View Full Version : Xbox 360 says NO...

06-02-08, 07:46 PM
I thought I'd have a little rant and seeing as there are fair few Xbox 360 gamers on here, I thought I'd see if anyone else has had this problem...

It FU$KED up! Went to play it this evening and after 5mins it froze... Turned it off, turned it back on and it froze again with colourful lines down the screen...
Looked online, folowed the step by step guide Microsoft provide to deal with such situations and still nothing. Moved the Xbox to another room and tv and now black screena nd white diaganol lines from the word go...
Rang Microsoft and it's not covered under their extended warranty because i have had the red rings of death... So its goign to cost ?60 plus postage!

Anyone had this problem, got any useful advice?

Oh and they said it'll be 5-7weeks. C*CKS


06-02-08, 07:48 PM
Im saying nothing lol.



06-02-08, 07:49 PM
shut it!

06-02-08, 07:49 PM
infact i dont have to answer to you, i had it long before it was out!

06-02-08, 07:51 PM
Fcuk that. This is all you need.


06-02-08, 07:52 PM
hahaha, that cheered me up :)

06-02-08, 08:01 PM
red lights? if so they fix it for free. job done.

06-02-08, 08:06 PM
no red lights... thats the problem!

06-02-08, 08:22 PM
Its a sub standard product and im afraid you dont have any of my sympathy at all, its about time people stopped giving the useless twunts money IMO! Maybe if people stpped buying it they would spend a little time making it work properly rather than just trying to beat Sony to the shops!

Pay the 60 quid, wait 7 weeks, and then have another 60 ready for when it breaks again. OR spend some real money on a Playstation, and look forward to years of trouble free gaming.

06-02-08, 08:26 PM
haha, i know you're right deep down... but at the mo, i cant afford the ?60 let allow the ?400 odd

06-02-08, 08:30 PM
yes lee its a poor product, but some folks have got them so need help...... kinda not what you are dealing out :p

you can very easily avoid the 360 threads :p

06-02-08, 09:09 PM
yes lee its a poor product, but some folks have got them so need help...... kinda not what you are dealing out :p

you can very easily avoid the 360 threads :p

lmao, sorry, ill stop replying to allow room for the wiring diagrams to be posted up lol lol

Its 60 quid or nothing the way I see it :p

06-02-08, 09:14 PM
i did start talking it apart earlier, but there's a microsoft seal that i couldn't remove :(

06-02-08, 09:14 PM
you could see if you can get a receipt for one off ebay or similar and then take it back to that shop :D

I'm sure Dar purchased a broken one and fixed it too.

06-02-08, 09:15 PM
they ran the serial number which has the date of sale on it... so they already no it's out of date.

06-02-08, 09:17 PM
Yup I fixed mine and played it for a few months before it broke again. So I fixed it and it broke etc etc. It now sits on the window sil and the Wii has pride of place.

I dunno if mine can go back to Microsoft since it now contains bits of XE lol

06-02-08, 09:20 PM
Yup I fixed mine and played it for a few months before it broke again. So I fixed it and it broke etc etc.

Im crying here lol lol lol

07-02-08, 08:36 AM
i did start talking it apart earlier, but there's a microsoft seal that i couldn't remove :(

Definately don't break the seal chap.
Oh and watch out for any painted/anodised screws as if their scratched they will say you've tampered with it.

Bite the bullet and pay the ?60.
The 5-6 week is a predicted time.... basically they will take yours apart and see whats wrong. If its something they can fix quickly and easily then they will... if its more terminal then they normally send you a recon'd unit which i think is covered for 12 months.

Lots of people have received recon'd units within 2 weeks. ;)

By the way.... it used to be ?80 for an out of warranty fix.
Don't forget to remove your hard drive otherwise you probably won't get it back.

07-02-08, 09:09 AM
Lee youre a gayer, you try and play online, the online'in on a 360 is sencond to none if you ask me..

iirc on the 3 you have to have people on youre friends lists to play them, on the 360 you can play an1 any time.. and there mainly all fat yanks that you can abuse.. Dawg!

plus ive had mine wel over 5months now played it for 10hours none stop and neve had a problem, even leave it on over nite if i fall to sleep...

07-02-08, 09:31 AM
please for the love of all things sane, dont have a pissing console argument.

They all have something going for them and they are all different. Weve had/seen this argument time and time and time again.

mr Chimp just needs to get his working again

07-02-08, 09:49 AM
cheers! a local guy has just quoted me ?65 but it'll be back in a couple od days... hmmmmmm

07-02-08, 10:33 AM

07-02-08, 10:35 AM
please for the love of all things sane, dont have a pissing console argument.

They all have something going for them and they are all different. Weve had/seen this argument time and time and time again.

mr Chimp just needs to get his working again

Lee started it...lol

07-02-08, 10:41 AM

see you in 24 hours sweetie.

