View Full Version : Oil bubbling through and out water bottle

09-08-02, 12:19 PM
Does anyone out their know whats wrong with my car. Ive got oil bubbling out of my water bottle on a 1.2 merit. Ive flushed the radiator out numerous times but it still comes back. Could it be the thermostat stuck or a cracked block?.................

09-08-02, 02:23 PM
Most likely head gasket gone, and if you've carried on using it the head will probably have warped through over heating too.


09-08-02, 03:37 PM
yeh head gasket gone,
ya can do the gasket yaself,but get the head sorted,be bout 50 so quid

09-08-02, 04:15 PM
try not to use the car. If you absolutely positively have to, make sure it has enough oil in it.

11-08-02, 06:36 PM
I have changed the head gasket cos it had milky oil in it. any ideas other than that.

11-08-02, 10:14 PM
right im pretty sure your need ya head skimmed,however lets hope you dont,
you must change the oil and filter and change water,
thats a MUST.
like before you drive it again

13-08-02, 07:41 PM
i hope you tightened the head back up properley.

13-08-02, 10:49 PM
from expience if ya dont tighten it up corner to corner etc,then it tend to come lose very quickly and will lose power.

14-08-02, 01:10 PM
Not accurate.

Tightening a head in the wrong sequence will not make them come undone, it will warp the head and you'll be stuck with the same problem. I'd guess it's too late for all this now anyway, it's probably well and truly warped. Has the engine got hot at all? And don't allways relly on the guage to tell you if the engine is overheating. 9/10 during over heating you'll get an airpocket at the temp sensor and coz it's not in the water it won't read hot.


14-08-02, 02:11 PM
sorry my mistake what i ment was if the bolts are not tightend.then it will undo dur to the compression