View Full Version : hello

8v screamer
07-03-08, 10:52 PM
just thought id say hi as i just registered.
My names Lloyd and after building loads of cars im about to embark on my first nova.
Ive got a solid 91 spin that i bought for 50 quid ,and a overbored 1400 8v lump, with lightened flywheel,ported and polished head and a kent fastroad/rally cam aswell as a set of Dbilas throttle bodies that i hope to drop in aswell as a host of other bits i have kicking about.
Anyway of to nose around the forum now.


07-03-08, 10:59 PM
Hello and welcome :)

07-03-08, 11:10 PM
Hello Lloyd
you will have to get some photo up
of your nova spin and your past projects
when you are able too.

welcome :)

07-03-08, 11:14 PM
hi and welcome to the mad house

07-03-08, 11:29 PM

08-03-08, 12:47 AM
evening or morning lol sounds like and nice little project, get your posts up to 15 and get some pics up!

08-03-08, 08:46 AM
hi,.. dont think anyones got a 1.4 on Diblas 'bodies... woo lets see lets see

8v screamer
08-03-08, 11:01 PM
i put the engine in my dads corsa for a month to run it in while he built a 1600 8v and it flys, hits the rev limiter at 125mph in 5th but im not too fussed at the mo as it will out accelerate most things.


09-03-08, 05:29 PM
welcome... pics needed.