View Full Version : rb users

21-07-02, 03:26 PM
I went onto one of the forums which shows all the cars.

I was just wondering if it was only me that had noticed that they seem to put down most cars that are put on there.

Take ian storeys nova after the re-build. They put it down well bad, saying the mirrors look shit etc.

When in fact they suit the car and look sweet.

as i said just wondering, not having a go.

22-07-02, 01:16 AM
Yeah i think it sucks cock big time.

22-07-02, 08:23 AM
Is this where im supposed to post a big rant calling you a wanker etc etc for daring to criticise someones car :lol: :lol: :P

22-07-02, 09:40 AM
people are entitled to an opinion i guess. Ians is one of those cars you gotta see face to face methinks before you can make a judgement.

22-07-02, 05:54 PM
I haven't got any recent pictures of my car. I never got round to putting film in the camera, going out taking pictures, having them developed, and what for? My car's there for me to sit in and drive about. Though now i have 9 points for 'overdoing' the driving about bit. :lol:

At the moment my car is looking a bit fucked due to it being broken into and all the i.c.e. ripped out (in a fuckin' cinema, with security guards and cctv! Did they even fingerprint my car? Did they fuck. And still no news. Police suck cock big-time. I used to respect them, but now i now why so many don't). It's also been scratched/keyed 4 times (i know who you are muthafuka!, a door has been kicked and severely dented (i know who you are muthafucka too!), someones dented the roof (looks like with a big brick or something) and there's been a bit of unwanted 'fast and furious' style graphics sprayed on the sides and back courtesy of some wanker.

Never mind. What goes around, comes around. Revenge will be sweet. Plus i was saving for a major overhaul (no i'm not doing it for a magazine, so the mods won't be mad for the sake of it. All the damaged panels, i have as new (some modified) replacements in my bedroom, as well as ton's of other stuff lying around on top of my wardrobe/floor and etc. So it's no big deal, though if not for the jealous acts of vandalism, i'd be driving round in a nice Nova while work is in progress, rather than in the slightly tatty one now. Still it looks like i've been rallying in it, aspecially with the cage and buckets :lol: . It'll just look fuckin' sweet without being over the top when i'm finished. And without totally over-doing it with wonga, as i like to spend that buying lingerie for my oh so sexy ladyfriend, which i remove at a later date :lol: . And the rest will be saved for my next project. Which will be mad and ott, and likely to be an FTO or RX7. Nice). And if others don't like it when i'm finished, then so what. I won't be coming on here to have a go at anyone. :wink:

22-07-02, 07:09 PM


22-07-02, 07:18 PM
could have sworn i posted in ere

22-07-02, 07:32 PM
u have now ! derrr :P

22-07-02, 07:55 PM
You either like ians car or you dont like it.

I reckon it looks sweet in the pics and in real life.

End of story.