View Full Version : what does a turbo actually do?

27-01-08, 10:12 PM
ok i perfectly understand how a normal engine works, say an xe for example but ive never really had knowlege despite wondering what the turbo does on a let or any turbo'd engine. :confused::thumb:

27-01-08, 10:13 PM
i think it feeds more air into the engine just a guess tho

27-01-08, 10:16 PM
it essentially improves the air fuel mixture that gets burned in the engine.
usually there is a turbine that is propelled by the exhaust gases ,this turbine compresses the intake air. when the intake air is compressed , more oxygen is available to burn the fuel.

27-01-08, 10:23 PM
google it
please google it

27-01-08, 10:40 PM
please PERFECTLY explain how an N/A engine works....

oh for turbo info, www.max-boost.co.uk is good, but you need a brain to read it ;)

27-01-08, 10:46 PM
Its mounted to/into the exhaust manifold. The exhaust gas pressure of the gases being launched out the engine drive the turbine, inturn, as the turbine spins it literally pulls air into the intake system forcing it into the engine.

Once said air hits a few sensors and other random electrocolucal jiggery pokery the ECU launches more fuel into the intake, creating a bigger kapooowie in the cyclinders, causing more noxious gases to exit the manifold therefore keeping the turbocharger spinning.

A rought scientific eqausion is as follows -

B-B-B-B-BBBBBroooooom, 900 rpm, loud pedal goes down, RPM+, more suckey suckey, more fuely fuely, baddabing baddaboom, ppppp-tishhhh, SP-30 + Due Care & Attention :D

Job for Dave.

27-01-08, 10:48 PM
lol ....well explained mate ....:thumb:

27-01-08, 11:26 PM
thanks last of :)

27-01-08, 11:32 PM
yeah just to help make thing clear it spines a tubring which pulls clear air under presser in to the engine not reuseing exhust gase like some poor sole though the other month

27-01-08, 11:52 PM

Will tell you all you need to know ... and more !!

28-01-08, 12:11 AM
as the turbine spins it literally pulls air into the intake system forcing it into the engine.
A turbo doesn't really pull air into the engine, but compresses the air into the intake.

Turbochargers have a turbine sat on the exhaust manifold. As exhaust gas passes over the blades, it spins. This drives a shaft which is connected to a turbine that sits on the intake, and compresses the air as it comes through the intake pipes. Compressing the air means more air gets into each cylinder; More air = more fuel = more power.

Compressed air will be hotter than uncompressed air, so most will be fitted with some form of cooling, i.e. Chargecooler or Intercooler.

Obviously, as its driven by exhaust gas, it takes a moment for the turbo to attain maximum pressure. This delay (from <0 pressure to max pressure) is called turbo lag.

Most effective ways to increase turbo performance, 1. increase the pressure (i.e. boost controllers), and 2. increase the cooling (i.e. larger coolers).

28-01-08, 12:24 AM
or all together to ditch lag all together and run aint lag lol bring on boost

28-01-08, 08:09 AM
or all together to ditch lag all together and run aint lag lol bring on boost
And a shagged turbo.

28-01-08, 08:32 AM
Whats a turbo toggle do though? I know they are very worth while modification to the engine buy I don't understand why.

I also heard that if you fit a compression button you can get get rid of lag without the need to run a anti-lag system which is very harsh on the turbo.

Welsh Dan
28-01-08, 12:38 PM
It makes teh VTEC kick in 'yo.

28-01-08, 01:52 PM

craig green
28-01-08, 02:00 PM
Where does the wasted gay cum into it?

28-01-08, 02:01 PM
this thread makes my eyes sore

28-01-08, 06:30 PM
this thread makes my eyes sore

yes it much pains me to read some of these comments.

28-01-08, 06:33 PM
It hurts if it gets into your eyes... apparently.

28-01-08, 06:35 PM
i have to wear a welding mask now

General Baxter
28-01-08, 06:35 PM
how does anti lag work?

