View Full Version : losing oil!!

28-07-02, 11:54 PM
Hi. Im new to this nova sceneso help would beappreciated. I recently took my mkII 1.4SR on the long 400 mile slog to cornwall. When I got there it had very little oil. well below the in mark anyway. I topped it up with 1 litre and all was fine. I then checked it again and it was low again. there is no oil on the floor where i parked it so where is it getting out? Also my engine makes a really crap wheezing sound. How do I erradicate this or is it just how a 1.4sr sounds? please help!!!!!!

29-07-02, 12:09 AM
if theres no leaks on the floor and the engine looks clean (no oil seepage around rocker cover - top of engine) then you must be burning it. Do you rage the engine much?

Check for smoke out the back.

Dunno bout the weezing noise - if it has a carb (?) is the air box sealed ok on it? check yer hoses.


30-07-02, 12:41 AM
yes there is seapage aroound the rocker cover. This is obviously where it is coming out. How do I stop this? Also there is a lot of smoke coming out when I boot it. I dont boot much though only every know and again.

30-07-02, 12:57 AM
just replace the rocker cover seal. preflably with a rubber one. Oil leakeage is common on vauxhals. go from there