View Full Version : Saloon or Hatch?

05-02-08, 08:10 PM
Yes, I've posted a vaguely similar poll to this before, but I'm interested to see how people's attitudes have changed.

As per poll options, are you a saloon lover or a cha- sorry, hatch lover?

And which do you currently have? If you have a hatch, would you willingly revoke the evils of the short-butt models and step into the righteous light that is saloon ownership, or dare you ally with the spawn of satan and stick on the burber- sorry, dark side of the hatch?

If you have a saloon, are you secretly lusting to defect and renounce your brotherhood in favour of a lesser bodyshell? Or are you fanatical for the plight of your existing gracious steed?

If you don't currently have a Nova - which way would/are you looking to go? Towards the heavenly possession of a motorcar that offers the best of both function and form? Or will you shy away from greatness and live forever in the burning depths of depravity, lusting after the hatch, knowing the poor excuse for a vehicle that carries a door for a rear panel is simply not as much car as the celestial saloon?

Or are you just not bothered either way?

05-02-08, 08:12 PM
i see no poll?

05-02-08, 08:12 PM
i see no poll?
Patience young padewan :p

05-02-08, 08:14 PM
I have a hatch, and not looking to get a saloon but only because I'm not looking to get any new Nova. That said I do like the fat-****d creations more than I did a while back (euro look saloon mmmm).

05-02-08, 08:17 PM
sorry mr jack :(

General Baxter
05-02-08, 08:23 PM
voted :p

05-02-08, 08:31 PM
what about both???

05-02-08, 08:34 PM
Yes, right, I have both and I like both lollol

05-02-08, 08:48 PM
That would be the burgo option, although I still think everyone deep down has a preference :p

05-02-08, 08:50 PM
ive fallen in love with loons just a late, see myself gettin one in the near future

05-02-08, 08:50 PM
Did have one and miss it badly........

05-02-08, 08:53 PM
I want a 'loon but i've vowed never to buy another nova (just pore more money in to this one lol)

05-02-08, 08:56 PM
i don't have either.

as much as i like saloons, if i had a clean hatchback and a clean saloon placed infront of me, i'd pick the keys to the hatch.

it's like being stuck between a rock and a hard place........pick the hatch and everyone will call you a 'chav',........pick the saloon and everyone will call you a 'saloon loving granny fancier'................'who likes picnics and wet dog smells' :D

05-02-08, 09:00 PM
hatch everytime , although i did love rexy's saloon , and when jack gets its finished i shall still love it lol , had some really funny times in that lol

but burrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrgoooooooooooooooooooo

General Baxter
05-02-08, 09:02 PM
had some really funny times in that lol

too much info lol

Count Vaux Alot
05-02-08, 09:22 PM
What do you think?!........SALOON

05-02-08, 09:26 PM
I had a saloon and i went to hatch. just prefer the look of them. plus there slightly lighter. but i do miss my saloon!!! but there very hard to find in two door and once u get one in two door its most likely to be rottern and usless and it aint worth repairing. mine was a 4 door and it had sooooo much rust and the door leaked and there was a puddle in it every morning! Kinda know why they sold it in the summer now! cause the rain comes in autum! it sure does :P! im rambling like an old lady now! but anyways i now have a 1.3 sr nova :) alot of fun

05-02-08, 09:46 PM
two standard novas i know which id take:
http://www.pngclub.com/images/car_images/2360big.jpg http://www.pngclub.com/images/car_images/1122big.jpg

05-02-08, 09:51 PM
i have a hatch, have had for 2 years now, though it hasnt moved in a long time... I remember when I first got my nova I was driving back from college when i saw a saloon and though 'yuck' but now I would definatly not say no to a saloon. Even so I still voted number 4

05-02-08, 09:52 PM
Cnt realy compare a GTE and a Pov spec 'loon

05-02-08, 09:57 PM
id rather get my hatch finished (read started) than think about getting another car lol

id like to see wide arch hatch arches on a saloon tho - i think it might look pretty good

05-02-08, 10:08 PM
sorry ^^^bud couldnt find a standard sport saloon , did they make 1?
do love a good euro saloon:
http://i113.photobucket.com/albums/n225/lynz_sr/6l11gyg.jpgwould look alot nicer white with blacks wheels minus roof rack;)