28-01-08, 06:40 PM
Afaik, like this-
Basically, a 2nd spark ignites a fuel/air mix with the exhaust valves open.
So the expanding gases exit straight through the valve(s) and through the turbo.
Not many turbos can take it tho.

General Baxter
28-01-08, 06:40 PM
so it wont work on my engines then lol

28-01-08, 06:42 PM
With management cable of doing it, yeah it will.

EDIT-Obviously it wont on a oil burner engine, due to no spark :p

28-01-08, 06:43 PM
^ IIRC ceramic turbo's are more suited to AL

28-01-08, 06:44 PM

28-01-08, 06:47 PM
anti lag is where the injectors keep firing fuel in, without the ignition sparking, even with the throttle plate closed

this fuel ignites in the hot hot turbo, creating gas, that keeps the turb spinning

28-01-08, 06:55 PM
I always thought that anti-lag involved shooting the turbo with small calibre shotgun cartridges to really pi55 it off!

Thats exactly what it sounds like:thumb:

28-01-08, 08:01 PM
but what about electric dump valves???

28-01-08, 08:40 PM
you can kinda of antilag a derv..... but erm it really wont last long lol

28-01-08, 08:41 PM
you can kinda of antilag a derv..... but erm it really wont last long lol

Isnt that known as an "insurance job" lol

Fuel, hot hot turbo, ignite lol

28-01-08, 08:45 PM
well with dervs when the turbo oil seals go they feed the turbines hot and cold side with hot oil and it will run up till the engine throws a rod lol

29-01-08, 11:32 AM
i turbo works as this.

The Turbo is like your plane engine. It has a set of turbines that turn....
To improve a engines preformace the trubo does this.

Feeds oil into the turbo and out the zorst. Also air at the same time, Presure is the main key with a turbo, When the turbo spins up it produces alot of presure witch gets pushed out your zorst.
Turbo lag can be a right pain, Mainly because when ur useing the car to its full, and slowing down for bends in a track the turbo stops spining witch means the power isnt there as u wanted and have to wait till ur turbo spins up agen heres where a anitlagkit helps, what that does is keep the trubo spining when ur off the power, saves you left foot braking, but they reduce the life of the turbo by normaly 70% a turbo is a good and bad thing on a normal everyday car. There to give you that extra boost.

Supra's come with a tiwn turbo, and you would think they boost at the same time, but nope. They boost at 1.5k and then agen at 3 to keep the power down and for you to get the max out the engine. Hance why theres alot in scrap yards as alot think they are just a twin turbo and they run at the same time and as they dont they kick the back end all over the place and very hard to keep on the road.

hope spelling aint to bad haha

29-01-08, 11:44 AM
you feed oil into the exhaust turbine?!?!?!?!

the spelling was tollerable, but the content was DIRE to say the least.

29-01-08, 11:45 AM
LOL yes! Oil is fed into the turbo. Hance Why the oil seals go, LOL.... like alot of mine

29-01-08, 11:47 AM
i turbo works as this.

The Turbo is like your plane engine. It has a set of turbines that turn....
To improve a engines preformace the trubo does this.

Feeds oil into the turbo and out the zorst. Also air at the same time, Presure is the main key with a turbo, When the turbo spins up it produces alot of presure witch gets pushed out your zorst.
Turbo lag can be a right pain, Mainly because when ur useing the car to its full, and slowing down for bends in a track the turbo stops spining witch means the power isnt there as u wanted and have to wait till ur turbo spins up agen heres where a anitlagkit helps, what that does is keep the trubo spining when ur off the power, saves you left foot braking, but they reduce the life of the turbo by normaly 70% a turbo is a good and bad thing on a normal everyday car. There to give you that extra boost.

