View Full Version : A20 Nva

27-01-08, 11:19 AM
Purchased some GSi parts of eBay tother day from a local guy to me in wolvo, went over his house to pick them up, got talking etc etc and it turns out that a few years ago he had a yellow SR, which was converted to an XE (many many years ago conversion was done) and had A20 NVA as a private reg?

He said he scrapped the car, complete with the reg, but never sent of the logbook informing the DVLA of its death... However im sure theres another Nova about with said reg? Anyone verify this???

27-01-08, 11:20 AM
dvla say scrapped in 2000

27-01-08, 11:24 AM
dvla say scrapped in 2000

That would tie in with this then, as he's 29. He must have sent the V5 off then lol

27-01-08, 11:30 AM
Dans White Turbo reg is very similar iirc.
Something like A20 L Nv

General Baxter
27-01-08, 12:19 PM
nathan had A19 NVA ;)

27-01-08, 02:22 PM
that A20NVA rings a bell to me but i cant think why!

27-01-08, 05:44 PM
nathan had A19 NVA ;)

Yea, as far as i know that reg is still on his old Nova too?

27-01-08, 09:35 PM
hi everyone im the guy who mikes talking about, i still own the car according to dvla as i only sorned it off the road in 2000, so in theory they think i still have the car.

27-01-08, 09:40 PM
^ Jay, hows it going mate :D glad youve managed to make on here mate.

By the way, theres an thread in here somewhere about XE wiring :thumb:

27-01-08, 09:56 PM
just getting used to the site, will have a look when i figure it out lol,

27-01-08, 10:17 PM
Remember the car, chased us down the A5 Cannock way in my bro's mates Escos Monte back in the day! Twas quick then!

28-01-08, 10:32 PM
Maff Searle?

28-01-08, 10:59 PM
yes used to go up to longford island every sun, wed nights b4 the cameras and police were, that was when it was proper old school racing then, i remember and escort rst estate a chap named webby used to own it from cannock area, just wondered if you new waht happened to it?

28-01-08, 11:02 PM
it was really quick, add lots of ahmed bayoo goodies on it

29-01-08, 11:23 AM
Webby sold it years ago, he had numerous RSTs. Daz Cotton had the trick 205 GTI running the Mi 16,car was TVR purple with gold kit?

Makes me feel old, prob about 10 years ago? I still a nippa now at 27 lol

29-01-08, 10:50 PM
remeber the 205,s, there were 2 if i remember, both the same but colours were different, i hung out with the perfect tune lot.... yeah im 30 this year lol both old farts now.. but still got a nova xe!! and a mrs and kid lol..

30-01-08, 01:24 PM
Yeah the other 205 was gold and purple. Was a good time back then. Fair play about your current Nova. Just building one now! After numerous RS's theres never a wrong time to have an XE'd powered Nova lol.

craig green
30-01-08, 02:16 PM
This thread is useless without pics..

01-02-08, 09:47 PM
was the escort coz a magenta colour with quad headlights? i think i remember that day, all the purfect tune lot went down fradley park and took the cars round,and on the way back it was just a big mad race10 cars + lol
do you remember the guy who had the rs1600i turbo, man that car was rapid, but it kept melting the pistons, it kept with mine upto 3rd gear then i just killed it, but christ it was quick, then that lad who had the pearl white turbo nova, franna i think his name was, very quick car!!!! what were you driving at the time or were you not into racing back then, jay

karl Rowntree
02-02-08, 04:06 PM
I was around Cannock back in the day, mainly new all the VW guys though i.e Midlands VW, remember all the cars you are talking about. Remember the white turbo nova, a lad i knew owned it briefly, really didnt look after it.

Trying to think what your nova looked like, i recognise the number plate but cant think what the car looked like.

As Craig said, get some pictures up to refresh my old memory


03-02-08, 12:36 PM
it was a standard looking mark 1 , 1.3sr in yellow it was on speedline allesios and lowered, cant find any of me old pics as parents binned everything including all docs when they moved!

karl Rowntree
03-02-08, 06:08 PM
Think i met you years ago, probably about 10 years to be honest. Were you friends with Chris who had the red nova, He sold it to buy a Subaru if i remember right.

03-02-08, 09:11 PM
yes thats me, chris then wrapped the wrx and built a westfield with a fireblade engine in it, have not seen him in years!