View Full Version : My apols to Fester et al...

25-07-02, 01:21 PM
Fester and co

I appear to have possibly said some things that have been mis-interpretet on your boards by some of your members.
I can only offer my apologies.

I'd originally gone to do some research for a friend of mine who actually owns a rather nice Nova.
He was interesting in modding his vehicle and asked me about it.
I found some of the articles very interesting.

I can assure you that at no point were any comments made to be deliberately malicious or scathing.
I hope that most of the comments that I did make were add some additional knowledge to your crew and give a slightly different viewpoint onto some of the existing.
For example the discussion about whether to add a turbo to a Nova 1.4. I felt it rather appropriate to mention that spending ?2500 on an engine conversion for car that would then need uprated brakes, suspension etc seemed a little odd when you could buy a Supra turbo for less.

Again, no maliciousness meant. Hope you'll accept my apologies.

25-07-02, 01:49 PM

Hey man, I have no probs with apologising. I hadn't realised I'd caused offense, certainly none intended.

As mentioned, a friend of mine has a Nova (1.4sr) and had asked me thoughts on what to do next. I was surprised by just how nippy his car was on a backroad, gotta love it.

My comments were made and hopefully taken in a positive sense. I've just looked back over the ones made, most were aimed at modding. I thought it relevant to add a different point of view to the usual one. Modding can be VERY expensive unless you really know what you're doing, and for most of us, it's cheaper to simply buy a faster car.
e.g. the brief exchange between myself and another poster, i.e. hawsyr

Hope you guys keep having fun. All the best.

25-07-02, 02:52 PM
Mum, if you're reading this i'm sorry about smashing your flower vase, when i was demonstrating my Bruce Lee Nunchuka sequence (or my interpretation) at the top of the stairs. :|

25-07-02, 02:53 PM

LOL mate.

Naw, mine was the light switch I tried turning on using the imfamous "miwashigeri" whilst practicing a spot of shotokan in the bedroom.

Wow, that was a long time ago....


I had hoped that my comments would be construed as a combination of both good natured humour whilst adding a different slant on things for poeple who maybe haven't seen as wide a variety of vehicles.

I certainly get plenty of ribbing from a close relative of mine about the 200 I now own aswell as when I used to own a Corolla GT twincam.
He hates Japanese cars and was quite happy to call them both washing machines. I wouldn't mind,, but he owned an Alfa 156, hardly the most reliable of vehicles.

Ref fast machines, well 600hp sounds like more than adequate go to me. What did they do, shoehorn a chevvy v8 in the back?

25-07-02, 03:32 PM
...and im sorry for not ringing that girl who I promised I would last week.

25-07-02, 03:39 PM
...and im sorry for not ringing that girl who I promised I would last week.

25-07-02, 06:16 PM
well im gonna threadjack ere kinda lol

i too apologise if anyone has been offended by myself in chat, was just trying to be meself and it didnt work out, no offense was meant to ne1.


25-07-02, 06:42 PM
What about Devils Haircut? :?

25-07-02, 07:57 PM
...im sorry for driving a ford (its not that bad)

25-07-02, 08:37 PM
yea im sorry for you too kev :lol:

Ben (lurk75)
26-07-02, 12:55 PM
i would like to apoligise to Mr Patel for stealing that mojo in 1988.

(glad thats off my mind at last)

26-07-02, 01:46 PM
it doesn't involve inflateable sheep and golfballs does it????

26-07-02, 01:48 PM
...im sorry for driving a ford (its not that bad)

im sorry for you too kev.

yes it is that bad, pink, ford, cabriolet and has venoms :p

26-07-02, 11:45 PM
micky - I think its time for the reverend novaload to pass sentence (sorry) judgment (no not the right word) """releave the burden from those who feel they need to apologise.


prrraise tha lawd!