View Full Version : The most wrong noise

18-02-08, 05:44 PM
The nosie of the water pump mashing it way through a whole cooling system of solid ice, thats what I got to listen to this morning. Yes thats right my little diesel run around is worth splashing out on anti freeze, tap water is a tad over kill.

That wasnt the only thing that was solid this morning, the cooking oil in the lines was rock solid as well and I need 30mins of a big fan heater under the bonnet to warm it up. Been running 100% for a while now but it just proves that below freezing temperatures is not ideal lol .

Even when it started up finally I didnt think it would be too long for the water to flow again, but I was very wrong. 25mins later there was no warm air and the temp gauge was maxxed out all the way over the red. Was kind of expecting some form of engine failure to happen quite soon but just as I was about to get onto the M1 there was a pop an hiss from the heaters an all was good.

Got the same fun tomorrow but this time Ive had my pants pulled down for ?10 of diesel to help out.

Remember kids always use anti freeze lol

lee coley
18-02-08, 05:46 PM

18-02-08, 05:46 PM
fooking hell, i know it was cold last night but i didnt realise it was that cold.

lee coley
18-02-08, 05:47 PM
-7 this morning

18-02-08, 05:47 PM
-6 -8 ish was here apparently so, was fooking cold thats all know

18-02-08, 05:48 PM
-4.5 at 630 am here
thats south too!!!

lee coley
18-02-08, 05:50 PM
No gritters on the roads either

18-02-08, 05:52 PM
dont want em either

stonechips lol

18-02-08, 05:54 PM
no bothered at gritters as it gives me something to laugh at on the way to work, all the tools in the fields upside down as they cant drive for ****.

lee coley
18-02-08, 05:54 PM
rather stone chips than crashing for me.

18-02-08, 06:18 PM
yeah it was -6 on my dash this morn at 5:30

astra was well slow turning over , and my hand brake cable froze on all the way to work lol

18-02-08, 06:29 PM
Been quite warm today. Was out yesterday fettling with the nova in a tshirt and getting a sweat on!

No crab moments in the Celica yet though :(

18-02-08, 06:52 PM
it was stil icy in the "shows" tonite at 4.30 while i was atempignto strip my doors but insted was strippingth end of my screw drivers

18-02-08, 07:43 PM
was coming back from sheffield last night, the temp gauge said -3. my bloody washer jets froze up, couldnt see a thing most of the way back! and i had to overtake a gritter on the M62, i was cringing as i went past because i could hear it stripping the paint off the side of my car!!!

18-02-08, 08:11 PM
Bad Sh*t phil! my temp gauge never rose above -1 this morning. Had large ice runs up the bonnet when i got to work, that's even after hitting the flux capacitor for over 35mins!

19-02-08, 08:18 AM
Well wasnt too bad this morning, the water wasnt complelely froozen in the cooling system just bits of it.
It'll be interesting when the water pump has no blades left on it lol

So as ive done a good enough job of destroying the whole car I can an get a better smoke around.