View Full Version : Retarder

06-03-08, 09:37 PM
does anyone know where i can buy a telma retarder or eddycurrent brake unit fitted to a bus/truck etc..

iam interested in torque absorbtion relation to DC current voltage also how they are controlled ie PWM, Current or frequency.


07-03-08, 10:25 PM
to be honest, i'm not very sufficient (as you would say!) in telma or eddycurrent. we don't use the same systems over here in england, we use a universal valve to control these things...............

go into any decent hardware store (on your next visit to england) and ask for a 'double pin, european spec, foo foo valve', make sure you ask for the series 2 version as the series 1 foo foo valve was utter pants.

hope that helps :thumb:

ps. and if you're popping over for a visit to collect said foo foo valve. i'd be more than welcome to put you up for the night, i heard you like 'touching' ;) lol

07-03-08, 10:29 PM
lol :thumb:

08-03-08, 12:45 PM
Mr Gsi, you have offended me deeply.
i dont think you understand what you are talking about.

T45 ste....neither do you

08-03-08, 02:28 PM
FPMSL, on form toady dave!

Meritlover, a quick google came up with this.. http://www.telma.co.uk/

08-03-08, 03:18 PM
we don't use the same systems over here in england, we use a universal valve to control these things

interesting as....


25 Clarke Road
Mount Farm
Milton Keynes

Lee, that is most helpful but there is no reference to how it is controlled or what the load soak is relative to current.. i will continue on my quest for more information......