View Full Version : Jamie Shaw Arrested/sentanced etc

Ste L
22-01-08, 03:40 PM
Owner of Carisma & was on uk pimp my ride

and not by the style police :eek:


*nicked thread off corsasport*

nova ian
22-01-08, 03:43 PM
depression, with his lifestyle, sucessful business/career and cars, etc?!:roll:

22-01-08, 04:03 PM
Mabey he hes filled his life with all these things to try and forget or cover up how he really feels, best of luck to the guy.


22-01-08, 04:03 PM
Mabey he hes filled his life with all these things to try and forget or cover up how he really feels, best of luck to the guy.


22-01-08, 04:08 PM
if he wasnt who he is, that wouldnt have even made local news!

sick and tired of celebrity hype

nice bloke,met him on quite a few occassions.
good luck too him, hope the press can keep there noses out

22-01-08, 04:32 PM
good luck too him, hope the press can keep there noses out

Seconded, it will make it harder for him to make any positive steps to recovery if the press keep on at him.

On a lighter note, couldn't he repair/pimp the cars he damaged as an act of goodwill? Would make an interesting spin off TV show!!

22-01-08, 04:43 PM
On a lighter note, couldn't he repair/pimp the cars he damaged as an act of goodwill? Would make an interesting spin off TV show!!


Repair then Pimp My ride Please, The Courts said so

nova ian
22-01-08, 04:45 PM
Seconded, it will make it harder for him to make any positive steps to recovery if the press keep on at him.

On a lighter note, couldn't he repair/pimp the cars he damaged as an act of goodwill? Would make an interesting spin off TV show!!

lol Good idea!!

Just to clear up incase my first post came across a bit nasty, basically saying what Stoo said about the celeb types etc. I just put it bluntly lol

22-01-08, 04:54 PM
meh, if it saves some cars from the crime that is carisma then im all for it :D

22-01-08, 05:00 PM
i know Jamie he was just an average bloke whi made good of himself shame to hear about this but we all **** up from time to time , its just that he is know that it gets all blown out of proportion .

good luck jay

22-01-08, 06:32 PM
Twenty-five police officers, 15 police community support officers and a police negotiator had to be called in to talk to him

jesus......imagine if he really did sommant wrong!

22-01-08, 06:35 PM
Sounds like an over-hypped crap report.

Jamie sold out and ruined any respect he'd received when he started doing pimp my ride uk. I used to respect carisma's work until that show started.


22-01-08, 06:43 PM
Don't know, never heard of him.

Oh well do the crime pay with time as the old saying goes.

Ste L
22-01-08, 07:07 PM
Don't know, never heard of him.

Oh well do the crime pay with time as the old saying goes.

will probably reconise his old r5?



22-01-08, 08:23 PM
Well having watched my first (and will forever be the only) episode in which the team did a number on a Granada he**** for some rockers in Devon recently I can see why he might be feeling depressed.

It was awful. Clearly the whole thing including the people in it have to conform to some weird formulated franchise idea by someone from America who just doesn't get what it is to be British. I can honestly say that for once the American version is in everyway better.
It was toe curlingly cringeingly painful to watch the guy in charge of the sound system trying to big it up Yank style - he was clearly not cut out to talk like that ever.

And to cap it all the finished car was revolting - white with flames at the front of the bonnet.:confused: :eek:

It was a waste of time and talent - they obviously have good skills but this show doesn't do anything for them.

22-01-08, 09:00 PM
will probably reconise his old r5?




I was never into the whole max powar/fast car big spoiler crap, so no never heard of them.

Is that weird bearing in mind i'm 29 and been around for 11 years.:eek:

I really can't recognonise the name.

22-01-08, 09:45 PM
depression, with his lifestyle, sucessful business/career and cars, etc?!:roll:

Here's hoping you never have to be involved with anyone who is suffering from depression. . . . .

It's an illness, and as such your social standing/wealth/career etc are not relevant. . . . . .

Met Jamie a few times back in the day, and I like to watch pimp my ride I think it's fun (but agreeing with some comments above, it's very @american@)

Hope he comes through this, he's a good guy who used an undeniable skill (interior trimming) to make a business for himself . . .

nova ian
22-01-08, 10:42 PM
Here's hoping you never have to be involved with anyone who is suffering from depression. . . . .

It's an illness, and as such your social standing/wealth/career etc are not relevant. . . . . .

Met Jamie a few times back in the day, and I like to watch pimp my ride I think it's fun (but agreeing with some comments above, it's very @american@)

Hope he comes through this, he's a good guy who used an undeniable skill (interior trimming) to make a business for himself . . .

I know, I said a bit further down that what I said was a bit harsh what I said, I didnt mean it to be so blunt.

At the end of the day he is a human being like anyone else, and obviously will have ups and downs as anyone else. I know I came a across a little narrow minded, its just when you think about what someone has achieved compared to where you are in life you tend to have a biased view that because they have got alot to their name that shouldn't feel like that.

I hold my hand up and say what I said was harsh, what I was trying to say was what Stoo had said about celeb types getting in the news for things that would not be hyped up in a regular persons life.

Hope that makes sense! Im not a narrow minded person honest!:)

22-01-08, 11:47 PM
Anyone having to spend more than 15 seconds with Westwood would probably get moronically depressed and try to kill themselves. I know I would!

23-01-08, 08:48 AM
I know, I said a bit further down that what I said was a bit harsh what I said, I didnt mean it to be so blunt.

At the end of the day he is a human being like anyone else, and obviously will have ups and downs as anyone else. I know I came a across a little narrow minded, its just when you think about what someone has achieved compared to where you are in life you tend to have a biased view that because they have got alot to their name that shouldn't feel like that.

I hold my hand up and say what I said was harsh, what I was trying to say was what Stoo had said about celeb types getting in the news for things that would not be hyped up in a regular persons life.

Hope that makes sense! Im not a narrow minded person honest!:)

Respect is due to you.

craig green
23-01-08, 10:05 AM
Dreadfull suit, even more shocking haircut.

Hope he gets through the sentence OK, but lets face it. Depression & associated drugs rehabilitation is a pretty normal excuse in court nowadays.

23-01-08, 08:57 PM
the best pimp uk one was the goth bird with the sooty van. she was 'mad' & to prove it went round saying things like 'I'm mad I am'. they made the van look like a canal boat, which is exactly what they drive like, then they ripped the glove boot out & built a guinea pig house...........
Now that is cutting edge stuff.
Another question, where does mtv round up the three 'friends' from?? cos they all scream, jump about & then put their hands to their mouths like they are about to vomit

23-01-08, 09:51 PM
"Twenty-five police officers, 15 police community support officers and a police negotiator had to be called in to talk to him."


that's just a waste of taxpayers money - 25 coppers??? 4 to block off the road and the rest to sit on their ar$es!

And why were there 15 community coppers there? Perhaps the remaining 21 coppers were teaching them coppering things?!

Talk about totally over the top. Makes you wonder how many would have turned up for a standard domestic for a "non famous" person.

That's if they'd bothered to turn up at all!
