View Full Version : it'll buff out!!!!

14-02-08, 12:42 PM
well i think this is the end of my nova-adventure!! had an off lastnite into a van, panicked and slamed on my brakes and slid for what seem an eternity, hit the side of a moving van that therefore cause me to do a 360 and land in the middle of the road the van had a little drift and then hit a generator.

total some of damage:
1 mini van
1 vauxhall nova
1 road side generator
1 lamp post
and about ?20 worth of my petrol on the road.

im not posting this up to make my self seem the big man but to try and show how dangerous these roads can be i wasnt "racing" or farting about but simpley didnt have all of my attention on the road and didnt judge the road conditions well enough. my car is clearly a write of and i think the van my be to. the police gave one look at me and thought boyracer so im probaly going to get in alot of trouble for this aswel. i will post pics up later as i no someone will want to see the damage. also i shall be breaking the can so anythink except from the front end is available (ill start a thread when i get the car back)

man im ****ing gutted but we learn from our mistakes!! as i doubt ill find another nova im probs not going to be on here again but i may get a corsa as i can use all the coilovers and that on it.:cry::cry::cry::cry:

14-02-08, 12:46 PM
really sorry to hear this, but aslong as everyone is okay (assuming they are?) there's nothing serious to worry about.

don't give up on the nova scene yet mr, keep having a look about.

14-02-08, 12:51 PM
ow yer everyone involved is ok so thats a bonus, thing that pissed me of most is i rang my insurance company yesterday morning and they said i could put a bigger engine in my car so i was looking forward to that, think im guna go for somethink with power steering and abs lol

14-02-08, 12:52 PM
Ouch, sounds nasty. Was the road wet or something?

As said, at least nobody was hurt. Insurance should cover the bills, even the lampost (which can be rather expensive to replace!).

Even if you do move on from Novas, don't be a stranger, there's plenty of non-nova owners on here. Plus you might even end up with another one in the future. Like I did. Oh dear. lol

14-02-08, 12:54 PM
you wont be welcome on here if your a non nova owner pmsl

unlucky anyway bud

has to be asked, where you speeding?

14-02-08, 01:08 PM
That's a shame chap.

Hopefully the police won't try and stick some dangerous driving crap on you.

14-02-08, 01:58 PM
um jack the road was wet so that didnt help and nah stoo was only doing about 32-33 not much over limit atal! im ****ing gutted lol its weird but i did love that car ow well think im going to go for a corsa gsi and see if i can roll it haha. ive lernt alot from this tho so in a way its been a good experience. im just going to get the car now so ill strip it and post pics in a bit. cheers for your suport guys. stoo do you have a nova? cant say ive acctualy seen it?

14-02-08, 03:45 PM
Unlucky pal, good thing is everyone walked away and you've learnt from the experience....

Ps bet you come backto them!!

14-02-08, 04:32 PM
Sorry to hear that mate. Ah well, onwards and upwards eh!

14-02-08, 05:05 PM
don't get a corsa, they're poo.

when i crashed my nova gsi i bought one, and its probably the worst car i've ever owned :tard:

14-02-08, 05:13 PM
don't get a corsa, they're poo.

when i crashed my nova gsi i bought one, and its probably the worst car i've ever owned :tard:

Their bad but not that bad. Alittle less rust free, just as cheap and after all have the same basic set up as a Nova.lol

14-02-08, 05:31 PM
thats the main reason coz then i can have the electic kit and abs, and i dont have to go out and buy new brakes and suspention. all depends on what quinn think about thins and how much im going to have to pay..... pics soon

14-02-08, 07:14 PM
true, mine was less rusty than the nova, which was one less worry.

however it broke down more, was more expensive to fix, was miles slower (poohole 1.4sri), looked like i'd borrowed it from my sister, handled like a boat, and the seats were so poo i'd get more support from wearing a wonderbra!

awsome induction roar on it though :D

14-02-08, 07:15 PM
Very sorry to his this eastbourne. I know exactly how your feeling. Im on nova number 6.

14-02-08, 08:14 PM
Wasnt my old nova was it?? :(

14-02-08, 11:07 PM
Wasnt my old nova was it?? :(

no lol was my black mk2 :mad: well if i get a new one itll be my 3rd lol :thumb:

14-02-08, 11:19 PM

14-02-08, 11:29 PM
ouch :(

14-02-08, 11:31 PM
ooouch!!! poor little nova.. R.I.P!

14-02-08, 11:57 PM
Gutted for you mate,I had a similar crash in the wet with my sr, didnt put me off novas though, I couldnt wait to get another one.

Corsas are ok, I learnt to drive in a corsa b 1.5 diesel and it was alright, but you will definetaly come back to novas, everyone does. :thumb:

15-02-08, 10:06 AM
Mashed! :(

Is it that school bus you took out though? lol

Jim Mcrae
15-02-08, 12:44 PM
] Is it that school bus you took out though? lol[/font]
what i thought lol

Sorry for you mate, i know what its like to kill you pride and joy, get another nova, i did ?100 ebay bargain, didnt pass it next mot though so it got sold to a dare devil show where it was hand brake parked and squashed by a monster truck for peoples enjoyment, but still haven left novas:) Went all VW for a bit but that was just gay

15-02-08, 01:40 PM
yer lol that was the bus, empty luckily!! ripped the rear axel clean off. im suprised how well the little sardine tin held up tbh the funniest part was i had my mate in the car that wanted to join the army and when we crashed he started crying lol lucky he didnt go in the army the pussy haha. i got it out the recovery yard yesterday so im going to go down to it when i can get a lift lol and start stripping it so i have most parts available...... will start a thread with pics tonite cheers guys and gals. if any body wants anything pm me