View Full Version : RIP Norris the Nova

19-02-08, 08:34 PM
had a little accident on a sweeping bend, a bit too much speed and not the best conditions, proper gutted ;o(

but i have a new one pick it up friday - bring on the mick taking
but i like it

shy witness
19-02-08, 08:40 PM
that looks nasty enough mate.

were you hurt or anything??

19-02-08, 08:40 PM
go Jap!

19-02-08, 08:45 PM
no i was ok - lost control and spun out, hit a kerb and Norris ended up on his side, only me in the car on the way home from my girlfriends, never damaged any other cars or anyone and it was early in the morning, wasn't even racing or anything just misjudged the conditions ;o(

i can't explain how gutted i was

19-02-08, 08:46 PM
go Jap!

but i love nova's ;o)

was thinkin about 200sx s14 but after this i'm thinkin about sticking to foot slapping

19-02-08, 08:57 PM
With a s14 u need to go easy in the wet. I've almost lost my back end a few times. just know the limits!

19-02-08, 09:02 PM
cant do anything till dec clean license again ;o) and another claim free year ;o)
was thinkin 2 litre turbo nova, but heard lots of problems

19-02-08, 09:41 PM
what would u have to spend on one? U can get a mint s14a for about ?4-5grand

19-02-08, 09:48 PM
prob about 3500 - 4500 i'm savin at mo, hence erm tango lol

19-02-08, 10:04 PM
bad luck matey, at least your ok :thumb: new car looks good its been doing the rounds on ebay lol

19-02-08, 10:15 PM
mmm.... yes

but needed quick fix i've been assured that its okish, but i'll have to wait and see.

but yeah i was lucky to walk(climb out) without a scratch

19-02-08, 10:20 PM
"had a little accident" haha, looks fooked m8 :(

Count Vaux Alot
19-02-08, 10:24 PM
Tough luck it looks very unwell! I looked on ebay at that orange one it looked good.

20-02-08, 08:45 AM
did a kid in white fiesta help you out? and your new one looks nice

20-02-08, 04:22 PM
sorry to hear that, project tango page in projects needed now!!lol

20-02-08, 07:13 PM
yeah did get helped out by a kid in a white fiesta, if you know them say cheers

20-02-08, 07:30 PM
yh it's my cousin and funny enough he's the one i bought my orange nova off :)

20-02-08, 10:14 PM
yeah he said it all looked quite crazy

20-02-08, 10:33 PM
wow that isnt my old one is it as it was called norris and was sold to a lad in birmingham but doesent look quite the same colour though. if it isnt why have you stole hiss name, and if it is then why have you crippled a mint shell lol

20-02-08, 10:38 PM
my norris was welsh

20-02-08, 10:38 PM
it would of probably been worse without the strut braces

23-02-08, 12:42 AM
im sure thats Ste L's old Nova defo sure the plate is similar, but it was white back then lol

23-02-08, 08:30 AM
Very ouch. Always nice to walk away though.

Good luck with the next project.

23-02-08, 09:20 AM
unlucky!! stick with nova's buddy, jap is tooooooo boring and reliable, you never have anything to do on them.

Ste L
23-02-08, 10:41 AM
im sure thats Ste L's old Nova defo sure the plate is similar, but it was white back then lol

bloody hell, you got a good memory, if you cant remember a similar reg..

i had to double check on a picture.. lol

it's very similar, but my old one was J883 VRF :eek:
but it was an SRi too..

i think the VRF is a common plate for sri's, seen quite a few with the same reg, used to be a blue one near me with one too

23-02-08, 10:47 AM
unlucky!! stick with nova's buddy, jap is tooooooo boring and reliable, you never have anything to do on them.
Clearly you've never owned a Japanese performance car lol

23-02-08, 05:32 PM
picked up the new one, i've never heard of a rebuilt engine that misfires!! erm ignition been bodged, but gsi loom has been swapped over, gsi interior in, just to sort ignition and drop the lump in and hopefully it starts ;o)

23-02-08, 11:30 PM
You were lucky it didnt roll when it hit the curb!

Glad youre okay though.

Weather conditions this time of year can be very misleading. It's been dry all day by me but the roads are like ice sheets!

V misleading!