07-02-08, 12:22 PM
i have got 2 360s and there both ****ed i took my new one back as it was nly 2 months old , and had to organize it to be picked up iv got loads of games which i havent played yet , so im playing my ps3 jap version and playing Granturismo 5 prolouge and iv forgotton about forza2 and my ****e xbox.

it is a massive problem that microsoft should do more to correct i think its disgusting the way they treat there customers.
my ps3 hasnt even flickerd best console ,but xbox had great games .

i will be paying the ?60 to get it fixed once i can be ****d to speak to the ****ing muppetts at there call centre .

why wernt they tested for heat problems and dvd laser problems, i have done the testing for them , play it for 3 hours and its ****ed .....test done **** you microsoft

07-02-08, 12:29 PM
try using complete words next time....

07-02-08, 01:06 PM
i have got 2 360s and there both ****ed i took my new one back as it was nly 2 months old , and had to organize it to be picked up iv got loads of games which i havent played yet , so im playing my ps3 jap version and playing Granturismo 5 prolouge and iv forgotton about forza2 and my ****e xbox.

it is a massive problem that microsoft should do more to correct i think its disgusting the way they treat there customers.
my ps3 hasnt even flickerd best console ,but xbox had great games .

i will be paying the ?60 to get it fixed once i can be ****d to speak to the ****ing muppetts at there call centre .

why wernt they tested for heat problems and dvd laser problems, i have done the testing for them , play it for 3 hours and its ****ed .....test done **** you microsoft


07-02-08, 01:17 PM
looks like itsa going to have to be microsoft! the theiving c***s

07-02-08, 07:25 PM
please for the love of all things sane, dont have a pissing console argument.

They all have something going for them and they are all different. Weve had/seen this argument time and time and time again.

mr Chimp just needs to get his working again

No, sorry, i couldnt give a ****e which one's better. I couldnt care less if the Xbox online gaming is ten times better than sony's. Whats better as a console isnt the point im getting at!

plus ive had mine wel over 5months now played it for 10hours none stop and neve had a problem, even leave it on over nite if i fall to sleep...

See.. Martin thinks that its great that his Xbox has lasted 5 fecking months and its not broken!!!! Brainwashed I tell you!!!

There is NO other company on the planet that can take the p1ss out of its customers SO much, and get NO retribution.. in fact, on the contrary, they have people overjoyed their unstable console is still going after 5 months, or exclaiming joyously how the out of warranty fix is now only ?60 when it used to be ?80!

WHY does no one boycott them and force them to make it work? WHY do people keep buying them making them think its ok? WHY WHY WHY?? My business partner bought one at christmas for his stepson, he managed to get halfway through Assasins Creed before the poor little thing waved a white flag and died. He was going to send it back, but upon my advice he smashed it with a big hammer, and bought a ps3 instead. And I guarantee it will still be going when the PS4 comes out!

Sorry Stu, Ill shut up about it when Microsoft get it right.

Im guessing ill never shut up aout it!

07-02-08, 07:33 PM
So whats your opinion of the 360 then Lee?

lol lol lol lol lol lol

07-02-08, 07:37 PM
lmfao. lol

Problem is, its not an opinion, its fact! Ive played a 360, i thought it was awesome! I can see why they're so popular in the sense of playability!

07-02-08, 07:41 PM
They are awesome, and im sure theres a more that dont go wrong than ones that do :)

07-02-08, 07:47 PM
They are awesome, and im sure theres a more that dont go wrong than ones that do :)

Unfortunately, your wrong. Ive seen around 3 different independent surveys, one of which was on 360gamer.com. They ALL suggested a failiure rate of over 50%, and one gave the odds that if you bought a 360 anywhere in the world, there was more chance it would go wrong that it wouldn't! lol

Microsoft rekon its a 4% to 5% rate. Bless them.

07-02-08, 07:48 PM

Oh well, mines still working. :D

So far lol

07-02-08, 08:00 PM
mines last 2 years... now its gone tits up. i had a go at the women at micrsoft but they just said pay and send it in etc

07-02-08, 08:06 PM
mines last 2 years... now its gone tits up. i had a go at the women at micrsoft but they just said pay and send it in etc

Indeed. You have to feel for the poor buggers on the customer support lines.

Your console did well mate! Id make a very confident prediction that pretty much no 360 will make it to the big 3, let alone 4. Hopefully Microsoft will take their time over the next one, but i doubt it. If they dont, i just hope people are a bit more reluctant to buy one! They need a kick up the ass to do the job properly!

Ive got a NES and a Super NES for some retro gaming! Still going strong! Its a shame that kids in 10 years wont get to experience some retro 360 gaming. Unless somone buys one and mothballs it lol

07-02-08, 08:33 PM
super nes?..pffffft! all you need is a mega drive with sonic the hedgehog! they don't build them like that anymore

talking of playstations, my PS2 is just starting to play up, although i have had it for 11 thousand years :D

08-02-08, 08:32 AM
My brothers is a launch console which was pre-ordered and has never gone wrong.

Oh and Assassins creed is ****e!

08-02-08, 09:03 AM
on the phone MS said their failure rate is 25-30%..... still gash as we get one failure out of a million and we get reamed hard lol.

