View Full Version : Redtop Bebo Skin

25-02-08, 12:54 PM
First one thats ever worked. I haven't really used Bebo since I registered in 2006 :eek:.....however I went on this morning, found out about how to skin and had a go.

Drew the redtop at the top on Photoshop in bout 15 mins.

Odviously anyone can use it if they so wish.

There will be more Vauxhall themed skins in the future.

You can nick it from my bebo (click "Use this skin" under my picture) :


Anyone want anything changing or anything adding please let me know and I'll see what I can do.


26-02-08, 02:17 AM
you've only got 3 friends lol

26-02-08, 07:25 AM
I know shocking aint it. Registered with Bebo then left it and used myspace then got an email about it other night, and kinda just saw all the skinning thing and thought I'd have a crack lol

Ste L
26-02-08, 10:35 AM
meh, bebo, myspaz...

facebook FTW

26-02-08, 11:47 AM
Added u m8 :thumb:

My bebo skin aint bad IMO.


26-02-08, 07:07 PM
meh, bebo, myspaz...

facebook FTW

seconded. bebo/myspace is for chavs :thumb:

26-02-08, 07:32 PM
i supose bebo is good for one thing,.....perving over schoolgirls lol

from your page, you can look at your friends, then their friends, then their friends etc etc... its only a matter of time before you hit lucky!



slags, the lot of them.........i fecking love bebo lol lol

26-02-08, 07:40 PM
haha you're right. I'v been havin a look through mates-mates-mates if ya get me and the whole thing is full o chavs.

Still enjoyed skinning it though.

Thanks for the ads lads. Wont really be on Bebo much but might re-do that Redtop skin with a pucker photo sometime.