View Full Version : License Help!

28-02-08, 06:56 PM
So before i got a car i had a crosser. I got pulled when i was 16 for no L plates. I recived three points and a ?60 fine. that was September 06. These points have been on my provisional ever since. After two weeks of driving, i made the mistake of picking up my mate from the side of the road and stop on ZigZags for about 10-15 seconds. The *Cough* w@nker *Cough* gaver gave me another ?60 and 3 points. I explain i already had three points and thus meaning i lose my license (New Drivers get 6 points first two years).

He then explained that points on my Provisonal do not count and i shouldnt worry.
Anyway got a letter this morning and apprently the DVLA are decideing weather or not to revoke my license due to the fact ive reached my 6 point limit!

I Said hang on one ****ing minute. I get 6 points for the day i pass my test! i should have 3 not 6!

Can anyone with any legal advice or Someone who knows the rule's book back to front, help a young lad out!
Cheers :thumb:

28-02-08, 07:02 PM
Well common sense would say that you've now got a full licence and any points on your provisional shouldnt apply to it especially as they were for a bike and not a car.

28-02-08, 07:06 PM
Well common sense would say that you've now got a full licence and any points on your provisional shouldnt apply to it especially as they were for a bike and not a car.

exactly my thoughts, but this letter states.

"As You Have Reached 6 Points (including Points from your Provisional License) "


28-02-08, 07:11 PM
points are points im affraid , regardless of weather you have a full liscence or not or weather for bike or car

looks like you will be taking your test again ,and it will be an extended one iirc

28-02-08, 07:28 PM
DVLA say:

Your driving licence is automatically revoked if you build up six or more penalty points within two years of passing your first driving test. This includes any penalty points you had before passing the test, which are still valid.
Apparently the original 3 points on your provisional do still count towards the 6 point limit.

[edit] wait, do you have a full or provisional license now?

28-02-08, 07:32 PM
he has full now i think

points are points

dry your eyes and enjoy the extended test, and read the highway code!

he's only a w@nker cos you got caught! and hes only doing his job!

28-02-08, 07:35 PM
read the highway code!
Alex moped about her first test, which she failed on for stopping in a bus stop lol

28-02-08, 07:53 PM
agreed points are points.

what would be the point in giving out points to people on provisional license's if they didn't count when they got their full license?

that would mean on a provisional you could get done for drink driving/dangerous driving on a motorbike at 16, get 10 points but get a clean slate as soon as you pass your real test. aint never gonna happen i'm afraid. suck it up, lifes a bitch etc etc. you learn from your mistakes ;)

28-02-08, 07:55 PM
which she failed on for stopping in a bus stop lol

Fairly self explanitory there then!

Agree with Dave too, as much as we dont like each other! ;)

just vaux trev
28-02-08, 08:03 PM
wahey this thread just made me realise my ban is up today,:D :D
and yes points are points i'v had 1 or 2 on both provisional and full:roll:

29-02-08, 12:04 AM

So when i get my other license i get another six points?

29-02-08, 12:08 AM
go see a soliciter not some forum monkeys

may sound harsh BUT ive been on both sides of the law and know how they work - you plead a sob story to a soliciter, the soiciter pleads your sob story to a judge and you look like an angel

edit - you can actually (legally) have 6 points in your first 2 years of driving and keep your license, its over 6 and you get a re-take ;-

29-02-08, 12:20 AM
Its worth writing a letter back stating that the issuing police officer was under the impression that the points would not lead to you getting banned, if he had realised the implcations, he may have used his descression and not isssued the points.

A nice magistrate may issu you with 2 points instead of 3 so you can keep you license, albeit on a 'last warning'

sadly there arent many 'nice' magistrates so dont hold your breath.

29-02-08, 12:21 AM
edit - you can actually (legally) have 6 points in your first 2 years of driving and keep your license, its over 6 and you get a re-take ;-

nahhh its states:

If you reach six or more penalty points within two years of passing this test, your driving licence will be revoked

reach, not exceed.

