View Full Version : ***stolen Xe Corsa Gsi***

20-01-08, 07:50 AM
Can admin make this sticky of poss please.

Woke up at 6am to find my XE GSi stolen off the drive.

Reg No M120 HJU, stolen from Upton, Wirral, Merseyside.

Car hasn't been started for around 2 months and had no battery on it so were assuming it was towed away (snapped steering lock and manuvered between 3 cars from the back of the drive)

All parts are identifiable by marks or individual aspects to them or by the fact they are custom to my car (exhaust, springs etc)

Please keep a look out for parts and if you have suspisions they could be off my car then please call 07905157570.



Can't describe how gutted I am, built the car up from a standard GSi over the last 4 years and done all the work bar repaint myself, I would rather of them took my S3, could of just got another one, thats not an option with the Corsa :(

20-01-08, 08:41 AM
thievin pikey ****ers gutted for you mate hope you get it back .

20-01-08, 02:41 PM
the joys of living in the wiral eh! sorry to hear about that mate, il keep my eye out as im working in the area(ish)

20-01-08, 03:01 PM
my ex is at uni in liverpool, and i was constantly up there in the my gte... was always worried parking on busy streets. but nothing happened... guess you're either lucky or not. and it could happen anywhere... sorry to hear! looks a nice car, fingers crossed for you!

craig green
20-01-08, 04:37 PM
Hope its returned. Gutted for you.

Thieving scum!

20-01-08, 05:26 PM
Stickied :thumb: and gutted at the same time, never good news so all the best with any possible chances to get it back

20-01-08, 05:31 PM
will keep an eye out work all over liverpool wirral birkenhead etc know a couple of lads from your side:thumb:

20-01-08, 06:14 PM
unlucky to hear mate, lets hope it turns up like mine did, safe and sound

21-01-08, 06:22 PM
hope you get her back mate .
i know what it feels like !!

21-01-08, 09:40 PM
its **** that mate. hope it turns up.

Ste L
21-01-08, 10:10 PM
any news on this Ian?

22-01-08, 10:29 PM
any news on this Ian?

Tonight I had a very interesting chat with a guy who had his motorbikes stolen the same night using the van its thought they towed mine with.

They found evidence which is currently being tested for DNA.

He only lives about 2 miles from me so its all in very small loop, my car, the van stolen and then his motorbikes.

Best bit is hes a police officer so he is going to link the crimes on the computer so when the evidence from his garage comes back my car will be a topic of conversation or if someone gets pulled on one of his bikes they will be questioned about my car http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/images/smile/wink.gif

Its being investigated as an organised crime as both my house and his garage where being watched its thought.

Theres still hope for the GSi yet http://www.corsasport.co.uk/board/images/smile/smile.gif

23-01-08, 12:09 AM
cant have nothing nice these days can ya. Good to see the police are doing something for once, good luck with it mate thats a nice car.

24-01-08, 12:16 AM
Im sorry to hear that mate. Hope it gets returned in one piece!

25-01-08, 02:40 AM
Good luck with finding her!! Its a bonus having a copper 'onside'

28-01-08, 12:57 AM
Clearly the people who stole my car are not happy that there are people looking for them and that I got my bumper back on Friday night.

We got a knock on the door about 8.15 to see a lad put the windows through on both mine and my Dads S3's.

Police took over an hour to get here.

They where in the car that I reported yesterday as being suspicious as it was around my house a number of times yesterday.

I have a partial reg number so if anyone has access to any systems that could track down the registered keeper could drop me a u2u I would appreciate it.

So far I have given the police an address of the person I have been told by a number of people is responsible for taking my car, I have found a car with 50% of my parts on and given the registration, I have given them 5 letter of a reg plate and a make / model and colour of a car that has been suspicious and now put the windows through and they still do **** all about it.

Police are a waste of ****ing space but I guarentee the second I take this into my own hands they will be arresting me.

28-01-08, 01:02 AM
I would take it into my own hands by this time because so much has happend and still nothing is being done!
But it's up to you at end of day

Lee H
28-01-08, 08:10 AM
I really do feel for you mate, police are a joke tbh if they still haven't done anything about it. Bad news they are now taking it upon themselves to damage your other car.

I know its nowhere near in the same league but some ****s went down our street on Friday night and keyed about 3 cars, obviously they got mine worst being a Nova. You can't have anything decent anymore.

28-01-08, 09:48 AM
I really do feel for you mate, police are a joke tbh if they still haven't done anything about it. Bad news they are now taking it upon themselves to damage your other car.

I know its nowhere near in the same league but some ****s went down our street on Friday night and keyed about 3 cars, obviously they got mine worst being a Nova. You can't have anything decent anymore.

Its a waste of time trying to have anything now, the only way to have something is to keep it under lock and key and secure all the time.

The chav's / scallys and that wont be happy until where all livin in **** holes and on the dole.

29-01-08, 10:03 PM
you could always get a lawyer involved to pursue the police.

29-01-08, 10:19 PM
Car with my wheels on was seen by my friend yesterday, after the lads around it chased him he called the police and the seized the car.

I went to see it today to see what parts on it where mine.

Only my wheels where left, well what was left of my wheels.

All kerbed to death, no center caps and two of the contisports where blown out ripped around the side wall.

Lee H
30-01-08, 08:05 AM
Car with my wheels on was seen by my friend yesterday, after the lads around it chased him he called the police and the seized the car.

I went to see it today to see what parts on it where mine.

Only my wheels where left, well what was left of my wheels.

All kerbed to death, no center caps and two of the contisports where blown out ripped around the side wall.

*******s, should chop their fingers off. Sounds like bad news on the shell as well now to be honest. Such a shame :mad: , really feel for you.

05-02-08, 10:06 AM
maybe the police will find your car by asking questions to the owners of the cars you see your weels on !

05-02-08, 10:20 AM

06-02-08, 06:08 AM

talking about the Police?lol

06-02-08, 06:46 AM
gutted for ya mate i know how you feel. in the 4 years of driving, my cars have been broken into a total of 20 times but never once knicked one. after the 4th time they broke in to my car i didnt even ring the police as i was still waitin for them to come out after the first one (over 9 months before). time to take into ya own hands mate but thats just my opion