View Full Version : Twitchy ring?

03-03-08, 10:20 PM
Kind of glad I saw this AFTER I landed on Saturday. Weather was pretty similar and we came in crossed up as well, but luckily got down first time. Im not a nervous flyer, but if I was on THAT flight, id probably be carrying excess baggage in my pants!


03-03-08, 10:24 PM
F]_[k that i wouldnt have liked to be in that plane

03-03-08, 10:34 PM
lmfao bollocks to that

03-03-08, 10:38 PM
Saw that on the news, lucky!

First time I went on a plane was Heron flight from Yeovilton to Prestwick in a little twin engined turboprop thing. Was fine until I noticed on approach I had to look out the side window to see the runway, the crosswind was that bad lol

03-03-08, 10:45 PM
I'm hate flying so i'm not going to watch that vid. Lee you got my hopes up with a title like that, I thought someone had been erm... tossing your salad? I learnt that phrase today :D

03-03-08, 10:47 PM
I just see this on the news.He has some big balls that pilot.

03-03-08, 11:11 PM
He got some skills, yo!

04-03-08, 09:59 AM
vtec yo , thats some skills , and i wouldnt have liked to be on that thing

04-03-08, 10:27 AM
First time I went on a plane was Heron flight from Yeovilton to Prestwick in a little twin engined turboprop thing.

Turboprop - did it 'ave boost yo?lol

04-03-08, 02:38 PM
Is it only me that would have loved to have been in that bad boy :D bet that was some ride lol

04-03-08, 02:46 PM
Is it only me that would have loved to have been in that bad boy :D bet that was some ride lol

i'd have had a go :thumb:

04-03-08, 09:43 PM
I flew on a fokker 27 seater from Dublin to B'ham on Aer Lingus. We were on the back row. All was well until the pre-flight drill finished, then the stewardess got out her crucifix & rosary beads, & said a few 'hail Mary's & our Fathers', she then crossed herself & sat down next to us.............

Apparently fokker 27 seaters have a quirk, the left wheel sometimes falls off at takeoff. The flight crew usually finds out when the airport radios them with the good news!!!!! they have to land them on the grass having circled for 2 hrs to burn up the fuel

craig green
04-03-08, 10:14 PM
Funk that! I'd have to be smacked off my tits to take a ride like that.

I used to fly well as a kid but dont like it the older I've got.

04-03-08, 10:20 PM
I was sat over the left hand wing, and often look at it as we land as I enjoy watching the spoilers and flaps etc lol. If I was on that flight, all id have seen is the tip of the wing kiss the tarmac.

I would definately have pooed myself.