Supra's come with a tiwn turbo, and you would think they boost at the same time, but nope. They boost at 1.5k and then agen at 3 to keep the power down and for you to get the max out the engine. Hance why theres alot in scrap yards as alot think they are just a twin turbo and they run at the same time and as they dont they kick the back end all over the place and very hard to keep on the road.

hope spelling aint to bad haha

It would be a good idea for you to read a few of the links posted at the start of the thread ;) Your not totaly right so you might like to brush up on a few things:thumb: Nice try though.

29-01-08, 11:49 AM
Do you know what over run smoke is? What colour And also what the reassons are, Turbo smoke normaly runs on the over run witch is when the turbo stops spining.

Over run smoke tells you the oil seals are on the way out, normaly when letting go off power. But when it smokes alot, that means the turbo seal has gone, Its not alot of oil that get put into a turbo, but its a constent feed

Im going by my own knolage here people LOL so i may not be correct on somethings

29-01-08, 11:52 AM
Oh and ill look at the links later, LOL im at work haha

29-01-08, 12:22 PM
thing is with a turbo engine you can mask the valve stem seals going.... or mis diagnose the problem as the stems leak like feck on overrun if they are naffed.

29-01-08, 12:25 PM
My Gran smokes a lot. Should I tell her to stop taking cod liver oil tablets?

29-01-08, 01:01 PM
i turbo works as this.

you should have stopped here

The Turbo is like your plane engine. It has a set of turbines that turn....
To improve a engines preformace the trubo does this.

Feeds oil into the turbo and out the zorst.
wrong, the turbo is fed oil to lubricate the shaft, not into the engine!

Also air at the same time, Presure is the main key with a turbo, When the turbo spins up it produces alot of presure witch gets pushed out your zorst.
Turbo lag can be a right pain, Mainly because when ur useing the car to its full, and slowing down for bends in a track the turbo stops spining witch means the power isnt there as u wanted and have to wait till ur turbo spins up agen heres where a anitlagkit helps, what that does is keep the trubo spining when ur off the power, saves you left foot braking, but they reduce the life of the turbo by normaly 70% a turbo is a good and bad thing on a normal everyday car. There to give you that extra boost.

sort of, do some research

Supra's come with a tiwn turbo, and you would think they boost at the same time, but nope. They boost at 1.5k and then agen at 3 to keep the power down and for you to get the max out the engine. Hance why theres alot in scrap yards as alot think they are just a twin turbo and they run at the same time and as they dont they kick the back end all over the place and very hard to keep on the road.

its called a sequential twin turbo set up. this reduces lag by having a smaller turbo, that spools up earlier, then a bigger turbo to produce more power higher up the rev range. it also aids with traction.

hope spelling aint to bad haha

it is, very

and the information provided is rather inaccurate which doest offer any form of explanation or help to the person asking the question

29-01-08, 01:45 PM
Own3d ^

29-01-08, 01:51 PM
I didnt realise there was more!!

Do you know what over run smoke is? What colour And also what the reassons are, Turbo smoke normaly runs on the over run witch is when the turbo stops spining.

Over run smoke tells you the oil seals are on the way out, normaly when letting go off power. But when it smokes alot, that means the turbo seal has gone, Its not alot of oil that get put into a turbo, but its a constent feed

as stu said, it could be valve stem oil seals, or it could be turbo oil seals.
there is no oil fed into the engine, unless the oil seals go, and thats when you get smokey turbo's but its difficult to diagnose which is which.

overrun- or valve stem oil seals - usually smoke as stated, on overrun
turbo oil seals usually leak and smoke at idle or under boost.

Im going by my own knolage here people LOL so i may not be correct on somethings

That is the only thing you have been right about so far!!!

29-01-08, 02:06 PM
the Funny matter is, I only pointed my opinion across, with my knowing on turbos. i AINT fully clued up. And funny enuff i had a blast, so i dont see how you can fault me but correct me in ways...

Cheers tho, Very nice of you.

