View Full Version : Help with Dials

25-07-02, 07:05 PM
Help me PLEASE.
Brought some dials the other day from a mk1 SR and put them in my mk1 merit.
Everything is excelent (well i think it is cos i haven't actually got the money to insure it yet so i havent tested it on the road) apart from the fact that the fuel guage reads full all the time.
Any ideas on what is causing it?? will i need to rewire something.

26-07-02, 01:34 PM
I'm not sure if it will need any rewiring but my car occasionally says the fuel is totally full. I personally dont worry about it as the float might just be stuck.

You might need to get the car on the road to sort it.

Sorry I couldnt help

26-07-02, 03:51 PM
ok here is what you do. Get under neath the car at the back and disconnect the wires from the fuel tank sender (just above the rear axle in the middle of the axle). Then switch ignition on (make sure the wires you have just disconnected dont short) if fuel gauge still goes up then most likely wiring needs to be checked. just get a digi dash wiring guide and this has all the wires/colours/pin numbers for standard dials. if it stays at the bottom it will be the float stuck at top of tank. a bit of use and fuel filling should sort this.

(just a thought, is it at the top when the ignition is switched off? if it is, then the dials are fuck ed)