View Full Version : Apparently Nova Aint a Classic!

06-02-08, 12:56 PM

Thanks to Keith for recommending these cars to me for classic insurance, RTung them up 5 mins ago to get a quote only to informed that they dont reguard the nova a classic car, even tho the nova is infact 25 years old this year i asked him, still no was his answer,

I wonder is this the general feeling that the nova doesnt warrent classic status or just AON??

Norwich have giving me a quote for ?130, agreed valuation too, so feck AON :mad:

06-02-08, 01:01 PM
Its up the insurance company what they consider to be a "classic" car. Some have age limits (of the car), some have a set list that they consider "classics" (suffice to say an 80's euro shopping box won't qualify with these), and some merely go on your usage (e.g. mileage, second car etc).

Chaucer ought to treat novas as classics, as thats who's provided me with quotations via HIC in the past. Although I don't know what the deal is with you chaps in NI using insurance companies based in England...

06-02-08, 01:09 PM
The best is when your mate of 17 is insuring a classic car and it's the only insurance company that insure 17+ as classic car drivers and when you ring them up they have changed the policy half way through his insurance so ya can't insure yourself with them.

But he can keep with them and keep insuring it till he 25+ which is the age they have raised it to.

A bit silly if ya ask me.

06-02-08, 01:18 PM
Will i think ?130 with Norwich Union is really good, but ill try a few other places in mean time, car will only be doing a few hundred miles this year so i want to get as low a price as i can,

06-02-08, 02:28 PM
I've my GSi insured on a normal policy and it sits in the shed most of the year!! My problem is that I got a company car, and I don't want to loose my no claims that I have built up and paid a fortune for in the past!! So I'm now paying ?650 a year to have it sitting there!! Must look into a limited milage policy next year though!!!

Did you try Campbells in Coleraine for Classic ins though, they said they would cover my Nova when it was 15 years old. (I'm just clicking, that'll be this year with me!!)

06-02-08, 02:42 PM
I was told from an insurer that Novas don't qualify for classic insurance, simply because there are too many on the road! :wtf:

Ste L
06-02-08, 02:50 PM
i would of thought classic car indicates stopped productions 25 year's ago, not started production 25 years ago?

06-02-08, 03:29 PM
:(think ste's point is a good one. Then insurance companys will make you pay out for a Nova untill 2017 LoL. I pay ?850 per year on my GSi :(

06-02-08, 03:54 PM
HIC/Chaucer will cover any car registered before 1992 as a classic car AFAIK.
Regardless of its make/model.

IMO, the nova doesn't warrant a classic car status. It never had the same following/interest orginally as say a R5 gt, or a 205 gti.

06-02-08, 04:04 PM

IMO, the nova doesn't warrant a classic car status. It never had the same following/interest orginally as say a R5 gt, or a 205 gti.

I wouldnt agree atall, I know alot of guys around 35-40 who had nova 1.3 sr's/ gte's back in the day and reckoned they were the wepon, loads of ppl had them cause they were easyier to insure/run than gt5's/205 gti's or even re fiesta's,

The nova in general was the best selling hatch of the 80's early 90's if i recall, If this dont warrent classic status i dont know what does!

06-02-08, 04:09 PM
They would be easier to insure, because they were/are slower, and less desirable, and less likely to get nicked that Gti's, RSTs etc.

Indeed they sold well, as they were a cheap to run, cheap to insure, good daily car. Not because they were a hot hatch, because they never were.

06-02-08, 05:13 PM
The nova in general was the best selling hatch of the 80's early 90's if i recall, If this dont warrent classic status i dont know what does!
The Fiesta far outsold the Nova in the 80s. Pretty sure the 205 and Polo did as well...

06-02-08, 06:01 PM
yeah but Novas just look so much better and nowa days have such a huge following. I suppose its the 'chavs' that have made the Novas get its bad name!

06-02-08, 06:04 PM
just because a car is old doesnt mean it is a classic. charade GTti isnt classic so nova should not be either. it has no reason to be a classic.

06-02-08, 06:09 PM
As above.

Austin Metros are also old, and definently not classics. lol

yeah but Novas just look so much better and nowa days have such a huge following. I suppose its the 'chavs' that have made the Novas get its bad name!
Thats your biased opinion tho, i'd put money on every Ford/Pug forum saying exactly the same thing about 205's, fiesta etc!

06-02-08, 07:01 PM
My "Sport" is on a classic insurance policy, some companies won't accept them as classics though.

Flux and Carole Nash do, from personal experience

06-02-08, 07:08 PM
You'd be forgiven for thinking this was a fiesta or 205 forum reading some of the replys here... The nova is true classic in my eyes and will surely get more saught after as years pass..

06-02-08, 07:16 PM
The nova is true classic in my eyes
Those are the key words tho.
This is a nova forum, so big fans of nova's are bound to think the best of them :)

06-02-08, 09:44 PM
hic insure my d reg as a classic ?147.33 and agreed value of ?1500
but access is a whopping ?600

06-02-08, 10:17 PM
this was my arguement about getting a nova against everyone elses advice.. that id be laughing when my insurance was a cheapy classic policy... turns out they'll be laughing until i'm old enough to actually get it on classic insurance.. lol

06-02-08, 10:29 PM
practical classics won't put a nova in their price guide, but they did run a 3 page article on a 3dr hatch with the full max power treatment as part of a series on modified classics!!!!!

06-02-08, 11:08 PM
from a taxing perspective its considered past the tax disc stage after 25 yrs on the road from registration, so your A reg's will be tax exemt soon (aparantly) - classing it as a classic car - however from an insurance perspective they make up their own rules.

most "modern" insurers will limit the agen of car simply because its not in there interests to repair it - lack of parts etc so will prob wite off. thats why its best to ensure if youre insuring your car you get it insured for an agreed value...

just because its "classic" doesnt mean its cheaper either - classic can be classed as more desirable to the pikies and so will get stolen!

06-02-08, 11:19 PM
from a taxing perspective its considered past the tax disc stage after 25 yrs on the road from registration, so your A reg's will be tax exemt soon (aparantly)
Nope, tax exemption is frozen at 01/01/1973 iirc. It used to be on a 25 year sliding scale, but they froze the date a while back. Probably so they could rape more people for road tax lol

I remember my dad being annoyed as they changed the rules just before his old Dolomite was due for tax exemption lol

07-02-08, 12:44 AM
Balls to that then, I think at ?130 im not going to get much cheaper!!

07-02-08, 05:35 PM
130 quid and your complaining , for me to insure my nova dwn here in lisburn Co Antrim your talking 2.5k and its a standard 1.2 .