View Full Version : Possible ban on all cars over 10 years old!

23-02-08, 09:46 PM
Article (http://www.autoexpress.co.uk/news/autoexpressnews/217554/city_ban_for_old_cars.html)

Petition (http://petitions.pm.gov.uk/Classic-Cars)

23-02-08, 09:47 PM
REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeepost :D

23-02-08, 09:55 PM
lock it FFS

these discussions happen what, once a week??

never gonna happen, theres too much revenue to be made

23-02-08, 10:02 PM
first i've heard of it :wtf:

and the petition is a proper government website address so there must be some truth in it?

23-02-08, 10:05 PM

and the petition is a proper government website address so there must be some truth in it?
Yes, it is - but the petitions are set up by average joe on the street. There are ones on there for stuff like painting lamp posts green ffs!

This was on CCUK the other day, I did wonder if it would reappear on here lol I repost my reply from there...

You gullable suckers :lol:

I think this one has been going around for a while now, signing anyway, just to be on the safe side.
It has, for well over a year. And its almost complete toss.

This report may explain where the chinese whispers came from: Clicky (http://www.mycarcheck.com/news/2007/02/13/cars-over-10-years-old-face-scrapheap/)

Edinburgh, in a plan that could be repeated across Scotland, is monitoring a pioneering scheme in Stuttgart, Germany, which from the summer will ban thousands of cars from the town centre if they cannot meet strict environmental targets.

Stuttgart's tough rules will result in many cars sold before 1996 and virtually all cars sold before 1992 being banned.

Its not a blanket ban on cars over 10 years old. Its a trial scheme where cars with poor emissions are being banned from the centre of Stuttgart. Sure, people who live in the city centre will probably to sell up (those few who actually have cars), but its hardly a death knoll for all cars over 10 years old! :lol:

Incidentally, we do already have this in force - and it does apply to the entire country rather than just urban areas. Its called the BET, or Basic Emissions Test; its part of the MOT. :rolleyes:

(I seem to recall Stuttgart's "tough rules" on emissions being considerably less tight than our MOT emissions requirements, but can't find a source to confirm that.)

Petitioning the government won't change EU rulings. Plus, even if it could, the PM would just write to everyone saying "thanks, but we're going to do it anyway" - see road pricing petition.

Maybe I'm overly pescimistic but I think it's a clever way of keeping the public away from the politicians while making them think they are having an impact, when the opposite is true
Nail meets head in a big way there. If you were PM, what would you prefer - people sat at home getting irate on web forums and signing online petitions, thinking they're making a difference but ultimately doing sod all and yet still voting for you? Or doing what the French do each time the government steps out of line and going on a mass rampage burning everything in sight :lol:

23-02-08, 10:08 PM
Meh, i think we should just burn everything in sight for the hell of it :D come on, it would be a reet laugh :D

23-02-08, 11:34 PM
pmsl - I remembr this surfaced its head (I live in Glasgow) - the Edinburgh folk were right upperty about it for ages. Mind you if youve ever tried to drive in Ed you'd understand why theyre trying anything to imit the number of cars. It's not a big city - it kind of sprawls and all thr main streets (bar princes street are windy and criss cross the city - causing major jams and utter chaos. Should ban traffic from the whole main centre in my opinion.

Always said it - cars aint the problem re polution its the busses!

Ed's prob bringing back trams in the forseeable future anyway...

24-02-08, 12:28 PM
doesn't everybody in stuttgart work in a car factory & thus get a whacking great new car discount??????????
all of these mainland europe schemes to get rid of old cars just mean people in places like russia get to buy the old ones, this won't happen in the uk because the only place for old rhd cars to end up is with chavs, & even they can't breed fast enough to keep up with that many old cars...

24-02-08, 12:34 PM
lock it FFS

:thumb: :thumb:

24-02-08, 01:55 PM
Your wish is my command.