29-02-08, 03:58 AM
Its worth writing a letter back stating that the issuing police officer was under the impression that the points would not lead to you getting banned, if he had realised the implcations, he may have used his descression and not isssued the points.

A nice magistrate may issu you with 2 points instead of 3 so you can keep you license, albeit on a 'last warning'

sadly there arent many 'nice' magistrates so dont hold your breath.

at least you dont have a ban so it could be worse, although loggy's idea would be my plan of attack. Get your church clothes out, and get your mum to comb your hair (with a Bart Simpson side parting) and hope for the best in court!:thumb:

29-02-08, 08:15 AM
at least you dont have a ban so it could be worse,

He does techincally, as he wont be able to drive till he passes again.

29-02-08, 08:41 AM
So when i get my other license i get another six points?
Other license?

A nice magistrate may issu you with 2 points instead of 3 so you can keep you license, albeit on a 'last warning'
If he was given a FPN then he's been given three points and a fine, magistrates won't come into it unless he pleads not guilty and takes it to court. In which case he'll lose - as he IS guilty of parking where he shouldn't have - and end up with a bigger fine, more points as well as revokation of license. I would assume the conviction code is PC30? Minimum 3 points.

Loggyboys right, 6 points and your license is automatically revoked (you're not banned, unless a court decide otherwise, but you will have to retake your test).

However, Damper is also right by saying you can have 6 points on your license - remember once you re-pass your test, the 6 points stay on your license.

...as a tangent, why does the DVLA page all about the "New Drivers Act" have a pic of some old guy driving a convertible? No way is he a "new driver" lol

29-02-08, 09:09 AM
i know someone who had got six points on his moped but was still allowed to take his driving test at 17 and passed - its a similar situation to when people have 12 points but keep there license

29-02-08, 10:11 AM
Yep, you can't lose your license before you've even got it (well you can, but thats another thread lol)

If you pass your test with 6 points, you'd need to be very careful as any more points and it'll be revoked.

29-02-08, 11:37 AM
If he was given a FPN then he's been given three points and a fine, magistrates won't come into it unless he pleads not guilty and takes it to court. In which case he'll lose - as he IS guilty of parking where he shouldn't have - and end up with a bigger fine, more points as well as revokation of license. I would assume the conviction code is PC30? Minimum 3 points.

If he has accepted the FPN and paid the fine then there may be nothing he can do, however im pretty sure if his license is to be revoved/banned it should go to court anyway.
Even with an FPN, you dont have to plead not guilty to take it to court.

29-02-08, 11:41 AM
i still have 3 points off my provisional and there still on my full license, but my mate had 6 on his provisional and hes still got it:confused: i think the dvla just make it up as they go along w**kers

29-02-08, 11:47 AM
If he has accepted the FPN and paid the fine then there may be nothing he can do, however im pretty sure if his license is to be revoved/banned it should go to court anyway.
Even with an FPN, you dont have to plead not guilty to take it to court.

correct, if theres a chanve you could be banned you have to attend court

29-02-08, 03:04 PM
hey there mate i have bin in the same postion i got 3 point for the same thing no l plate on my moped then got a futher 3 when i got pulled for a bald tyre on my puggy.then i had the same letter come through saying i am haven a revoke even tho the police office said i wouldnt. i had to take my test again an thery again no extended test just a normal one blood *******s

29-02-08, 11:32 PM
25-01-08, 12:21 AM #1 (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/showpost.php?p=808339&postcount=1) DTR-DEVIL (http://www.pngclub.com/forum/member.php?u=20957) vbmenu_register("postmenu_808339", true);
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Join Date: Sep 2007
Location: A Small Town In Kent!
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http://www.pngclub.com/forum/images/icons/icon1.gif Crash..
Just been out with my mate. Hes got a Williams Rep 1.8RSi Clio.
Was Having a little fun down the motorway, he came to a bend and just didnt turn. i was sat behind him and i just froze in horror. He was touching a 100! he hit a slopped mud hill then bounced down the road without a Front bumper. Steerings and wheels and fcuked but some how the car didnt stall!