I appreciate that the service is dire from MS, the product shouldnt overheat (the first one didnt have any problems that I knew about). But odds on the PS3 isnt as infallible as everyone makes out... give it some time to dry out a joint or two. Plus the PS3 wouldnt look right in my media rack lol

just buy a Wii :D

08-02-08, 11:21 AM
give it some time to dry out a joint or two. Plus the PS3 wouldnt look right in my media rack lol

Fancy a wager? :)

08-02-08, 11:22 AM
My brothers is a launch console which was pre-ordered and has never gone wrong.

And when it does, im sure you will tell us right? lol

08-02-08, 11:23 AM
wii are for gays and mums and dads to play its not a real gaming console

08-02-08, 11:26 AM
wii are for gays and mums and dads to play its not a real gaming console

I take it you've not played one properly then!

08-02-08, 01:11 PM
And when it does, im sure you will tell us right? lol

lol... I have every confidence it won't ;)

I wasn't too impressed with the idea of the wii.
Until I had a play and was quite impressed... it soon wore off though.

It's unique but very repetative. I can see its appeal with a crate of beer and some mates.

08-02-08, 05:09 PM
lol... I have every confidence it won't ;)

I wasn't too impressed with the idea of the wii.
Until I had a play and was quite impressed... it soon wore off though.

It's unique but very repetative. I can see its appeal with a crate of beer and some mates.

Indeed, imo its by far the best console to play with others, ive not had as much fun on a multiplayer since mariokart :) When your hammered, you dont care much about the graphics lol

08-02-08, 05:12 PM
Wii's are sh**e IMO.
The control system gets annoying after a while, and is dangerous to do while pi**ed lol

And the games are crap, kiddy efforts for 4 year olds.

08-02-08, 05:13 PM
Plus for those sober moments it's interesting seeing old people and mamas and dadas playing it too! There more funny than drunk people imo!

08-02-08, 05:14 PM
So whats your opinion of the Wii then Adam?

lol lol lol lol lol lol

08-02-08, 05:15 PM
shall i start a new thread and call it battle of the consoles??

08-02-08, 05:17 PM
So whats your opinion of the Wii then Adam?

lol lol lol lol lol lol
Pmsl lollol

Chimp-NO ffs, ive voiced my opinion, and we already know most peoples, so theres no need :p lol

08-02-08, 05:19 PM
it was sarcasm since everyone abused my thread to argue with one another

08-02-08, 08:01 PM
Wii's rock!!! I swear its just the fat and the lazy who don't like them.

Most people only have a little dabble and throw the WiiMote through something, then give up. If you play it properly you will find that the control system is leaps and bounds ahead of the rest and when you play any other console it feels like a step backwards. This dosen't include racing games, the WiiMote is rubbish for that, although Me RJ & Scott had a blast on GT Pro Series.

It's not just cute titles either. Resident Evil 4 is hardly a game for a 4 year old and on the Wii, is the best version of the game I have played yet.

I will be buying a PS3 at some stage (Probably), it's a very nice piece of kit. But the Wii is cheap, fun & engaging with some awesome titles on the shelfs and in development.

Why do people only want to like one console? I have every single console thats been released after the Saturn & Playstation and have enjoyed them all for their games. It's not the hardware that defines a console but the games and how entertaining they are.

It's a shame about the 360 though. I want to like it but the damned things keep breaking.

08-02-08, 08:05 PM
although Me RJ & Scott had a blast on GT Pro Series.
That was classic fun with those little flatbed van things lol

08-02-08, 08:15 PM
That was classic fun with those little flatbed van things lol
Yeah, they were ace. Those little, teeny weeny things that looked like mobility scooters were fun. Playing the game with three people was great since if two were fighting the 3rd could sneak past.

I'm thinking that the next Western meet should be at mine in the kids play room for a full on race series:D

27-02-08, 03:16 PM
Another one bites the Dust'a! ****ers

27-02-08, 03:26 PM
Wii's rock!!! I swear its just the fat and the lazy who don't like them.

Agreed :D We've got a Wii, its funking ace :D come home from a lairy night up the town on the pish, play a game of tennis or golf hammered out your face with your mates lol

One of these days I may consider actually buying a Playstation.....never ever owned one, never really had much interest in gaming really until we got the Wii.

28-02-08, 11:20 PM
WHERE DID U BUY IT FROM i brought it from blockies and was near to tears when it happen to me lol but all i did was simply take it back to the sho explained and they gave me a new one all i need was proof of purchace and obviously i had lost mi recipt so they said i could use a bank statment job done new console 5 mins in said of the 5 months i hear some ppl waiting

WII IS A GIMIC ppl have it for 5- 6 months talking all greatness of it then end up getting rid of why all games the same and pretty boring at that u show me another system seller on the wii that aint mario based or wii sports

29-02-08, 09:14 AM
bin the text typing.

29-02-08, 01:13 PM
Chimp... have you got yours back yet?

29-02-08, 01:19 PM
Chimp... have you got yours back yet?

Haven't sent it off... been waiting till i sort a job. when i have no time to play lol

plus i seem to be spending far too much money that i dont have on car parts!

29-02-08, 01:20 PM
Did you still want the wings chap? lol