View Full Version : Moral dillema

22-07-02, 12:08 PM
I work part time in Sainsburys to fund my student lifestyle and have noticed that on some of the lorrys that deliver to our store they have very nice crome valve caps on their tyres. Most lorrys have already had them stolen from them already, but some are still left on. I am very tempted to have them, but I know I shouldn't as I hate stuff being stolen from my car. Would I be a pikey if I did take them. Whats all your opinions?

22-07-02, 12:36 PM
your asking people on here? lol half of them have no morals.

22-07-02, 12:36 PM
nah cause u wouldn't, actually while your at it, nick a wheel, take out the rim, get inside it and roll yourself down a big hill, LOADS OF FUN! :lol:

22-07-02, 06:03 PM
So if you live in an area where car theft is high, it's ok to steal a car as if you don't someone else will? Don't be stupid. If you think it might be ok as it's such a little thing and hardly noticable, go out and buy one, you'll hardly even notice the money you spend 'going missing'.

And how would you feel if your valve caps were stolen? They might only cost ?10 or so, but if you keep spending a tenner replacing stolen ones, it soon mounts up.

If you're so poor that you can't afford to buy new ones, go and make an offer to the truck driver for his. They may even let you have them, for the reasons you think may justify you stealing them.

Theft is theft, it's only the actus reaus that's different, but the mens rea is the same, whether you're stealing a set of chrome valve caps or the whole fuckin' truck. So don't be a ****.

22-07-02, 08:03 PM
Get some really nice dice valve caps. Thay will make your car look realy trendy.

Will they feck!!

Just nick em. SOme little kid will only nick um off you a couple of days later.

23-07-02, 01:01 PM
tell ya what would be very funny. is is u lowered urself to nicking these valve caps or what ever they are, gettin home to put them onto your car, and realising the truck driver had nicked ur car. hahahahahaa, funny as fcuk!

23-07-02, 01:29 PM
I am sorry to say I don't think you should nick them, one of my mates nicked someones centre caps of the sr wheels because he didn't have any on his, he showed me the car he took them off so one night I took them off his motor and put them back :lol: , he was well pissed off when he saw they were gone, serves him right. someone will only nick them off your motor.

Ben (lurk75)
23-07-02, 02:34 PM
if you are struggling to overcome the guilt you would have for stealing some dust caps then go and pay some 8 yr old 50p to do it for you!

23-07-02, 11:34 PM
normally i'm against nickin things off cars cos its fuck lame but in this case the lorry driver probably doesn't know hes got them anyways, if you feel lame put your standard black ones on his lorry :D