05-02-08, 10:13 PM
colour codeing the grooves in the front bumper to the bump strips is a great idea, looks the part

05-02-08, 10:28 PM
why has "nova saloon" voted - I have a hatch and not into this boots-on-novas fad

05-02-08, 10:46 PM
I had a saloon and i went to hatch. just prefer the look of them. plus there slightly lighter. but i do miss my saloon!!! but there very hard to find in two door and once u get one in two door its most likely to be rottern and usless and it aint worth repairing. mine was a 4 door and it had sooooo much rust and the door leaked and there was a puddle in it every morning! Kinda know why they sold it in the summer now! cause the rain comes in autum! it sure does :P! im rambling like an old lady now! but anyways i now have a 1.3 sr nova :) alot of fun
The saloon is about 5kgs heavier that its equivalent hatch counterpart, but of course the hatch also comes in GTE/GSi trim which adds a few extra kgs over the heaviest saloon.

I wouldn't say they're that hard to find in 2dr. There's always a good handful knocking around for sale, and IMO the saloons always used to be in pretty decent condition mainly due to the aforementioned old fart brigade owning them.

05-02-08, 10:58 PM
Saloon is the only way.

05-02-08, 11:06 PM
Don't have a Nova at present but have had 3 in the past, all being hatches.

If I was to buy another one it would be a hatch again.
I can't see the beauty in a saloon and have never liked them, I thinks its the round arches on a square/boxy car; they just don't work.

05-02-08, 11:32 PM
The saloons always used to be in pretty decent condition mainly due to the aforementioned old fart brigade owning them.
I agree the saloons are owned by the old fart brigadelol :p

05-02-08, 11:48 PM
the hatch does it for me , altho i would love to own a saloon been seriously considering a hutchinsons convertable tho , the arches on the hatch are emense and what cars do you see nowadays with that unique styling ? i do on the other hand wake up everymorning walk out through my back door and wonder why i have spent so much time and effort on a car that is nearly the same age as me and looks dewarfed by the saab . Hatch for the meantime and would possibly consider the loon when a bit more finaceally stable . Nath

06-02-08, 02:01 AM
Saloon all day long :cool: really really really dont like hatchback`s :mad: the public hate for them got the better of me lol
But saying that, i do like a tastefully modded hatch :thumb: think that stands at 3 ive seen so far :eek: :) theres a blue one on here that i think looks sweet

06-02-08, 02:04 AM

Where can ya get them wheels from. They are lush.

06-02-08, 02:13 AM
They`re banded steelies dude (i think SR steelies??????)
Only a few places do wheel banding, you have to cut the wheel in half and weld a steel ring of metal to "widen" (sp?) them

Try here if you want some making up www.wide-wheels.co.uk (http://www.wide-wheels.co.uk)

06-02-08, 03:51 AM
Hmm nice... and just found out today i am getting a settlment of 1800 - 2000 for a crash i was in soon :) well can't touch it till i'm 18 in april. :)

06-02-08, 06:43 AM
This is a hard one. I have both and love both to look at, but at the mo now the loon is on coilovers its such a great laugh to drive and you get far more respect drving a loon aswell. But the shape of the arches on the hatch are lovely.

06-02-08, 08:52 AM
I remember the days when I used to prefer the signature hatch arches, and didn't like the round saloon arches. Why would anyone want a Nova with round arches! It just isn't right! Grandad cars they are, grandad cars!

Then one day I took a side on pic of my car, of a similar angle to this one:


Something didn't look right. Something was amiss. Something ruined the cars fine lines and stylized infamous flared arches.

Then it hit me like an American bullet in British armour.

The. Arches. Aren't. Even.

This day I call the "Day Of Enlightenment", from whence the saloon became the only Nova to be seen in. No wonky archness for me, ho ho no!

06-02-08, 10:18 AM
Yes that maybe. But there still nice lol

06-02-08, 10:34 AM
never been fond of chunky ars*s. always favoured a tight rear hatchlol

06-02-08, 01:53 PM
hatch all the way :p

06-02-08, 11:33 PM
i'd have both lol . im likeing the sloony and can't wait to see a "sport " sloony but tracj use is have to be hatch . plus more room for my MTb in boot