View Full Version : 4 speakers or 2?

30-07-02, 09:15 PM
right got a problem basical needed a head unit,and well got a 2 speaker job,as it was in the garage any how,the nova got 4 speakers.standard,(lost 1`s got nicked)
so what im woundering is,is there a way of wiring it so that all four speakers run?
if ya can help please do coz i hate the idea of having just front ones,
please help

30-07-02, 11:13 PM
I'm sure the connector block on the rear of the head unit has connection for front left and right speakers and rear left and right speakers.

All you have to do is get yerself a set of decent 6x9's and run cables (decent ones) from the connector to these.

(I think)


30-07-02, 11:37 PM
its jus wires at the back,no fancy plug :evil:
so do i just connect rear right anf front right to the right wires and left the same????
it dont have ISO connectors.
what im saying is if i connect 4 speakers to a 2 speaker head unit isit it gonna cause a fire like the last one did?

31-07-02, 12:18 AM
if the head unit has wires for front and back then u can just run the speaker cable from the rear speakers through the car and up behind the dash and connect them up. if the head unit only has two speaker wires then u need a new unit lol.
however....i don't think its a fire risk bodging lots of wires into one hole. i remeber wiring five speakers in to a metro with a mate....two front,two rear and one big fuck off one infront of the gearstick lol. we just shoved the wires into any hole that said speaker on it lmao :lol: :lol:

31-07-02, 09:54 AM
Agreed... you can happily run your speakers in parrellel.. so yes..F+R left speakers into the left side and F+R right speakers into the right channel...

31-07-02, 02:13 PM
If u run the speakers in parallel, you'll have a 2 ohm impedance (if the speakers are of 4 ohm) so, the head unit may not work, if it works you'll have aprox the double of power output but the temperature of the hu will be higher (and you could burn it :), you will also get more distortion (coz its working at 2 ohm), ive seen subs working at 2 ohm but 'normal' speakers... not a good idea, i think..

31-07-02, 02:44 PM
Actually, no .. you'll still have 4 ohm across each speaker .. if you wire them in series you'll have 2 ohms each

31-07-02, 03:41 PM
will it wokr or not?

31-07-02, 03:43 PM
It's been a while since i did my Electronic A' Level, but i'm pretty sure that what i said above is correct.. so therefore yes.. it should work!

31-07-02, 07:47 PM
If you wire them in series you'll have 8 ohm (if the speakers are 4 ohm) for all the circuit (the 2 speakers), if you wire them in parallel you'll have:

R1=4 ohm
R2=4 ohm
so R=2 ohm

In series:

so R=8 ohm

Where R is the final resistance and R1 and R2 are the resistances of the speakers.

31-07-02, 09:10 PM
right no afence guy u musta spent more time in class than idea.
really talk to me like a thicko coz i need it spelt out in basical english,
radios aint my things.

01-08-02, 09:38 AM
Ah... ok... you might be right there! Like i said , it's been a long time and a shit load of ganja smoked since i did me A' levels..... so Hayzsr i'd go with what he says above.....

Best idea..... get a cheap as shit amp for ?20 - ?30 .. that should solve the problem!

01-08-02, 12:25 PM
well its only gota last a week,
and i spent last night soldering up an intresting radio loom
so im just gonna risk it,if it blow the head unit up it blow its up,and since pays............next wednesday then long as it last till then,im fine.
so fingers cross.

04-08-02, 11:35 PM
works fine,(or did wen i switch off earyler)
dash aint on proper tho,ahhhhhhhhhhhh :evil:
oh well, works like a dreem without smoking(unlike last 1)