View Full Version : FAO spanish fly

31-07-02, 10:50 AM
after a quick flip through the new max power, i noticed your car in the mag.

nice one fella!

(its near the back somewhere)

31-07-02, 11:15 AM
whats spanish flys car doing in max power? Does his car actualy fly, lol. saw him at MK coach park, i can i saw that car!
Ok, i saw spanish's car, who wants to touch me first?!

31-07-02, 02:46 PM
one of the max staff people is called fly and i think there making a bad attempt at humour.

31-07-02, 04:10 PM
what car is it and where in the mag

31-07-02, 11:57 PM
its a nova (doh!) and as i said its in the back few pages somewhere.