sod for many of us,
but when they are walking around that car park,they look for a car which they can get into and get off quick,
so yes you can put all thes cat 1 alarms on but,joy riders know how to get round these,
as ive said before simple ideas are more likely to confuse them.its not that they are thick or anything,but its that they are expecting people to use modern things.
could someone please explain how the cliffard alarm system power them selfs please,as im intrested in this.

12-08-02, 10:23 PM
im lookin at gettin a proper alarm fitted soon but in the mean time i had an idea:

if they cant start the car they cant drive away it right?

so we need to be able to stop em starting the car!

now correct me if im wrong but the car aint gonna start if there is no power to the ignition coil - so could i wire a simple hidden switch to the feed to the coil to stop the car from being started? im pretty sure the immobiliser works on a VERY similar principle (unless its MFR installed - i know my da's audi will start with a non-immobiliser chipped key but it cuts out after about 3 seconds - ie prolly killing power to fuel pump and ignition coils)

if so what wires are the 12v feed?


Ben (lurk75)
12-08-02, 10:49 PM
Right a few points about some that have been made!

Hayz is correct that Cliffords are just as easy to get round as any other catagorized alarm so stop sucking there dicks they aint all that!

But hayz cant be seen to agree with yopu too much so here goes...

If an alarm is fitted correctly and the siren is bolted to the bulkhead you cant tear the wires out the back (but a rag rammed in them will shut it up enough).

Alarms are worth the money but its the immobilser that earns its money. A goo tip that a lot of prestige cars go for is to fit a decent alarm eg. Clifford/Toad/Cobra and then fit a Easyfit to a separate live feed eg. a bike battery so if you rip the first one off then the other one still squeals.

To back up a decent immobilser help yourself out by putting switchs on the fuel pump/coil etc.

If your going to go for a steering wheel lock go for the Disclock as these are the only ones worth the money. They either take a long time to remove or the scum totaly destroys the car and renders it undrivable by trying to remove em.

Snap off steering wheels are crap! when you go the cinema/shopping center how many cars in the car parks without steerin wheels?-Lots How many people do you see walking round with them?-None
So where are they???? IN THE BOOT

Back to Hayz point.. Novas are either a drive home from the pub or a rant for thieves. so you make it look secure they will just walk on by.

I have a lot of security on my car probably more than any other modification!

I have a De-Locked, CAT1 Alarm, CAT2 Immobiliser (different make),4 Kill switches (not saying what on), Disclock, modified hazard switch, CCTV at home.

(i am paranoid)

13-08-02, 02:38 PM
yeh but everyone knows about shaving shit to shut em up and stuff.
but at the end of the day thevies jus want a quick get away,unless there pro who are after thing like cars which can be ringed etc.
at the end of the day,nova`s just aint worth it,so yes do the alarm and cat 2 imb, say 2 kill switchs.and just things like steering locks and gear stick lock,
coz they cant be assed to get them off.
because people will see

13-08-02, 04:01 PM
Buy a fuckin big dog an dont feed it for a month,first poor bastard who trys to nick ur motor will seriously wish he hadnt

13-08-02, 04:33 PM
lol nah got my girlfriend for that

Ben (lurk75)
13-08-02, 09:26 PM
I was agreeing with you Hayz!

The point about Cliffords is quite easy... All the prestige car owners fit them eg. Mercs, BMW, Cossies etc.

So... What type of cars do theives pinch? so what type of alarms do they learn how to get around?

My mate is a proffesional car thief and works for Finance companies and Debt collection agencies and earns shit loads of money (he dosent steal cars illegally). He can get around a Clifford GT4 very quickly.

13-08-02, 10:19 PM
oi dont diss the blonde.lol.
yeh i can get round cliffards quickly aswell.
kill stiwchs are billant m8 trust me,they totol confuse them,and no1 has the same.
how bout cctv IN the car.
but then again,imagian if ya put the wrong video in at ya parents n had the back seat getting used hehehehehe.
nicking cars legal for a living,
please tell me how to get into that job

Ben (lurk75)
13-08-02, 10:52 PM
sometimes he gets the keys but still has to get around the aftermarket alarms and locking devices before getting beaten by the owners! He gets a good basic and a very good bonus scheme. The companies give him all the paers for when he gets pulled as the cars get reported stolen and lots have trackers.
He was very notorius back in his day and was approached when he was inside, they pay him more than he could ever earn working for ringers. he has also worked for certain car magazines etc to test the best security systems. When you see these times that are produced for the easiest/hardest cars to steal he takes part in these reports too. Plus he gets to drive some of the top cars around.
He actually drives a Cosworth with a very little amount of security considering he uses a Disclock and Kill switches, but he has to do them in a certain sequence as has kill switches that power the other ones?? A bit confusing but very effective. Can be a bastard at times cause he moves my car round the corner when its parked up! and i think its been nicked!

13-08-02, 11:04 PM
gd guy,
i know how to nick cars coz i work with them,i mean i no how to get lcoks out with damaging car,etc,nearlyer every1 does.
but ive never nicked a car,to be honest i dont agree with nickign stuff as you aint earned it,(im old fashioned).
but yes,i think we agree that a seltion of kill switchs is a good idea.
hide them aswell.
remember at the end of the day your motor woth say,800 quid,it aint worth thowing 500 quid alarms etc at it.but thats my opion.

Ben (lurk75)
13-08-02, 11:14 PM
Your right (i said it and it didnt hurt :? )

At the end of the day people who fit car alarms can get round ANY.

I dont agree with nicking cars either. As i said he does it as people dont pay there finance or go bankrupt etc.

And even if you fit a ?500 alarm it wont lower the insurance that much. and at the end of the day you can crawl underneath and cut the handbrake cable and tow the car anyway!

14-08-02, 02:14 PM
i think its cat 1 is 10% and cat 2 is 8%
i think
so really discount aint that much

19-08-02, 01:04 PM
just thought id tell this.
mate got an rs2000.so hes got everything onit to drop insurance.
and it got nick 2 nites ago,yes clifford alarm etc,top range shit,
and it was nick in whilst he was in the bog for a piss
car lock
no keys and bye bye nice red escort
so dont suck up 2 em

Ben (lurk75)
19-08-02, 05:57 PM
was it a MK1 MK2 or MK5??? bet he was pleased!!! at the end of the day you can bell a car right and they only need to cut the handbrake cable from underneath and tow the fcuker!!!

20-08-02, 03:10 PM
mk5,big ouch.stuck in a mk2 fiestra now ha ha
and he slaged me off for driving novas.
i went from range rover to nova
hes gone to rs to feista.
i think i got a gd deal