View Full Version : eBay going on's

29-02-08, 03:57 PM
So, who participated in eBay's "eBay extra" campaign?

I did, and so far amassed enough points to hit level 1 (?10 reward voucher) and im only about 200 points away from my ?20 voucher! (5 points per every ?1 spent excluding postage)

Also got a letter from eBay today for the "eBay Star" programme and another ?10 voucher for that :D

eBay star gives you a 24hour 365 dedicated customer support team based in the UK over the phone or email :D who else was, and I qoute "you have been such a great eBayer over the last year to be made one of our eBay stars"?

29-02-08, 04:04 PM
not me ,and im always on the ****er lol , although they did give me a ?10 voucher about a month ago lol

29-02-08, 04:06 PM
lol im on there at least 5 times a day lol always selling stuff mind...I have two accounts, but only one has got all the rewards & benefits :(

29-02-08, 04:26 PM
I joined that and purposely tried to buy as much as possible to rack up some points.

Bought some dvds, cds, a Nova, oh and a 4k Fabia vRS.

That'll be top reward level for me then lol (think I've got something like 26,000 points LMFAO)

Can't decide whether to get a digi cam or a ?100 voucher, hmmm....

29-02-08, 04:28 PM
Hmm, didn't know about that. Would have come in handy considering I've recently spent a fair whack on ebay! D'oh!

Ste L
29-02-08, 06:14 PM
Hmm, didn't know about that. Would have come in handy considering I've recently spent a fair whack on ebay! D'oh!

me neither :(

29-02-08, 06:27 PM
ahhh so thats why their fees etc have gone up of late...... maybe boycotting the scheme might stop them giving stuff away and drop their prices lol

29-02-08, 10:27 PM
i got the ebay star letter today aswell

29-02-08, 11:11 PM
I'm a regular user of ebay (current feedback score 1193) from both buying and selling - not heard anything about "Ebay extra" - got any links or how you get in this "club"????


01-03-08, 05:04 AM
AFAIK its just a simple email you (or could be select eBayers) get sent, and you participate through that, but the emails are apparently unique to the user there sent too so I cant post the URL on here :(

If you go into the eBay chat forum theres a few threads in there knocking about regarding eBay extra, most of them turned into slagging of eBay threads though lol lol The extra programme ends on the 9th BTW

01-03-08, 05:08 AM
ahhh so thats why their fees etc have gone up of late......

Mine have gone down?? It now costs me 10p per listing with a starting price of ?0.99 and only ONE picture but no BIN,BO or Reserve, whereas it used to cost 15p per listing.

On a whole, my fee's have dropped really. I use the eBay promotional tools and sales feedback stuff, tells you how much in percentage and monetary value your sales have gone up/down, what and where they've peaked etc etc
But I get a lot of buyers coming back, so my feedback doesnt go up much anymore, where as the final sale price does :D

01-03-08, 05:09 AM
*off topic*

morning mike :D

01-03-08, 05:10 AM
*off topic*

morning mike :D

lol Morning :D you just got up? I just got in from work :D time for bed v-soon....going to break a nice Mk1 SR tomorrow, see what I can get to eBay like :thumb:

01-03-08, 05:13 AM
no ive been up all night again :tard:

01-03-08, 05:20 AM
no ive been up all night again :tard:

Really or you having me on? (Im half asleep lol been up since around 6pm Thursday nihgt)

01-03-08, 05:23 AM
no really lol bin back on gt4oc for hours as ive been working on me mates celica again today. well yesturday lol

01-03-08, 10:33 AM
Never heard of it and I've been selling stuff left right and centre the last few weeks.

The fees have gone up because they've decided to concentrate on business users who can afford them, and theres a fair amount of doo-doo flying around about the planned changes to the feedback system, which will see sellers unable to leave negative feedback for bad buyers/scammers.

01-03-08, 02:19 PM
no really lol bin back on gt4oc for hours as ive been working on me mates celica again today. well yesturday lol

lol Im registered to that, find out info for my mates ST85 lol and for when I was looking to buy one

Mikey, Ive seen some of sh1t about that, not being able to leave negative feedback is the stupidist idea ever!!

01-03-08, 03:09 PM
whats the thinking behind not being able to leave neg feedback. how is anyone suposed to know who to trust??

p.s. mike http://www.gt4oc.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=58&t=81076

03-03-08, 11:40 AM
exactly, E-bay grew to what it is on the back of it's feedback system, if they go ahead with what's planned they are making the system completely pointless imo, which can only open it up to abuse.

The way things have been going over the past few years it might aswell just be another price comparison site, I allready see it as one tbh.

03-03-08, 01:01 PM
Hmm, didn't know about that. Would have come in handy considering I've recently spent a fair whack on ebay! D'oh!

Never heard of it!!!

I've been buying a few bits of late.
Was it a tiny link somewhere I missed or is it all done by email?

craig green
03-03-08, 03:35 PM
I'd rather not know about it tbh.

Ebay always have some kind of hidden agenda behind what they propose.

Until they look after & protect both buyer & seller (without one there wouldnt be the other) I'll try not to use the site.

03-03-08, 03:44 PM
Ive never really had much of an issue on eBay TBH? Many moons ago i used to run an eBay shop and never had much of an issue with that either?

I suppose id do a little OTT sometimes, if i see a suspect bidder, i remove there bid lol but generally i have no problems at all with selling or buying.

All my listed items get a lot of views (got an engine on there at the mo with around 700 views and 29 watchers) and i have an average sucessfull sale of over 78%.

03-03-08, 03:47 PM
Hmm, I've never had a problem with ebay.

Actually, no thats not true. I've had a few minor issues BUT they've been from buyers who expect something for nothing, or don't realise they're buying second hand goods most of the time. But nothing that would stop me using it, 95% of my car part purchases come from ebay. Never had any problems buying stuff - but I'm a strong believer in being able to judge a seller by their listing though.

There's alternative auction sites (and payment methods) but they don't get a look in as every man and his proverbial dog uses ebay.

03-03-08, 04:03 PM
it, 95% of my car part purchases come from ebay.

5% over that percentage is where the parts sold to fund the parts bought for my Nova are from :D