Scary night didnt think they were gonna walk out ok!


Will get some pics 2mo!

you've only had your full licence for 2 weeks yet a month ago you were doing this /\/\/\/\ I think you should bite the bullet & retake your test as soon as you can. then drive like a vicar for 2 years.
before anyone asks, I have been done for speeding 3 times, got off speeding charges in court twice, and got 5 points & nearly got killed in a head on (I still can't remember it 12 years later). I have been driving for 20 years & I take a lot of care when the law is about..

01-03-08, 12:10 AM
or maybe if you have only been driving two weeks, that means at the above mentioned incident you didnt actually have a valid liscence!??!

just vaux trev
01-03-08, 01:07 AM
Yep, you can't lose your license before you've even got it (well you can, but thats another thread lol)

If you pass your test with 6 points, you'd need to be very careful as any more points and it'll be revoked.

but you can have points on your licence before you got it even before you have prov licence

01-03-08, 08:41 AM
Alex moped about her first test, which she failed on for stopping in a bus stop lol

I was nervous!! And she said that she'd of passed me if the bus didn't pull up behind me!! Typical :roll:

Ash C
01-03-08, 09:10 AM
They will revoke your license if you've reached the 6 points. Like others have said bite the bullet and get on with it. Look on the bright side if it was a ban you would be unable to drive for between 6 and 12 months but, because they've asked to revoke it when they do you can re apply for your provisional the week after and start learning again, you can have your license back within a couple of months. If your determined you can anyway, trust me i've done it.

oh and when you get your license back you will still have the points.

01-03-08, 01:40 PM
awwww looks like im doing a retest ffs. Oh well im aloud to drive up till they revoke.

So when i pass again, will my license be clear? or do the points stay on?

Do You have to retake your theory aswell?

Stoo, ive had a full licence since January.

and mowgli we only learn from our mistakes. :D

01-03-08, 01:50 PM
read the post above yours

01-03-08, 01:54 PM
^ Oh lol

few months, ffs. ive paided for my insurance and im not even gonna drive it.

01-03-08, 01:58 PM
i think that you actually have to re-apply for your provisional , (pay again lol) then take theory test (pay again) then take practical test (pay again lol)

then you still have the points and when your insurance renews well you pay again lol

all good reason not to do stupid things lol

01-03-08, 02:05 PM
well said rig pig!

doorcards hahahaha

01-03-08, 02:17 PM

Ash C
01-03-08, 06:23 PM
oh and i forgot to add when you get your full license back they can't revoke your license agian if you aquire 6 points, so that you have to do your test again they just ban you like everyone else, thats if you get a total of 12 points of corse.

And yes i checked this with the dvla!

01-03-08, 06:43 PM
mowgli we only learn from our mistakes. :D

yeah, but getting done for parking outside a school is harsh by anyones standards, especially as to 'park' you actually must turn off the engine & leave the vehicle. just stand outside any school in the land at 3pm on a weekday & see what goes on.
Sounds like the copper actually got you to incriminate yourself & admit to breaking the law even if you didn't.....

I know i listed my priors that I took 20 years to accumulate, but at no time did I have more than 5 points, & I was driving hgv's (I got 2 of the speeding fines in trucks).
the head on was actually well below the speed limit, but I still got 5 points because to not have any recollection of an accident is no use in law, even though i managed to tear to shreds the 'Evidence' as being lies, & fabrications, because I couldn't give my side of events....:confused:

People always tell you that if you go to court you will get worse than just taking the punishment, but I don't think that is true at all. I have been to court to get gatso tickets quashed, and if you are civil, have your evidence in triplicate, and can get informal disclosure of the prosecution evidence & decent witness statements, and witnesses, you get an even trial. most magistrates are not 'Hanging Judges'