29-01-08, 02:08 PM
if you dont know

dont spout

and definitely dont argue your points!

29-01-08, 02:11 PM
I never argued in this topic?

Some poeple may not of known with me saying Over run, So then i asked.... with a question mark. To make sure they understand, and a question mark is for them to question what im saying.

So ok he asked a question, All i did was try help, What am i doing wrong. Wait i know, The fact i have tryed to help. and because i aint fully known on a turbo i cant TRY? Call me a f***r but thats rather unfair.

29-01-08, 02:14 PM
I never argued in this topic?

Do you know what over run smoke is? What colour And also what the reassons are

sounds like your trying to argue your point to me!

as ive siad if youre not fully clued up, dont spout like you know everything!

29-01-08, 02:17 PM
i never said i ever was correct?

Anyone could of questions my post, But you have to rip me apart rather than say

'' you aint fully in the know there mate. Try useng this guide. Or its like this. No thats not right this is how it works.

But seams the person arguing or proving a point towords me, Who is a newperson, Who maybe not own a nova but has come onto this forums wanting to watch a mates topic, And to not be rude and sign up, also to post as i thought maybe i wont look like a outsider. You rip what i have to say?!

29-01-08, 02:19 PM
somebody tried to tell you, to read up on it, and you argued your point!

nuff said

ripping commenced!

now get back in your cage and speak when your spat on

29-01-08, 02:26 PM
Nuff said i aint ganna argue or try.

Sorry to be a pain! i wont speak.....

29-01-08, 02:26 PM
Nuff said i aint ganna argue or try.

Sorry to be a pain! i wont speak.....

Much better!

01-02-08, 01:34 AM
Nuff said i aint ganna argue or try.

Sorry to be a pain! i wont speak.....

You got exactly the same right as anyone else to have your say, this being a Forum is what its all about. if u wanna argue your point! argue, Dont ****ing give up, you look more like a pussy! :thumb:

01-02-08, 04:33 PM
^ IIRC ceramic turbo's are more suited to AL

infact adam despite the properties of ceramic being able to withstand high temps...this is often not the case. Ceramic turbos are good but do not like high boost levels as the stress on the blades makes them break off and cry.
also with anti-lag there is a huge amount of stress on them as the explosion in the exhaust turbine causes to great an accelleration of the blade and due to the possible inertia of the shaft it can hurt the blades.

there are loads of different methods of anti-lag. the best on is by using the ECU to cut spark to every other plug in rotation and cause the unburnt fuel and air to ignite in the exhaust.
a lot of street tuning ones i have seen are not nice and involve a stupidly retarded timing map and stupid rich mixture on the over-run. this impresses friends/family by backfiring and spitting flaming arrows out the exhaust. but it burns the valves and does very little for creating boost as on over run the throttle is virtually closed and therefor there is next to 0 air in the combustion chamber anyway.
a lot of the older WRC cars used a method of retarding the timing and opening the idle air valve to introduce more air. with the timing retarded. the air does not burn in the cylinders and the engine speed is not increasing during the over run.

02-02-08, 05:32 PM
^ Mr.Turbo

03-02-08, 12:11 AM
infact adam.....

Thank you for that indepth explination wether it be right or wrong.... BUT, I'm Mike :thumb:

And Ceramic Turbos ARE more suited to AL as oppose to a non ceramic item. They will still give up, but will last longer then a non ceramic a boost levels below around 18psi (dependant on turbocharger)

03-02-08, 02:32 AM
What are you guys classing as ceramic turbos ??
Which parts are actually ceramic (coated) ??
Current WRC spec Garrett Turbos don't use any ceramic parts, and use (at times 100%) Anti lag, and at best they'll last a couple of events, if ceramic coated parts were of any benefit then they'd be used, regardless of cost.
When running Anti-Lag the Turbo (in competition) is pretty much flat out all the time (no, time to cool down when off throttle) thats what causes them to die in a pretty short time period.