View Full Version : Give me hope Johanna!

09-03-08, 08:04 PM
@rse! (http://www.metcheck.com/V40/UK/HOME/index_ht.asp)

09-03-08, 08:10 PM
sod! I planted a pear tree in our back garden this afternoon..........20p says it won't be there tomorrow

09-03-08, 08:29 PM
20p says it will, weather is usually wrong, however if it does get as bad as they say then bye bye pear tree, Last year in bad weather a ridge tile fell off our roof smashed on the bonnet of mothers new car

09-03-08, 08:41 PM

09-03-08, 08:48 PM
Lets hope the weather guys keep on form and we have a mini heat wave lol.

Joking aside, ive got a bit of tarp blocking the gaping hole in the front of my Barn in bristol. 90mph winds??. Me and Dans cars are going to be in for a treat if that gets torn off. Think a call to my partner to batten down the hatches is in order :(

09-03-08, 08:51 PM
Hmm, good point... I'm hoping alex's dad's barn can handle wind, else my nova may end up with a few RSJ's on top of it :(

09-03-08, 09:13 PM
meh, it'll be a breeze and a shower

and dont worry, your big block engines will make sure your cars never move

09-03-08, 09:31 PM
I'm going to be installing a steel mesh reinforcing cage into a basement on a new build tomorrow with trees all around, that will be fun if the met office is to be believed

09-03-08, 09:45 PM
lol my cars jacked up on four axle stands on my rents drive with no engine lol prolly be on the floor come tomorrow!

09-03-08, 10:01 PM
and dont worry, your big block engines will make sure your cars never move
Its not the car I'm worried about, its everything around it lol

10-03-08, 08:46 AM
Hmm, good point... I'm hoping alex's dad's barn can handle wind, else my nova may end up with a few RSJ's on top of it :(

If any barn's gonna go it's that one. But I've seen it flapping about pretty roughly and it's still all there in the morning...somehow:roll:

10-03-08, 09:00 AM
Thats because all we had in Somerset last night was a slight breeze and the odd spot of rain. Cloudy with sunny intervals this morning... no storm to be seen anywhere.

News this morning had a reporter in cornwall by the coast, slightly rough tide (although I've seen far worse at Newquay on a calm day) saying how the brunt of the storm is actually coming about lunchtime today. Typical, in Britain even the weather is late lol

10-03-08, 01:21 PM
Just read Metcheck weather reports, South Devon is being battered by 82mph winds, and theres a ferry port down there somewhere thats been closed :( apparently my shell hasnt blown away yet off our rents drive so thats a bonus :D

10-03-08, 01:29 PM
Its been constant raining here today (east london) but not particualy windy? mabey london got lucky when it comes to the winds...or maby im counting my chickens befor they have hatched. As they say, it will all blow over in the morning. Hope everyones ok.

EDIT: **** just remembered that i have a leak in the nova still, its going to be like a bath in there tommora. hope this storm passes over quickly.

10-03-08, 06:23 PM
It was fecking windy here last night! My barometer is currently showing the lowest pressure I have seen it ever show!

10-03-08, 06:45 PM
I sent Jack a message earlier saying...
"Look at all this horrid weather, hang on let me put my sunglasses on to see it!"lol

10-03-08, 07:26 PM
Was the usual crap British storm, couple of roof tiles broken and a lost cat. I was expecting mass destruction, but thats not what happened.

This country is crap at everything, cant even have a good storm. Come back to me when trees are pulled out the ground and thrown 4 miles away an tell me it was a bad storm.

10-03-08, 10:29 PM
i neally got blew of my bike lol

11-03-08, 03:55 AM
Aye, been out in it all nights! What a panzee of a storm lol lol i can fart better :D